ASPARAGUS- Fertility- 100 Healthiest Foods to Eat During Pre

00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
edited September 2024 in Food and Nutrition
100 Healthiest Foods to Eat During Pregnancy

Foods for Fertility

Eating asparagus may give your urine a funny smell, but don't let that scare you away from this healthy, delicious vegetable. These spears are packed with nutrients that may help ensure that your body is working optimally, increasing your chances of fertiligy.

* In just five spears of asparagus, your body gets 100 mcg of folate. Folate is important to fertility for both men and women. Research has found that folate plays a role in producing healthy sperm in men and may beneficially affect awomans ability to ovulate.

* Remember that folate from food sources in not very well absorbed (only about half is absorbed), so next time the side dish of asparagus is being passed around the table, grab it and fill up your plate. Your body will thank you for it.

* Researchers in the Netherlands have found that daily consumption of folic acid (5 mg, plus 66 mg of zinc sulfate) can increase sperm count in men who are struggling with fertility. The study involved 212 men. In both the fertile and infertile men, the folic acid and zinc sulfate supplement caused an increase in total sperm count.

* Asparagus is also packed with some lesser-known nutrients like glutathion which is a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants can neutralize free radicals, which are harmful compounds that can damage DNA and other parts of your and your baby's cells. Free radicals can also cause damage to sperm.

* Asparagus also contains rutin, another lesser-known nutrient that may help with fertility. Antioxidants can help protect sperm, ensuring that the maximum number of healthy sperm is available for ejaculation.

* Rutin also has strong antioxidant properties that can stabilize vitamin C, another vitamin found in asparagus. Vitamin C plays an important role in fighting free radicals and wrinkles and in boosting your immunity.

* Look for fresh green stalks with tightly closed, compact tips. Stalks should be straight, firm, and about 6 to 8 inches in length

* Try to avoid asparagus with white butts, because the white portion is unusable.

* Note that it's a myth that string-thin asparagus spears taste better than their plump counterparts: the opposite is true. Plump spears are tender, while skinny spears can be fibrous.

*Store fresh asparagus by wrapping the bottom of the stalks in a damp paper towel, put them in a plastic bag, and refrigerate. Or stand them upright in a cup or glass with about an inch of water in the bottom until you're ready to use them. However you store them, use them within 2 days.

* Two healthy ways for pregnant women to prepare their asparagus are to steam or bake them.

I love to steam the spears until they're tender and then chill them and use them any number of ways: drizzle with a little vinaigrette as a salad or side dish; cut into 1-inch pieces and added to a tossed salad (I especially love a buttery lettuce like Boston, hard-boiled egg slices, sunflower seeds, and roasted red pepper strips with asparagus); chopped and added to an omelet or stir-fry; or pureed and mixed into hummus or stirred into plain yogurt for a refreshing cold asparagus "soup".

Hot asparagus is delicious, too. Try grilling plump spears with a drizzle of oilive oil and lemon juice or vinaigrette. Cream of asparagus soup is a soothing treat when made with organic milk and a dollop of organic butter. A family favorite of my coauthor Allison is to toss asparagus spears in olive oil, rosemary, and garlic before sliding them in the oven on a baking sheet and baking until tender. And simple steamed asparagus with organic butter and lemon juice is the perfect side dish to almost anything. I love it with seafood or chicken and a baked sweet potato!

By thte way, like arugula, asparagus has long been touted as an aphrodisiac, probably due to the vegetable's phallic shape. i wouldn't count on that! But there's not question that asparagus is delicious and doesn't fill you up like heavier foods, and as we all know, there's nothing like staggering around with a full belly to put a damper on your sex drive!


Fertility Foods:


1st Timester:


2nd trimester:


3rd Trimester:



  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I had grilled Asparagus tonight with grilled sweet potatoes and steak.................

    Very Delicious Supper.
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 524 Member
    Bump For Later! Thanks!
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