Made it over a year but cant take it anymore.



  • marmitenot
    If you are feeling unusually tired, by ALL means, go have blood work done! I felt tired like that a couple of years ago and when my blood work came back my vitamin D was very deficient (almost non-existent!). If you aren't feeling like yourself, definitely go see the doctor. I can't tell you what a HUGE difference bringing my vitamin D level back up made. You could have some type of infection, thyroid problems, you could be off on one of your vitamins/minerals.

    CONGRATULATIONS on the weight loss. I am just beginning my journey, *sigh* again. I've got my medical issues mostly solved I think (vitamin D was a big part of my problem!) so I feel good enough to give this my all. Get yourself fixed up...don't waste all the progress you've made. NEVER GIVE UP! But it also wouldn't hurt to take a week off as others have suggested. Could be just what the doctor ordered!
  • blainepoe
    blainepoe Posts: 27 Member
    Maybe some lighter impact yoga impact yoga or Pilates would help you sculpt while you relax and clear your head. You definitely need a break from the grind by the sounds of it.
  • Will210
    Will210 Posts: 201 Member
    Nothing wrong with taking a break and actually a good thing from a health standpoint. I understand your concerns about temporary leaving a regiment. It is a very viable concern. Make sure you continue to log your diet.

    I would take a week off and consider changing walking to maybe an HIIT routine. HIIT only requires 15 to 20 minutes but can provide other benefits that walking cannot provide. Can be done via another form of cardio or via weightlifting. You could also do both. A walking day and an HIIT day.
  • Sarah4fitness
    Sarah4fitness Posts: 437 Member
    5'2", 106. Those are very lean numbers. It sound as though you have been very disciplined and done a great job in losing the 62lbs, congrats.... Are you have a diet cheat day? I leaned out a while back, 10%bf and got very burned out as well until my trainer looked at my diet and noticed i had no cheat day built in. With a cheat day where I can eat anything I want, my burnout syndrome went away and my mental state improved.

    I also agree that it could be time for a week away from working out and fitbit. It will not hurt you and may do you good mentally and physically. I also agree with you, see your Dr., get a physical and confirm there is nothing else going on...

    I eat whatever I want within goal though so its not like a deny myself anything to where I need a cheat day.
    And at maintenance, if I go over once a week wont that put me in the category of gaining?

    I just got the fitbit like 4 days ago too, haha

    You're at a VERY low bodyweight, even for your height. I know how hard it is to switch from "OMG DROP POUNDS! I'm dropping pounds! This is what I wanted! I CANNOT GAIN THOSE POUNDS BACK!!" mentality, to one of "Hey, if I gain strength and can lift more, who CARES if my weight is 5lbs up? I'm STRONGER!"

    If you're beginning to incorporate weight training into your activity, that's AWESOME. It'll bring about a smaller, tighter body, and you'll be able to eat more calories at maintenance than you could without the muscle. If I were you, I'd toss the scale, and pick a pair of Measure Jeans. Jeans you fit comfortably now, that aren't tight, but aren't loose. Use THOSE as a measure instead of a scale, which will mess with your head a LOT LESS. Also, if you want to monitor your body, take progress photos of yourself. You are now at a weight which you will not maintain if you lift weights, and that's OKAY. Focus less on numbers and more on how your body looks and feels.

    Regarding your burnout: TAKE TIME OFF. Even competitors training for shows have a cheat meal most weeks. One guilt free meal, where they eat whatever their body wants. This is a mental release, and it has physical benefits as well. If you're over it, take a break.
    Take a week. No monitoring food. Just live. Eat in moderation, but don't assign BAD FOODS or have guilt if you enjoy things. Workout if you have the energy. If you have to choose between cardio and lifting, lift. See where your head is after the week, and post again letting us know how you are!

    I know! My goal weight was never 106. But I was so unhappy and still am with the huge amount of belly fat I have.
    Ive been trying to do strength training at maintenance but t makes me feel even more weak during the week to where I cant even lift a 5LB weight.

    Then on top of it I get discouraged because I cant eat as much strength training as I can burning calories out with cardio.

    I was never sure if I even could put on muscle because all I have is 2 15LB dumbbells and I have no idea if that's enough / and or how exactly to do a program at my home that will give me results.

    ... and to be honest ... I really dont like lifting weights either so the motivation lacks LOL

    It sounds like you're now skinnyfat. You won't get that "toned" six pack look without lifting weights. You SHOULD be eating more if you're lifting weights as opposed to doing cardio. The fail on this MFP thing is it doesn't allocate calories burned to a lifting workout, which is just WRONG. The harder/heavier you lift, the more calories you burn. It should equal or exceed the same amount of time spent in steady-state cardio.
    Consider increasing your intake of protein in particular, and (maybe it's time?) joining a gym to have access to more weights.
  • Makoce
    Makoce Posts: 938 Member
    Dont even want a six pack necessarily. Just dont want to look like a 5 month old pregnant person.
    I have a gym membership, but theres only weight machines. The free weights only go up to 20LBS in the Yoga room.

    And again....I have no idea what Im doing and am unemployed so money to spend on trainers or programs/books or weights...idk
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    Do you have access to a pool? Maybe changing up your routine and doing something potentially fun and relaxing will ease the burnout feeling. Swimming is a good workout that tones your muscles, but you don't have to go crazy and you can take it slow and easy if you want.

    Also, you mentioned being unemployed. It's possible you're feeling a bit depressed, and depression - even low-level/subclinical depression - can really sap your energy and motivation. Maybe consider seeing a therapist if you can.
  • Makoce
    Makoce Posts: 938 Member
    I wish. Swimming is my favorite thing in the world.
    I swim in the creek in the summer but its currently -22 degrees :P

    Ive had depression and anxiety my entire life, though.
    It's kind of why Im not currently working.
    Had bad side effects to every medication Ive been on for it.
    Not sure what else there is to do, but I dont think that's the cause.