Juicer Recipes?

LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
Wondering if anyone out there knows of some fruit or veggie combos for juicing.

I got a free Jack Lalane juicer when I got my treadmill and am wanting to give it a shot, but it didnt come with a recipe book.

What should I juice together and what SHOULDNT I put through it?

:0) Thanks!


  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    I'm so jealous! I've been asking for one of those for YEARS!!! I hear that spinach and/or kale mixed with strawberries makes a pretty good tasting juice... Carrots are awesome too... and don't forget... you can save the solids to make muffins!
  • nikos
    nikos Posts: 27 Member
    I heard you should NOT put bananas in it, as they don't have juice in the and will mess up the machine. If you want banana you need to add it to the juice in a blender.
    I though blending fruits and veggies together would be good. So I tried nectarines and celery. It was disgusting. Don't even try it.
    But for the most part, you can do whatever you want. I know you can find recipes to use the pulp that doesn't go into the juice as well, but I haven't tried any of them.
    I'd say use your imagination and it should be good.
  • missmaya24
    missmaya24 Posts: 142 Member
    I make carrot, celery, spinach, cucumber, spinach, and apple juice. The apple adds sweetness, and trust me you will need it.
  • jeneil4
    Jack Lalane juicer has a facebook group with recipes on it. I always add ice to my juice it makes it taste better. Soft fruit is best to blend in with a blender (i.e. bananas) When you juice switch between 'soft' and 'hard' fruits and veggies, such as apple, spinach, carrot or whatever you want to add. Fruit sweetens the juice and makes it more palatable. So when I started I used more fruit than veggies and sometimes I add a bit of water to my juice as it helps reduce the foam onto of the juice.

    You also might want to start by just taking small shots of different things so you know what the juice tastes like and then start to mix them together. Celery, carrot, parsnip, apple, spinach, kale, it is limitless

    If I am not going to use the pulp for anything I put a bio-degradable bag in the collection container to help clean up and then I can just pop it in the composer.

    I will try to dig up my recipe book and post some later next week if you want. Enjoy your juicing adventure.