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Addicted to fast food!

So, I don't know why but I can't get enough fast food. Mcdonalds, Subway, Wendy's and going to restaurants. I try to order as healthy as possible there but usually can't resist getting a burger or nachos. I love the junk food.

Any advice on how to change this?


  • rocknlotsofrolls
    rocknlotsofrolls Posts: 418 Member
    it's tough, real tough. It's just my opinion, but I think they put some addictive chemical in fast food and processed food that makes us want more. Anyways, my best advice would be to make 80% of your diet filling foods with protein and fiber, and splurge on the other 20%. Maybe go for a single cheeseburger and a small fry instead of a big mac. Try to find the lowest calorie "junk food" so you can fit it in your calorie range. Best of luck to you my friend!
  • cheriannab
    cheriannab Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks so much! I totally agree that they put something addictive in it because I can't stop! Hopefully I will be able to slow it down and get rid of it as much as possible. Maybe treat myself once a week at first.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Stop eating out every meal if it doesn't fit into your calories & macros.
  • honigbubble
    honigbubble Posts: 22 Member
    I was exactly the same when I started on this, didn't have McDonalds for 6 weeks and had one last week - I found it disgusting! Cold turkey worked for me, I kept promising myself one as a treat but when I got round to it I really did regret it! I never thought I would say that as I would never pass up fast food even after a meal.
  • cheriannab
    cheriannab Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks so much! I remember doing weight watchers a while back and stopped eating fast food for a while and I wasn't craving it anymore. Then I fell off the bandwagon and started eating it again and that was it!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Sometimes the best way to break a habit is to replace it with a new one. Preferably one that still gives you some form of psychological reward that is similar to the original habit.
  • cnl91_W
    cnl91_W Posts: 89 Member
    I'm the exact same way. They say the less you eat something, the less you crave it, so getting started is always the hard part. Try and designate a couple of meals a week you can eat out, and plan ahead to choose the healthier options. I've found that I get the same satisfaction of a 6" oven roasted chicken loaded with veggies and no cheese or sauces at subway, compared to the footlong spicy Italian i used to get (it's about 1/4 the calories!)

    Just focus and take it one meal at a time, but don't tell yourself you can never ever indulge in fast food, or you'll end up saying "f*** it" and binging (and, in my case, when this has happened, I'm so embarrassed that I don't record that slip up or the many meals after it. it's a quick way to get off track)
  • fjcone
    fjcone Posts: 19
    Stick to Subway. I eat out daily due to work. I used to go to FF a lot. I stick to just Subway now. A 6" sub and a bag of baked chips is not a lot of calories. (I cheat and have a half a bottle of soda as well)
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    If fast food is wrecking your calorie goals, you might try just making substitutions to begin with. Get diet soda instead of regular, get small fries instead of the large... get a smaller version of the burger, etc.

    On the other hand, if you can eat fast food without wrecking your calorie/macronutrient goals, then just enjoy your fast food. It's not like it's actually bad. :D
  • ShannynMarion
    ShannynMarion Posts: 11 Member
    Sort of echoing the above poster. I find that if I really, really feel like I must have fast food, I'll just get one item, like a McChicken sandwich but no fries. I do find that the longer I go without eating it, though, the less I want it.
  • toronto_j
    toronto_j Posts: 206 Member
    Is it because you don't cook/have healthy food prepared at home? I found this made a huge difference for me. I was getting take-out all the time and when I made a very conscious decision to cook more, I stopped relying on fast food because I always had something healthier and more filling available. I cook a big batch of something, freeze it and take it to work for lunch or have it in the fridge for dinner. I immediately dropped weight as soon as I did that. I still love a greasy burger once in a while but it doesn't derail me. I had Subway for the first time in months last week and found it pretty blah. And I do agree you can make better choices...no sides, diet soda or water instead of regular, no cookies (I do love the ones at Subway, argh).

    Also doing regular workouts deter me from poor food choices because I don't want to "waste" my hour of sweating and working hard.
  • it is sooo much easier to run in and get your food rather than grocery shop and take care of the groceries then prepare food then do the dishes.. ugH! but.... BUT, i am hear to tell you what happens later on. your body is very resilient and at the present moment can deal with all the fat, calorie, sugar and lack of nutrient... but after months and months then years of non 'clean' food (i mean straight up fresh veggies and fruit and quality protein... disease is more apt to strike. your body can only take it for so many years. and sometimes the disease is non reversible. Ii am a cardiac RN taking care of cardiac diseased patients and see all the affects of people who wanted the convenience!!! it is not uncommon to see patients in their 40's... so many of the them now.. even 30's... many in their 50's == way tooo many. do whatevver it takes --- eat fresh!!!!
  • Supertact
    Supertact Posts: 466 Member
    Track your calories and fit it in your daily budget.
  • cheriannab
    cheriannab Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for all the great tips everyone! I find it hard because I live at home and my mom cooks and the meals aren't usually that healthy. At lunch I do my own thing but some days I'm out running errands and just find it easier to grab lunch. Today I made sure I ate a nice healthy lunch before I went out to run my errands! I just love the greasy food but I will get past it slowly!
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I LOVE fast food. LOVE. Let me say the word "LOVE" here very, VERY STRONGLY.

    And I'll never give it up. Like, ever. So this is what I do: Order a burger, skip the fries and soda. Go to Ihop: Order the biscuits and gravy plate with hashbrowns, eggs, the works - and also request a box while ordering. Halve the whole thing the second it lands on my table, eat, and then have leftovers for dinner or breakfast the next day.

    You don't have to cut out things if you don't want. Just eat in smaller portions.
  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    It's hard to break that habit. I used to eat out all the time, but then I started bringing my lunch to work with enough snacks for the day, so I cut out going out to eat for lunch. Then started weaning off eating out for dinner all the time and limit it to once or twice per week. Once you start eating better, it gets easier because you notice that fast food doesn't really taste all that good anymore or it upsets my stomach now because of all the grease.
  • sportyredhead01
    sportyredhead01 Posts: 482 Member
    I quit cold turkey. Just decided that I was done with it and it was the best move ever.
    For me, the less I eat it, the less I crave it.

    I have Chick-fil-A and I'll have a Wawa hoagie once in a blue moon but that's it.
  • Fedup23
    Fedup23 Posts: 80 Member
    Oh No.. she used the words addiction and fast-food together.. be prepared for the onslaught! ;-P If you can swing it, just eat less.. you'll be fine. :)
  • lavender_fairie
    lavender_fairie Posts: 76 Member
    I blow my food budget on grocery store food so I have to eat at home. Lol. Since I'm a cheapskate, that works well for me. If you r money-motivated think of the money aspect; that's what I do. I'm just too cheap to pay 3 bucks for a burger when I cN make a better, cheaper one at home.

    I think I kindof tricked myself out of eating fast food this way. Now I'm using this same rationale for ditching soda and it's working. :)
  • Have you watched the "Super Size Me" documentary?