Lost a lot of weight and now I think I have excess skin.

Four years ago is when i started trying to lose weight. I was only 14 at the time though so I had no idea what was going on, and had nobody there to help me out. I didnt exercise at all and I just dieted. This is weird to me because i havent gained anything back yet and ive been eating normally. However, I think I have excess skin from all of this. My tummy doesnt have fat because i can barely pinch anything when im standing up. When i lay down it kind of just "flops" like it has no weight to it. I know i have some fat on my thighs because its heavier. Also this is kind of gross, but my breasts are extremely saggy and small too, so again, they just "flop" and have no weight or anchor to them. Ive been exercising to try to tone my tummy and legs up, but I feel like its not doing anything. I do blogilates in case anyone wants to know. My stomach is flat, just flabby. Im not sure what to do. I know i have muscles because i can see them when i stretch out, but my excess skin is killing me :( I dont know if it could be fat because im so small, im only 114 pounds.


  • I'm not on the extreme end, but the beer belly will definitely leave it's mark once it's completely gone. I dread this and i'm making plans to have surgery if necessary. I would imagine this realization subconsciously affects people who try to lose weight. Looking forward to replies on this.
  • KariOrtiz2014
    KariOrtiz2014 Posts: 343 Member
  • silenceinspace
    silenceinspace Posts: 142 Member
    Four years ago is when i started trying to lose weight. I was only 14 at the time though so I had no idea what was going on, and had nobody there to help me out. I didnt exercise at all and I just dieted. This is weird to me because i havent gained anything back yet and ive been eating normally. However, I think I have excess skin from all of this. My tummy doesnt have fat because i can barely pinch anything when im standing up. When i lay down it kind of just "flops" like it has no weight to it. I know i have some fat on my thighs because its heavier. Also this is kind of gross, but my breasts are extremely saggy and small too, so again, they just "flop" and have no weight or anchor to them. Ive been exercising to try to tone my tummy and legs up, but I feel like its not doing anything. I do blogilates in case anyone wants to know. My stomach is flat, just flabby. Im not sure what to do. I know i have muscles because i can see them when i stretch out, but my excess skin is killing me :( I dont know if it could be fat because im so small, im only 114 pounds.

    Please don't take this the wrong way, as this may not be true for you (so don't develop a complex about it or anything).

    Ptosis (breast sagging) runs in my family. My sister has never been more than slightly chubby, and her breasts are saggy for her age. I have serious ptosis and will be getting a breast lift after I'm done losing weight (I need it now, honestly, but no point with so much left to lose). Neither of us has ever had children and we've always worn properly-fitted bras. It isn't always about weight; sometimes it's just the way your breasts are/look.

    ETA: In the interest of total honesty, I'll also need brachioplasty (arm lift) and probably abdominoplasty when I'm done.
  • It really sucks considering im so young. Im only 18 and i honestly cant afford surgery to get rid of it. :|
  • WhisperAnne
    WhisperAnne Posts: 453 Member
    If you lost weight fast then you may have loose skin. It's normal for people who lose a lot of weight. It sucks horribly, and honestly there is no quick fix. You will need surgery. ( I have a bit of it myself and believe me I've tried getting rid of it by working out..nothing has worked)
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I would look to doing a proper weight routine like Starting Strength or New Rules of Lifting for women.
    Eat at a slight surplus with plenty of protein so you can put on muscle.
    Consider adding some extra abs exercises done in a fairly low range - 5-12 reps say - adding weight as needed to keep it there.

    I had a quick look at 'blogilates' and not really convinced it'll help the sort of goals you have.

    There are plenty of examples of 'fitness models' and 'bikini models' that use this sort of routine to get the figure they need.
  • Im happy with how i look though. I dont want extreme muscle definition at all. I just want a nice lean look which is what I would have without this excess skin.
  • jadethief
    jadethief Posts: 266 Member
    How much weight did you lose?
  • SouthPawSings
    SouthPawSings Posts: 54 Member
    I was always told the younger you lose weight the more likely your skin will go back to normal. At 18 I wouldn't even consider surgery, just keep working on building some muscle to fill the space and your skin my tighten as well.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    If you lost weight fast then you may have loose skin.
    The speed you lose weight has no implication long term if you have have loose skin. If you lose weight slowly all it means that your skin has time to catch up so it wont be as noticeable as you're losing weight. In the end if you're going to have loose skin you'll have it as the overall loss will be the same. Imagine a balloon no matter how fast you let the air out at the end the balloon skin is still the same size. It can take two years or more for your skin to retract the amount it finally will so as annoying as it is patience is advisable. Personally I would rather a little lose skin than be 150 pounds over weight.
  • Your skin will likely tighten over time. Be patient and exfoliate the saggy areas to promote skin regrowth. You might also want to use a lotion that contains collagen, to promote skin elasticity.

    I strongly suggest you get serious about lifting with free weights if you're not already. It will do wonders for your physique. Leanness is about the ratio of muscle to fat, so you can achieve it on both ends (don't just lose fat, add muscle too!) Heavy squats and deadlifts will work wonders for your abdominals and legs.

    Can't be of much help with regard to the boobie issue, as I'm of the opposite gender.

    Best of luck.
  • How much weight did you lose?

    About 60 pounds
  • rquantick
    rquantick Posts: 20 Member
    Your body might not have finished growing with regards to your breasts they can change quite alot during teens and early twenties as i found out with my daughters. heavy lifting will not make you too muscular but it will get you more toned...i'm only just starting out so its only my opinion but give it a while and you will see results and well done on the weight loss :)
  • Citrislazer
    Citrislazer Posts: 312 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss! You should be very proud to have lost so much. At 18 years, I wouldn't recommend surgery for you anyway. People don't stop fully developing until about 22 years of age. Work on toning your muscles and start a good skin care regime. Go to a doctor or dermatologist and get a prescription for Retin-A. The generic version of Retin-A is cheap. It's the only product out there that has been scientifically proven to increase skin collagen. Lightly exfoliate your skin regularly either with micro or chemical exfoliates. Vitamin C serums and Glycolic Acid products can enhance the effects of Retin-A. And of course, moisturize! I really enjoy GoldBond's CoQ10 lotion on my body. There are different methods for applying Retin-A. Experiment and find what works for you. If you continue on eating healthy, working out, toning muscles, and add in a great skin care regime, I'd expect most of your loose skin to be absorbed by your body. It may take some time even being diligent, but you should slowly see improvements.
  • Thank you. I just wish I could have been a lot smarter and did weight training while I was losing. Everytime i look in the mirror i lose more and more confidence. My thighs are so huge and my tummy just bloats whenever I eat, so if im on the beach or something I have to avoid eating even a cracker. I honestly hate my body and I feel like **** about myself. Its not fair why everyone my age has a good body *without even trying, they were born with it* and I have to work my *kitten* off with diet and exercise and I dont see any results. Im so sad.
  • olletho
    olletho Posts: 20 Member
    i didn't reach my full hieght til I was 23 so patience and excersize are your best bets now.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I would look to doing a proper weight routine like Starting Strength or New Rules of Lifting for women.
    Eat at a slight surplus with plenty of protein so you can put on muscle.
    Consider adding some extra abs exercises done in a fairly low range - 5-12 reps say - adding weight as needed to keep it there.

    I had a quick look at 'blogilates' and not really convinced it'll help the sort of goals you have.

    There are plenty of examples of 'fitness models' and 'bikini models' that use this sort of routine to get the figure they need.


    too young- not enough time.

    start weight training and get on it- you'll see a lot of improvement.