Age 18-21 trying to lose weight?

So I find here that a lot of the people trying to lose weight are moms and parents, which is totally awesome! But people who are younger have bodies that work differently. I'm 18, and I was wondering if there's anybody else that is young in the MFP world that's active at the moment?
What are your goals? What's your usual routine? What are your motivators?


  • Am I allowed to bump myself? Because i just did xD
  • marianapril
    marianapril Posts: 26 Member
    Hello dear! I weighed 166lbs. from 174lbs. which was my highest weight. I want to lose 36 - 40 lbs which is my ultimate goal. So far, I am eating in moderation and doing 30 to 60 mins. cardio almost everyday. I am planning to add abs workout to my routine like crunches and sit-ups. My biggest motivators are my mfp friends for we have the same goal. And seeing them how they overcome each day makes me feel that I can do it likewise! :)
  • Hi!
    I was mostly active on MPF while I was home over winter break, but this app is very helpful! I'm 19, and 5'5'' and I've gained quite some weight like the stereotypical freshman student. In the past 6 weeks I've lost nearly 10 healthy lbs! I have a mental incentive for myself. Once I drop to 15 lbs, I'll buy myself a new pair of Nike sneakers. Then, once I lose another 10 I'll reward myself with a good hair job, which I definitely need. And then so forth. My motivation is the essence of knowing the only person stopping myself from chasing my goals is me. It's a hard task to beat the odds of your natural routine, but it's thrilling when you can see and feel the results!

    Since I live on campus, I had to adjust my diet and exercise. I tend to eat about 350 calories for breakfast- either some cereal and almond milk, greek yogurt, and/or a slim fast shake. I only really drink water everyday, but I try to drink green tea at least once a day and on occasionally I reward myself a low cal smoothie after a long day at the gym. For lunch I usually get a side salad and whatever I want- like I usually rack up in my carbs during lunch. And then by dinner have a salad and some protein and cooked greens on the side.

    When it comes to exercising, I'm enrolled in Zumba this semester twice a week, which is SO MUCH FUN! And I try to go to the gym twice a week do some strength workouts with a kettlebell for roughly 40 min each time. I'm also a company dancer for my school, so I'd assume I'd burn some calories practicing for hours on end in the weekends.

    If you don't have any equipment or gym membership, I DEFINITELY recommend searching Fitness Blender on Youtube. I used their videos over winter break for cardio and I instantly dropped 5 lbs the first few weeks. I still use Fitness Blender for my kettlebell workouts.
  • supermysza
    supermysza Posts: 167 Member
    21 here :wink:
    My goal is to be right in the middle of my BMI, which is where I was before I gained weight :grumble:
    My motivations are the health benefits of being the "right" weight, fitting into tighter fitting clothes and generally feeling better about myself.
    I am fairly busy in college but my usual routine is to take a 40 min walk home from college rather than getting the bus and also wearing a pedometer so that I know how many steps I'm taking daily and how much calories that burns (often it turns out that I walk out 300 calories without realising it). If I'm back home early enough and didn't walk much that day I'll go cycling or running to burn off a few more calories for a small treat :tongue:
  • Hey
    I'm Lisa, 20 :)
    I'm German but I spent a year in Seattle which was when I put on way too much weight. I've always been chubby but at my heaviest of 103kg I realized this isn't just chubby anymore.
    So 2014 is all about my weight loss. I joined the gym, reactivated my MFP account, changed my diet and lifestyle and already lost 8kg (about 15lbs). I still have a long way to go but I'm really focused this time and determined to reach my goals this year.

    Please feel free to add me. I love having buddies here on the MFP Platform.

    Cheers from Germany,
  • Hello I'm Lucy 18, from England, log in every day and my diary is always open, feel free to add me, always available for support and motivation, lost 1st and 1lbs so far and realistically wanto lose around another 2 stone.
    Happy loosing :)
  • rainandwood93
    rainandwood93 Posts: 121 Member
    I'm Laura, 20, university student, with about 95 pounds to lose, 26 lost already. On every day and happy to have new friends around my age.
  • Omar_USAF
    Omar_USAF Posts: 27 Member
    im 21 trying to loose fat not weight :)
  • DanyWatson
    DanyWatson Posts: 12 Member
    Hey, I'm Dany from England.
    I'm 20 and have lost 17lbs so far with another 69lbs left to go :) feel free to add me I try to log everyday and would love to help support you on your journey too
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    Hating on us 22 year olds? :(
  • jamiebxo
    jamiebxo Posts: 116
    21 in a few weeks and trying to get this last bit of weight off :)
  • gunnersaurus18
    gunnersaurus18 Posts: 13 Member
    19 y/o from england.....down from 178 pounds to 143 pounds. 17 pounds to go....
  • daphnec1994
    daphnec1994 Posts: 71 Member
    Hey i'm 19 in university. My goal is to lose about 30 pounds but i also want to gain muscle therefore that weight loss goal is kinda loose. Please feel free to add me as a friend. :) and good luck.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    ...Im 24, and now I feel old.
  • jayaseewhy
    jayaseewhy Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a mom, a parent AND I disqualified?
  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    I'm not trying to lose weight but I am 20 years old :) I'm here to maintain, lift heavy and make healthy choices!
  • EngineerPrincess
    EngineerPrincess Posts: 306 Member
    I'm 21 for a few more months! Then you'll have to delete me but add me til then!

    Joking, I understand, closer age groups have similar life goals and experiences. :D
  • I'm 18 and also looking for people my age so anyone feel free to add me! I am just beginning this journey of losing 50lbs and going from there.
  • xLoveLexi
    xLoveLexi Posts: 29 Member
    Hi :) I'm 18 and have an on and off again relationship with MFP but I'm trying to change that. I think I currently weigh around 185 ish I've gained 10 pounds recently because college and work is stressful. I am working towards losing 55 pounds and being as healthy as possible. My routine right now doesn't exist because I'm trying to get my college stuff figured out. I love new friends and my diary is open to friends so feel free to add me:)
  • golfergirl92
    golfergirl92 Posts: 79 Member
    I just turned 22 last week but I'm still working on losing the weight that I put on during college, specifically because of drinking and a horrible diet with no exercise whatsoever. It's a lot harder to get it off than it was to put on! I'm on here daily and. Add me if you'd like!! :)