Anyone doing Insanity at the moment?



  • I'm in week 4 of insanity, my first round. i love it, but am terrified of the second month. i peeked intro max plyo and it freaked me out. Some of the moves are crazy!

    Cand wait for recovery week to start on monday :)

    I love it so far and am seeing some good results.
  • lauly101
    lauly101 Posts: 63 Member
    I am in recovery week at the mo, then onto Month Two on Monday. I am both scared and excited. I had to take time off as I got the flu (not just when people say 'Oh I have had flu' but ill for 4 weeks, unable to move out of bed for 7 days, chest infection ill). I have dropped in fitness a bit since being ill and am super scared I shan't be able to keep up. I looked at it and it does look insane :p lol. It's only 28 days, though 25 if you take the rest days out. I can do this! Lost 14lb and 16 inches in first month so hoping I will continue with good results.

    After it I am doing hip hop abs (easier than insanity I know but I wanted something a little easier/shorter to maintain health) and then after that I have designed my own month which is a combo of insanity months 1 and 2, hip hop abs and running (in the second month). Then after that I plan to go back onto insanity for round 2. So for me: Jan insanity 1, Feb insanity 2, March hip hop abs, April my own Shaun T mashup, May running and Shaun mix (I wanna be another 14lb lighter by my bday in may!) then June start cycle again. I may do it so I have another of my own (easier) mixups for June so I have a half year cycle if that makes sense.

    Good luck everyone! I am terrified!!! BUT super excited about being in the 'normal weight' band for the first time in a while! AND here's to doign well!
  • I am in my recovery week and will start month 2 on Monday also. Scared stiff doesn't even cover it but am l also excited at the possibilities. Good luck to everyone and as Shaun T says 'Dig deep'
  • LittleDoodlePoodle
    LittleDoodlePoodle Posts: 154 Member
    I'm on my last day of week 2. Fit test tomorrow. I don't think I've lost anything either. I can't WAIT for month 2. That's when you see the most difference apparently! Add me please'!!! Is anyone using protein shakes after? If so, which one? I'm 140 lb, 5'4.9" and looking to lose at least 10 lbs in the next 9 weeks. Should I be taking protein or will that bulk me out? I don't want to be bulky for my holiday. I want to lean out, even if it means the appearance of no muscle. Just for my holiday mind. Then I'll step up the weightlifting, which I now only do about 3 times a week.i know that if you build muscle and there is fat on top of said muscle it can make you look bigger than you are. That's what I'm trying to avoid. So see ya, fat first!! :)
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    Protein doesn't make you bulk.

    Picking heavy things up and putting them back down and repeating over and over with proper diet makes you bulk.
  • I think i'm not getting enough protein with insanity. my diet ratio is kinda like: 40 to 50% carbs, 30%fat and about 20-30% protein. Should i up my protein intake? Are protein shakes appropriate for this?

    i want to max my results and maybe im not because im not getting enough protein.

    Is whey protein my best choice?
  • dabucks
    dabucks Posts: 82 Member
    If you need more protein then whey is a great choice, I use it and like it.

    I buy Gold Standard Whey off amazon.
  • Do you buy the optimum nutrition one?
  • gracielouk32
    gracielouk32 Posts: 5 Member
    Im on week 3.....I love it :-) BUT how do you track the workouts for calories burned on MFP?
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    Heart rate monitor and and just add the workouts yourself.

    You cannot go by MFP for any workout really.
  • gracielouk32
    gracielouk32 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you, shalll go out and get one
  • Veronikkka
    Veronikkka Posts: 19 Member
    Oh please please read a topic "injured - eating like a pig"
    That gentleman injured his back doing insanity.
    Please read
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    Oh please please read a topic "injured - eating like a pig"
    That gentleman injured his back doing insanity.
    Please read
