Shakeology or Advocare?



  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I've been using Shakeology for four months now. My brother is a coach and introduced me. Breakfast has always been a hard meal for me - time and I don't have any desire to eat anything first thing in the morning. The shakes have been an easy alternative. I mix with 1/2 water and 1/2 unsweetened almond or soy milk. Sometimes I will have a small shake in the afternoon (2-3pm). The benefits I have seen - some detox, cravings for sugar has decreased, I do not drink caffeine or diet soda anymore, feel more energy, less joint aches, and am making healthier food choices for lunch and dinner. Granted, some of what I am feeling is because I also am exercising 4-5x a week now. Shakeology isn't for everyone. Give it a try and see what you think. What works for others may/may not work for you. Yes, it is expensive. However, when I think about what I am not spending (breakfast burritos, diet sodas, late afternoon snacks), it is well worth it. I have not lost a lot of weight, but see a difference in how my clothes fit and how I feel. Feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions. Good luck on your quest to be healthier!

    I'm curious as to why you feel the need to eat in the morning, if you have no desire to eat in the morning? And i'm interested in more info, do you happen to know where I can buy it, I havne't been able to find it in GNC
  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    I've been using Shakeology for four months now. My brother is a coach and introduced me. Breakfast has always been a hard meal for me - time and I don't have any desire to eat anything first thing in the morning. The shakes have been an easy alternative. I mix with 1/2 water and 1/2 unsweetened almond or soy milk. Sometimes I will have a small shake in the afternoon (2-3pm). The benefits I have seen - some detox, cravings for sugar has decreased, I do not drink caffeine or diet soda anymore, feel more energy, less joint aches, and am making healthier food choices for lunch and dinner. Granted, some of what I am feeling is because I also am exercising 4-5x a week now. Shakeology isn't for everyone. Give it a try and see what you think. What works for others may/may not work for you. Yes, it is expensive. However, when I think about what I am not spending (breakfast burritos, diet sodas, late afternoon snacks), it is well worth it. I have not lost a lot of weight, but see a difference in how my clothes fit and how I feel. Feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions. Good luck on your quest to be healthier!

    You're not trying to sell crap on the general forums are you!!! Tisk tisk, you and your fad diet shake
  • DoingitWell
    DoingitWell Posts: 560 Member
    I've been using Shakeology for four months now. My brother is a coach and introduced me. Breakfast has always been a hard meal for me - time and I don't have any desire to eat anything first thing in the morning. The shakes have been an easy alternative. I mix with 1/2 water and 1/2 unsweetened almond or soy milk. Sometimes I will have a small shake in the afternoon (2-3pm). The benefits I have seen - some detox, cravings for sugar has decreased, I do not drink caffeine or diet soda anymore, feel more energy, less joint aches, and am making healthier food choices for lunch and dinner. Granted, some of what I am feeling is because I also am exercising 4-5x a week now. Shakeology isn't for everyone. Give it a try and see what you think. What works for others may/may not work for you. Yes, it is expensive. However, when I think about what I am not spending (breakfast burritos, diet sodas, late afternoon snacks), it is well worth it. I have not lost a lot of weight, but see a difference in how my clothes fit and how I feel. Feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions. Good luck on your quest to be healthier!

    I'm curious as to why you feel the need to eat in the morning, if you have no desire to eat in the morning? And i'm interested in more info, do you happen to know where I can buy it, I havne't been able to find it in GNC

    I force myself to eat in the morning because I know it helps me. Even if I'm not hungry I end up with headaches by 9:30. So normally I'll drink a shake or eat a bowl of cereal. Secondly you can order from the beachbvody website. but you can get it cheaper at
  • FitPhysique
    FitPhysique Posts: 284 Member
    I've got a sample of Chocolate Shakeology with my LMP order in November. I am not a big fan of chocolate but the taste was good. No weird aftertaste. But last week, when my order came in, it's this "New" formula and the taste is horrible. I do not eat artificial sweetner and that is the aftertaste. :sick: Yuck! It's like pure Aspartame. Which gets me nauseous. I've actually just called to return it wasting $20 in SH for no reason :mad: So try to see if you can get a sample of the product so you don't have to waste your money and your time.

    When I tried the old chocolate formula, I did have more energy during my workouts and I wasn't as sore after my long runs. I am going to give the greenberry a shot. If that one does not taste well I guess I am out of luck!
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    So after a little research, this is what I found on the comparison:

    Shakeology Advocare - Fage 0% Yogurt w/2 tbs Flaxseed
    Calories: 160 220 - 174
    Protein: 17 g 24g - 19
    Sat Fat: 1 g 1g - 1 **
    Carbs: 17g 24g - 11
    Sugar: 6g 12g - 9
    Fiber: 6g 5g - 1
    Nut & Vitamins: 70+ 26

    I was an AdvoCare user for years and now I use Shakeology. The choice is pretty clear to me.

    Plain Fage 0% yogurt works well for me & if you want, many healthy fruit, seeds or berrys can be added for an extra punch.

    ** Flax contains 3% of healthy unsaturated fats of which 50% is omega 3..... yogurt & flaxseed is a bargain when compared with Voodoo Shakes.
  • altinker
    altinker Posts: 173
    Okay, like I said, I went to Ebay and ordered samples. I'm sensitive to caffeine, so I don't know if I'll be able to drink the chocolate packet I bought. I am wishing I would have bought a vegan strawberry one now as I believe that is probably closest to Vega One. I am drinking the greenberry now. It's not bad on taste, and it does mix up less gritty (I just stir with a fork) than Vega One. It really does look like it has good ingredients in it, and I can see why folks would feel better if they drink it on a consistent basis; especially considering that the average American diet is kind of crappy and has very little in the way of fruits and veggies.

    Now, I guess if somebody was only looking at this as just a supplement or just a protein powder or just a multivitamin, they might find a lack. For 140 cals, it's not a bad snack/supplement. I still don't think 140 cals for a meal is enough. But, that's just me.

    I guess the problem is with the coaches pushing this product on people because it doesn't taste bad. I wish that Beachbody would just cut out their commission structure and sell a 30 day supply for $60 or $70 or whatever it takes for them to make a profit. It does seem ridiculous to expect people to pay money monthly in order to get a discount. Seems like a wash to me unless you recruit people. Anyway, that is my 2 cents. I could see drinking this 2 or 3 times a month. I do have about 20 days supply of Vega One on hand though. That will last me about 3 months.
  • I prefer Premier Nutrition - Chocolate. High in protein, little carbs or fat. Less calories than Slim fast which is carb-based. I don't know about the other one.
  • medicchic77
    medicchic77 Posts: 1 Member
    I use Shakeology for its health benefits, NOT to lose weight. Not a short cut. I work my *kitten* off on my workouts and eating healthy. So not everyone drinks it for its weight loss properties :)

    Take the money you would spend on either then flush it down the toilet, you will receive the same dieting results. After that, grow up, quit looking for shortcuts, and work for what you want
  • assilembob
    assilembob Posts: 18 Member
    I use Vega One Natural powder. I like it more than Shakeology because it's almost nutritionally identical, $70 cheaper, and it makes me feel wonderful. I know if I don't have some. I mix it into a smoothie with spinach, banana, strawberries and almond milk. It's a full breakfast, super good for me, and gets me some serious nutrients at the first of the day. The flavored shakes aren't great but are okay for convenience. I mix them with Almond milk alone if I'm super rushed.
    Shakeology has an artificial taste to me. I plain, flat out hated it. And it's $120 a month just for me. Which is insane. They keep "claiming" it reduces medical bills but unless it cures my debilitating allergies, arthritis and thyroid disease, it's a no go. Plus the "vegan" ones online still list whey as an ingredient. And I'm allergic to milk so I'm scared they'll send me the wrong stinking bag and I'll die.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    The question is, do you want to pay a lot for something you'll have to keep eating to maintain the weight loss? Or would you like to LEARN how to eat right and spend a hell of a lot less money?
  • FranksRumHam
    FranksRumHam Posts: 198 Member
    A friend of mine uses Shakeology and loves it... I will ask her if I can give you her info... she would be honest about it.

    she doesnt sell it, does she?
  • FranksRumHam
    FranksRumHam Posts: 198 Member
    I've been using Shakeology for four months now. My brother is a coach and introduced me. Breakfast has always been a hard meal for me - time and I don't have any desire to eat anything first thing in the morning. The shakes have been an easy alternative. I mix with 1/2 water and 1/2 unsweetened almond or soy milk. Sometimes I will have a small shake in the afternoon (2-3pm). The benefits I have seen - some detox, cravings for sugar has decreased, I do not drink caffeine or diet soda anymore, feel more energy, less joint aches, and am making healthier food choices for lunch and dinner. Granted, some of what I am feeling is because I also am exercising 4-5x a week now. Shakeology isn't for everyone. Give it a try and see what you think. What works for others may/may not work for you. Yes, it is expensive. However, when I think about what I am not spending (breakfast burritos, diet sodas, late afternoon snacks), it is well worth it. I have not lost a lot of weight, but see a difference in how my clothes fit and how I feel. Feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions. Good luck on your quest to be healthier!

    will power will get you the same feelings without all the money lost! *gasp*
  • Doberdawn
    Doberdawn Posts: 733 Member
    I tried a free sample of Shakeology, and it was alright. Nice that they had a vegan product line for folks who have dairy/gluten allergies. But, it's pretty pricey to say the least.

    I would NOT use it to replace a meal. JMO. I would not use it for weight loss. Again, JMO.

    I use products like this if I'm on the run with no time to stop for food and haven't planned ahead to pack a lunch. I use products like this on days when I'm short on my healthy calories because of a long hike or a big workout and I don't want to skew my calories for the day by running too low, but I'm also too tired and/or too full to eat another meal or don't want anything heavy in my tummy at bedtime.

    Quite frankly, while it was nice and it did have a lot of other additives, like prebiotics and probiotics etc.... for my purposes, my standard protein shake works better.It's higher in protein (something I'm always struggling to get up there on my macros) and yet lower in calories. So, that's my take. But, to answer your question, OP, I don't think it is a good plan for weight loss to go without a meal and just drink a shake. You'll probably just end up hungry and binging anyway. JMO.
  • I use Advocare products...different ones off and on. Yes, I bought in to get a discount, but I don't sell the products (don't ask me to and I won't tell you to).

    I do like the chocolate Advocare shakes, especially mixed with ice. The vanilla tastes a bit of fake coconut and I've not tried the berry so I can't comment on that.

    I don't use them to lose weight specifically, but to get vitamins in lieu of pills. Mostly, I use them for the convenience.

    To be completely honest, I think you could get a similar (better even?) shake at a lower price. Advocare's are pretty high unless you buy in and get a discount.
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    I am still amazed at all the old threads that are bumped up of Visalus,Beachbody and this crap....yet not one person who bumps the thread sells it.

  • I have never tried Advocare, but I have tried vanilla and chocolate shakeology and really love it.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I have no idea because I've never been a big fan of protein shakes. My husband gets his protein powder for shakes at GNC. One of my dieticians uses advocare, and she's a hottie! Of course, she's pregnant now, but she's in really good shape.
  • I've personally only used Shakeology. To me Advocare seems a little unhealthy where Shakeology has the nutrition and it's not just there for weight loss.

    Having said that, I have to agree with most of what has been posted here. There is no product, no matter how great it is, that you should rely on for weight loss. Weight loss is about changing your eating habits. It's about getting proper nutrition all day, not just in one shake. And it's about regular exercise.

    Best of luck :smile:
  • toniagal
    toniagal Posts: 2 Member
    Shakeology is the bomb!!!! I have been using it for a couple of years, there are a few different flavors. I am a fan of the chocolate. I lost 55 inches with shakeology and p90x .if you have any questions inbox me and I would be happy to give you more of my opinion
  • toniagal
    toniagal Posts: 2 Member
    just my personal opinion