
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Hi ladies since having the mirena fitted
    I've have gained weight approx 1 stone .
    I feel bloated & my breasts are like I'm 6 months pregnant .
    I have disturbed sleep , mood swings and feel quite low .
    I'm so glad I found this forum as I thought it was just me.
    I'm going to have it removed as soon as I can !!!
    Given all your symptoms: PLEASE consider getting some bio-identical progesterone for the transition. I suspect you're going to have a CRASH. A hormone crash. If you find that you're insanely depressed, and crying for no reason a few days after removing it: it will get better.
  • Not sure I agree with what you have said, prior to my mirena being fitted i hovered between 10st 10 and 11, now I have been gaining weight it seems by the week! I am on strict 1200 - 1400 calorie diet I eat very heathly. I go to the gym 5 times a week and also play hockey. Now you may say there are some people that go to the gym to chat I am far from that I work my *kitten* off where I am sweating buckets. I have just had a health check with blood tests so either my thyroid has become underactive or its the coil! I will keep you upto date with what I find out.
  • I've the mirena coil in four and half years I've constantly been struggling trying to lose weight. I've put on over one and half stone in that time and despite running five times a week in the last month I have not lost a single ounce. I'm now convinced the coil has slowed down my metabolism and is hindering weight loss . I'm caught between a rock and a hard place because I love the safety if it the lack of periods and the fact that I don't have to remember to take a pill ;) but I really want it out if its affecting weight loss . :(
  • carolyn0613
    carolyn0613 Posts: 162 Member
    I did ask my GP this question when I had mine redone recently. SHe said that the evidence was that weight gain was not associated with Mirena. She did add though, as someone else has mentioned, that it can change your appetite initially so if you don't watch what you eat you can gain weight.

    I've been ok so far, having lost a couple of pounds since then but, as we know, everyone reacts differently. Keep in mind that even if you have been ok first time, you could be affected differently if you get it replaced.
  • tekhipee
    tekhipee Posts: 20 Member
    I got the mirena 6 weeks after my son was born in 2010. Within months, I was in a dark dark place. Could have been post partum so I went on zoloft. It helped but made me a zombie. I finally weened myself off a year later. But during that time, the bottom of my feet were painful when standing up from sitting, anxiety, muscle spasms, fatigue etc etc. I was finally diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.

    I was able to lose my the 35 lbs gained while pregnant but sat at 200-204 for the last 3.5 years.

    I eat somewhat healthy with exercise (roller derby 2-3x week) but pretty inactive at my desk job and exhausted. Never lost weight. I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired that I figured getting the mirena out might make me feel better as I have found that I am very sensitive to medications while trying to find something that makes me feel better.

    I don't feel any better but I lost 7 lbs in 20 days without changing my normal routine. (except this last weekend, i did nothing, ate bad, and gained a pound or two or retaining water).

    I haven't weight this less in over 4 years. even if its by a couple pounds.

    or lets not forget about the mirena stomach pooch. Its defiitely not sticking out/swollen like it used to be.
  • EvilDave14
    EvilDave14 Posts: 111 Member
    I had a coil fitted a week ago to help with heavy periods, so I will see how it goes.
  • I had the Mirena IUD inserted in August of 2010, by December I had gained almost 60 lbs and was severely depressed. By the following fall I was put on disability and over the next 2 years gained an additional 80 lbs. Nothing seemed to work, and I mean nothing, but we didn't know that i was having an adverse reaction to the IUD. My doctor, who had been treating me for years, suggests I have it removed and within 90 days I was medication free, had lost 15lbs and felt FANTASTIC. It is not for everyone and while my symptoms are extreme, an inability to lose weight can be correlated to the hormones in mirenna. Most women will not gain weight as a result of hormones in brith control but it doesn't mean you can't. I cannot use any form of contraceptive with a hormone. I respond very poorly, but I would be considered and outlier. If you have noticed a changed I how your body responds while on birth control with hormones I'd suggest looking into alternatives.
  • I'm so glad I found this have been following the fitness pal for 6 weeks and have been going to the gym and not lost 1 pound! I have the mirena coil to keep my endo at bay. I thought I was going mad not loosing any weight I think I should if lost something by now! But maybe that could be the reason ?
  • joyfuljoy65
    joyfuljoy65 Posts: 317 Member
    I had one for 18mths about 2 years ago...... til I got such a bad PID that I was hospitalised and had it removed. I had 4 or 5 bad infections with it....... not a single one before or after. So although it helped with the heavy periods (though didnt stop them) I will never have another; my body obviously hated it. And thinking back, yes I did put on a stone at the same time but didn't connect the two.....just thought it was par for the course!
  • Hi Ladies,

    I signed up to this after doing some research on the Merina coil and came across all of your posts about the coil and weight gain.

    My reason for researching is that I am adamant the coil is largely responsible for my weight gain. I'm 30 years old and I have had 2 types of coil during the last 5 years, the copper and the merina. The copper didn't help my periods in the slightest. I was tested for various conditions due to the problems I was having, but my GP determined that I should have the merina fitted to stop my periods altogether.

    This has worked however, since then I've put on almost 2 stone. I struggle to lose weight anyway, but since having either type of coil I have found it very difficult to lose weight. I eat relatively sensibly and I exercise when I can, but despite this my weight has gone up and up.

    My symptoms are:
    Weight gain
    Bad mood swings
    Low sex drive and
    Abdominal pain/swelling.

    Interestingly, this website http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/sex-and-relationships/medicines/mirena.html states that weight gain is a common symptom of the coil. Mine also slips quite often, causing a lot of pain when it does so.

    After reading all of your posts I am more adamant that the coil is responsible for my weight gain. I am getting married in March and, as I only have 5 weeks to go, I doubt I will have it removed before my wedding. I will however get it removed later on that month and I will keep you informed, to prove whether our suspicions are correct!

    Thanks for the advice and experiences you have all left, good luck with whatever you decide to do! x
  • I had the Marina coil fitted in October 2012 and have gradually gained weight since then, putting on around 20 pounds. At first I thought the weight gain was stress related as I was going through a tough time at work when the weight first started to come on. However, when the stress was eliminated the weight stayed!

    I've never been skinny, but have always had a pretty good shape with an hour glass figure. The weight I gained piled onto my stomach (another possible stress related factor) so the lovely curves I used to have, have now just blimped.

    Before Christmas I thought enough was enough, and joined a slimming class. It's a class I have previously had success with, but this time around I have only lost 5 pound since joining, even though I have followed the plan religously. For the last 4 weeks I have also been exercising regularly (3 - 5 times a week, minimum 40 mins per session with a mixture of cardio and strength training) and whilst I feel I have more energy, it hasn't made any difference to the scales.

    I can relate to most of the symptoms Danniclements has listed. I didn't get any side effects from the coil at first, but in recent months have started to get more lower abdominal discomfort together with bloating and a dragging feeling in the cervical/uterus area (this has been since my periods have stopped which took nearly 12 months). Sex drive can be a bit hit and miss, I'm not sure if this is due to the hormones in the coil or more of a self-confidence issue with the weight gain. And whilst I don't have acne I do get a lot more spots, especialy around the chin area.

    I had the coil fitted for both contraception and period control purposes. Prior to having the coil fitted, I had a long spell without any kind of hormonal contraception and found that my weight was relatively easy to manage - if I put a few pounds on I could quickly lose it. (Sex drive was also substantially higher!) Now I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle and I am starting to suspect that it is because of the coil! Although I did turn 40 last year too - maybe that's made a difference!! :sad:

    The slimming class I attend suggests that you can eat unlimited 'free' food if you are hungry, but I'm concerned that I might be taking in too many calories so I've started logging my meals on MyFitnessPal to try and figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm going to see how things progress and if the weight doesn't move I may consider having the coil removed and pursuading the other half to have the snip! :laugh:

    It's good to read other people's experiences and know you are not alone. x
  • LexiMelo
    LexiMelo Posts: 203 Member
    I haven't had any weight gain from it, but I've had acne for the first time in ten years! My doc said it was because I'm no longer taking the patch which reduced acne.

    In the end, insertion was so incredibly painful (probably because I've never been pregnant) I don't think I will ever have it taken out! Unfortunately I'll be 37 when it expires so I'll have to have another one put in at that point (maybe they will put me under this time??? :indifferent: )

    In the end it's worth not having any pregnancy scares!
  • I had the coil fitted 12 months ago .. Have put on about half a stone,have a swollen stomach feel very bloated all the time. I am retaining fluid ..have moods swings can't wait till next week to have it removed ..
  • aharper84
    aharper84 Posts: 67 Member
    I had one for over a year, and I had it removed due to the bleeding. I bled almost daily the entire year. Plus, it gave me terrible acne. I didn't notice any weight issues, though.
  • Flynikita
    Flynikita Posts: 1
    Hi all,

    Same as many of you I got in this website after checking in Google for the reason why I am so much heavy and big everywhere not to even mention that you can actually see that is fat.

    Always being slim and never had a problem loosing weight.

    Now, have never been this heavy and after reading all your post I am assuming that I found my issue.

    Got the IUD coil... Just copper.... I do not eat more than before... Actually a lot less and very healthy due to the weight gain, run for 45 minutes with an app called running for weight loss and guess what have not loose anything.

    My legs look really big to the point that all my smart shoes look lost as my legs look so big, my stomach is big, my bottom is just enormous, seem yo Han a lot of fat between my Chen and my neck and if I jump wearing shorts I can se the skin in my legs doing waves of fat.... It sounds awful and if you see me probably you would not believe it.... But I am incredibly depress about it.

    The periods have been regular and most of them very painful, I got the coil inserted on November last year (2013) but I have been having my period everyday for the last 3 months... Just move to a new country so as soon as I get info on a doctor I will getting this thing out ASAP and go back to my pill: Jasmine

    Will let you know how I get on and my apologies for being so specific.... I think that is important to give as much detail as possible when giving advise.

    All the best yo you all and thank you for posting!

  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member

    I want to know if any of you have or have had the IUS Mirena Coil fitted and if so has it made you gain weight OR do you beleiv this is making it difficult for you to lose weight?

    As I have no need for any contraception I am considering in having mine removed as I truly believe this has been the cause of my initial weight gain.


    Thanks in advance,

    The answer is no to both. No weight gain with it in. No trouble losing weight either, once I stopped (takes a deep breath) eating MORE THAN I SHOULD. I have to update my ticker, but I have dropped a size in 6 weeks.
  • galooshka28
    galooshka28 Posts: 31 Member
    i had mirena coil removed 6 month ago.I did gain weight with it and never changed appetite or eating habits.The weight gain had stopped after i had taken it out but still have mood swings,lactating breasts and dizziness. The hormone that's in the mirena affects everybody differently and the weight gain is a listed side effect on the packaging.
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    No and no. Any weight gain was due to me eating more than necessary, and I need to update my ticker but I've lost weight steadily and my clothes are getting too big--when I *Gasp* watch what I eat!. Also my periods are lighter--almost non existent. So the moral of the story is--watch your diet and exercise! And if you are gaining weigh, check what you are putting in food wise and how you are exercising first before concluding it must be something else.
  • galooshka28
    galooshka28 Posts: 31 Member
    Read the information about the coil......
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    No and no.
    No and no what?