30 day Shred? Is it worth buying?

So I have been thinking about buying 30 day Shred. I have three children and not much time to myself... is it worth buying? Anyone have some great success stories to share? Also, add me if you have done well so that if or when I buy it I have tons of support :) Thank you in advance for any and all input :D


  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    It's worth it. I've never stuck with the whole thing but I definitely saw results with what I did. It's only like $10 at WalMart but all three levels are also on youtube, so no purchase necessary!

    I'll try to find the links to them and edit this when I do.

    Level 1 - do for 10 days (not necessarily all right in a row. Take a rest day if you need it) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Pc-NizMgg8

    Level 2 - do for 10 days (not necessarily all right in a row. Take a rest day if you need it) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WREUqoEVAIg

    Level 3 - do for 10 days (not necessarily all right in a row. Take a rest day if you need it) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWjaDjjl-aM
  • HealthyFocused715
    HealthyFocused715 Posts: 340 Member
    You can find all 3 levels of 30 Day Shred on YouTube...for free!!! Then you can try it before buying (or never buy it)!! I have never been a committed 30DS follower as I am a runner and usually only do 30DS on a cross-training day occasionly. That being said, despite being fairly active on a daily basis, it always kicks my butt and my entire body is sore the next day so I feel like it's a good workout to do at home!!!
  • I would buy it, its actually one of my favorites.
  • kristyrae24
    kristyrae24 Posts: 74 Member
    I have done 30 day shred and enjoyed it definitely worth buying. However, I just started on Week 2 of Ripped in 30 and I love this one even more, I'm seeing great results already with this workout. And the best part--all 4 levels are free on youtube so you don't even have to buy the DVD (just my 2 cents)! I think it's worth $10 buying 30 day shred, people have amazing results with it and I would do it again.
  • I did 30 day shred and you can find it on youtube like someone said above. I thought it got kind of boring doing the same workout for 10 days straight. I'm now doing Jillian Michael's Body Revolution and it's more challenging. I love it so far. Good luck!
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I got great results with that workout. Definitely worth a try. It's cheap as well.
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    Hey, thanks for the links! I gave away my 30DS after I hurt a tendon really badly doing something unrelated -- I didn't want the 30DS sitting there tempting me to do stuff besides the very careful rehab exercises my physiotherapist had me on. But now that I'm better, I miss the 30DS and now I can do it again thanks to your links!
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    I don't like how misleading the name is. It gives you false expectations. You aren't gonna get shredded in 30 days, not even with the best training routine, unless you're already almost shredded to begin with.
  • RachaelRenk
    RachaelRenk Posts: 116 Member
    I am on day 19 of 30. I'm making myself wait until I'm done with day 30 to take my after pictures and take my measurements again, so I can't give you anything to look at - BUT:

    1) I FEEL so much better. I take 2 rest days in a week (5 days of workout for 2 days of rest, I spread them out. Usually Tuesday and Saturday are my rest days). I have energy and I feel stronger, better stamina, and my body feels different, too. Especially in my upper legs and shoulders, I feel stronger. It's COOL!

    2) Although I haven't measured again, I am noticing my pants fitting a little bit looser. Not loose enough to warrant buying new pants, but it's not such a struggle to get them on.

    My sister has before and have pictures after 2 months of doing some of Jillian's videos. She had a baby about a year ago, but the results are impressive and I think she's lost about ~20 pounds. She's on here so I'll try to get her to come and post her photos.

    Other than that, the DVD was damn cheap on Amazon, it got here the day after I ordered it. The workouts are ~20 minutes so it's REALLY easy to fit them in wherever you can. Between work, commute, errands, planning a wedding, my senior year of college, and homework, this is one thing that I can actually fit in my schedule. I think it's the only thing I could fit in my schedule. I usually do either evening or early morning before anything else.

    I highly recommend! Period. No, you're not going to get shredded after a month, but it's fun, quick, and does have results. Plus Jillian has so many DVD's and they're all cheap, so you'll never get bored. Just keep at it! I love it.
  • I'm only in day 6 of the 30 day and I really enjoy it. I was reluctant to do any cardio as I really do not need to lose weight, but I know I needed to do some to hit my goals. I've been doing this and I'm on day 21 of two 30 day challenges. I feel sexy and stare at myself in the mirror every day. I have a mini 6 pack already so I can only imagine completing all this will look like. =) For free or even buying (super cheap), I think it's worth it.

    Edit: Sorry I cannot speak on behalf of just this video alone. I do think you need more than just a 20min exercise in order to accomplish anything(fast), but that's my opinion. I see others are leaving positive feedback with just this program alone so that's also encouraging. =)
  • Thank you so much for the feedback! :) definitely buying it on payday :D
  • rwieber
    rwieber Posts: 188 Member
    If you stick with it, you will see results! I am planning to finish it and start another one of her DVDs (RI 30 or Body Rev). You won't regret the purchase or the short workout that makes you feel stronger and feel healthier! Good luck...there are plenty of us JM fans (even though she drives me crazy...I just turn the volume down)!:wink:
  • I gave up day four!
  • hrenk89
    hrenk89 Posts: 1 Member
    30ds was an amazing starter dvd for me! The first couple of weeks were really tough for me but I persevered!
    I finished 30ds and started ripped in 30 immediately afterward.
    Currently, I am on week 3 of ripped in 30.

    My endurance has sky-rocketed. My energy levels haven't been this high since before high school. My eating habits have improved immensely. And DRINK YOUR WATER!!! Proper water intake is so, so, so important!

    My start weight was 195 lbs. I had a 43" waist and 43" hips.
    Now, I am down to 175 lbs. My waist is at 36.5" and hips are 42"!

    It can be done!!!!