T.H.E. (Try Hard Everyday) Team 11/19/10 to 11/25/10



  • kelseyleigh30
    So, I fell off the wagon for a few days, but I am back at it today and ready to go! I am going to join a gym by my house and am excited about that.

    You ladies are doing great! Keep working hard and push me too please!
  • egam
    egam Posts: 127
    well today wasn't very good for me. I went on a nutella binge. And the weird thing is I'm not really sure why. Oh well, I guess tomorrow is another day and I'll try to put this behind me.

    Although are you guys finding in hard to stay motivated with the holidays just around the corner? I feel like I'm going to gain weight anyways, so why bother. I know this is neither constructive nor positive, but it's just how I feel
  • kelseyleigh30
    I think I am feeling like I want to lose as much weight as possible before the holidays so if I do gain a few pounds, I am still lower than I would have been had I just waited until after the holidays to start. It is amazing what our heads can do to us. You will feel much better if you keep on track up to the holidays and then take a few days off if you need during the holidays.

    I think it has made me even more motivated right now. But you are right, today is a new day and all you can do is give it your all! I am doing my first live Zumba class tonight and am very excited and scared to death! Wish me luck!
  • egam
    egam Posts: 127
    Zumba sounds like fun! Good luck! And be sure to tell us all about it!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Ladies, you all are doing so well and I am so sorry for not being on for the last week. I came down with a very nasty head cold that kept me very tired all day long. I did not do much of anything this last week. No exercise or eating right. I am lucky that I only gained 3 pounds. I guess I need to update my signature and ticker. I am hoping those 3 pounds will be gone by next Friday. I am almost back to 100% and it sure seems like it has been forever since I have done any type of exercise. I did Yoga X tonite and it was really nice actually. Very hard, but nice.

    Thank you ladies for keeping the thread going. Here is the new thread for this week.


    I have to agree with Kelsey about eating healthy and maintaining your goals up to the holidays. Then maybe take a day or 2 off, then just get right back into it. It is so much easier to get back into our good routine right away since we know how to get there. Keep up the great wok ladies. :bigsmile: