Period Weight Gain?



  • sarafischbach9
    sarafischbach9 Posts: 466 Member
    I am currently very bloated right now but I do not expect my period until the end of the month ( Feb 24th-25th ). I usually get bloat shortly after ovulation ( a few days ) and it lasts till my period starts.
  • sarafischbach9
    sarafischbach9 Posts: 466 Member
    Also craving chocolate as well...

    I bought quite a few chocolate ( yet healthier ) items today at the store.
  • Makes me glad to know I'm not the only one that will gain 7-10 lbs before & during. I feel like I spend the rest of the month losing it & I'm getting nowhere lately :/
  • Zaphnath
    Zaphnath Posts: 13 Member
    I actually find that I dip a couple of pounds just before my period. I have to keep from getting too excited about it, knowing that it's just my pre-period low.

    I am the same. I will lose a few pounds and then gradually through the 5-7 days it makes its way back on again.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Like others have said:
    1 - I'm glad it's not just me
    2 - I knew it happens, but hadn't been tracking my weight closely until very recently

    So between working out (gaining muscle) and approaching my period, my weight has increased slightly.
    Not encouraging. :grumble:
  • I am SO the same. I stayed the same the week before last then lost 4 now I'm on I've gained 4!!! It's SO not fair. I seem to gain when I ovulate and gain again when I come on!! I suffer from really bad bloated belly :-((
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    I personally don't gain any weight during my period. But it is totally normal to put on a few pounds.
  • kimid123
    kimid123 Posts: 16 Member
    I know this is a different question and should probably be in a different post, but has anyone's cycle gone wonky when they first started working out "religiously"?

    Mine has gone MIA and it's making me really miff!!

    YUPPPP - I've had it all over the place. Sometimes I get it every 2 weeks, and others not at all.
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    I know this is a different question and should probably be in a different post, but has anyone's cycle gone wonky when they first started working out "religiously"?

    Mine has gone MIA and it's making me really miff!!

    YUPPPP - I've had it all over the place. Sometimes I get it every 2 weeks, and others not at all.

    If it's really bothering you and you aren't opposed to it, birth control might help straighten out the timing for you o:
    I use a nuvaring, personally, and I get it at the exact time on the exact same day now, and it used to anywhere from 2 and a half to 4 weeks for me.
  • Memorableheart
    Memorableheart Posts: 69 Member
    Add Me To The Gain Weight List While On My Monthly! I hate it, but it drops off right after.
  • I actually find that I dip a couple of pounds just before my period. I have to keep from getting too excited about it, knowing that it's just my pre-period low.

    Me too! I was begining to think I was the only one!
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    yep,i get this too. I do my best to counteract it with drinking extra water and adding in more strength and cardio that week. It helps with the cramping this way. Avoid carbs too. THey bloat you and tend to increase cramps. Add in some vitamin c to your multi vitamin. I tend to get a cold with pms so this has helped me. its normal.that is why it helps to keep track of your monthly cycle especially when losing weight. this way you can recognize patterns.
  • I gain about 2-3 pounds but it really doesn't bother me because i know its just because of my period. It goes back to normal the day after i've finished.

    I don't really think its anything to fuss over.
  • kimid123
    kimid123 Posts: 16 Member
    I know this is a different question and should probably be in a different post, but has anyone's cycle gone wonky when they first started working out "religiously"?

    Mine has gone MIA and it's making me really miff!!

    YUPPPP - I've had it all over the place. Sometimes I get it every 2 weeks, and others not at all.

    If it's really bothering you and you aren't opposed to it, birth control might help straighten out the timing for you o:
    I use a nuvaring, personally, and I get it at the exact time on the exact same day now, and it used to anywhere from 2 and a half to 4 weeks for me.

    I've been on BC (on and off) for about 17 years. This is more of a body fat thing or a lack there of. When I'm dieting down for a competition my body fat is generally lower than what's recommended so it stops...then starts when I've bounced back.

    But what you're saying is right - I did find that when I'm off it, it's NEVER regular.
  • I am so glad I found this thread, I weighed myself the other day -day before I got my TOM and was happy I had lost,even looking forward to Saturdays weigh in, then today having almost finished the awful TOM I had put on 3lbs despite calorie control and exercising, it was only by fluke I checked on Google about water retention on periods and came straight on here to see how other ladies differ,seriously hoping that the weight drops by Saturday else I will almost be back to when I first started on here =(
  • speedy740
    speedy740 Posts: 141 Member
    Does your belly stick out more than normal just before your period or is it just me this happens to? The scale goes up a bit but my belly really sticks out the week before quite a lot???
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    ^ Yes.. the scale goes up and my belly goes out cause of water retention. It sucks, I never know when my cycle is coming but I'd rather have the scale go up for 2 weeks then have to take birth control. If you have the luxury of knowing when your period is going to come, just put the scale and measuring tape away for the week :smile:
  • Joebob8
    Joebob8 Posts: 69 Member
    I just went through this! I gained 4 pounds on the scale, my stomach was enormous, and for two days I was so hungry I ate a good 700 calories over my normal intake, all in chocolate. Embarrassingly stereotypical hormonal woman. Thank god TOM came today and with it, most of the water weight disappeared.
  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Yes and its normal! No big deal!
  • I'm in the process of losing weight now. I've lost 21lbs since the beginning of the year. I have found that when I get my period I stay at the same weight or gain a pound and then about a week after my weight drops below where it was when I even started. It's all water weight from bloating. I wouldn't worry about it. It's not a "fat" gain, just water.