Snacks and Bingeing

Firstly why is it that I feel the need to binge eat at night when I never ever have done so. I also get hungry afternoon and all through the evening and am now thinking it might be best if I cut out all snacks and just try to stick to my 3 meals a day, has anyone experienced the same type of problem as I feel guilty and horrible!

Would be great to make new friends for tips, advice AND motivation so please feel free to add me, good look all of you!!


  • MamaGraff
    MamaGraff Posts: 39 Member
    First of all, you are normal. Most people like to snack in the mid afternoon and evening. I have been bringing bags of veggies to work in the afternoon so thats all I get to choose from. If I dont bring veggies, I bring protein powder and my shaker. You can buy great protein shakes and they fill you up. At night, I generally have a sweet tooth so I make a cup of tea right after I eat with a small amount of Splenda. I am not a tea drinker but I find it supresses my appetite in the evenings and helps with the sweet tooth. Hope that helps!