anorexia/ binge eating

So long story short i started dieting 4 years ago. was good until i slipped into the anorexia path...after a year i started binging out of control. im up to 160 lb and im 5'5 tall and only 26 yrs old, i feel obese. lately i started eating tdee - 20 % binging stopped but no weight loss whatsoever. this week i started my old habits again by eating less than 1000 and today I had the worst binge of like 3000 + and its midnight and my stomach is rumbling with hunger again. whats going on with me? why no weight loss? why the binging im so lost :( all i want is curl up in bed and cry


  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    The binging is likely a reaction to the extreme restriction.

    Are you in therapy to treat your eating disorder?
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    you need to seek professional help.
  • steph6467
    steph6467 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm really sorry. :( I think you should find a counselor who specializes in eating disorders. When you drop your calories really low like that, your body will eventually take over and drive you to a binge. It's not healthy nor is it effective for weight loss.
  • no im trying alone
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    no im trying alone
    that needs to be the first change. seek a professional.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    Recovery for any eating disorder is difficult in general and even harder on your own.

    Please seek help:

    If you are in college, a lot of schools offer reduced or free counseling.
  • AshleyADeans
    AshleyADeans Posts: 4 Member
    i suffered from a binge eating disorder after i lost weight before. i refused to get help and gained 70lbs and spiralled into depression. please consider getting help, it's much harder on your own!
  • basically dieting is out of the question atm then and seek help
  • AshleyADeans
    AshleyADeans Posts: 4 Member
    i joined slimming world and it helped me a lot. although it may be triggering after having anorexic tendencies
  • Okay, so I'm no expert on this and I've never had an ED as such but have had trouble with binging in the past. Firstly I think you should seek professional help if you can but also you could try reading 'Brain Over Binge' by Kathryn Hansen. It was really helpful for me.
  • thankyou for ur honest inputs
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    thankyou for ur honest inputs

    take your time, heal, and best luck and wishes.
  • hey, after restricting/bingeing for a while and then try to eat normally it will take your body certainly more than a week to reset for you to start losing weight (you may even gain weight at first...hard to accept i know). but go back to trying to eat you TDEE and give it a while; your binging will continue to decrease and you weight WILL go down.. trust me....its the most difficult thing but its worth it!

    im a year into my recovery for Bulimia just about to get discharge from the eating disorder service
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    thankyou for ur honest inputs

    take your time, heal, and best luck and wishes.

    Exactly this.

    OP, I do hope you seek help.

    You're young and gorgeous. And eating disorders wreck havoc in all arenas of you life and the effects can last for decades. So by helping yourself now, you're giving yourself a better future.

    I wish you luck as well
  • hey, after restricting/bingeing for a while and then try to eat normally it will take your body certainly more than a week to reset for you to start losing weight (you may even gain weight at first...hard to accept i know). but go back to trying to eat you TDEE and give it a while; your binging will continue to decrease and you weight WILL go down.. trust me....its the most difficult thing but its worth it!

    im a year into my recovery for Bulimia just about to get discharge from the eating disorder service

    wow I admire your courage and youve come a very long way. well done
  • thankyou for ur honest inputs

    take your time, heal, and best luck and wishes.

    Exactly this.

    OP, I do hope you seek help.

    You're young and gorgeous. And eating disorders wreck havoc in all arenas of you life and the effects can last for decades. So by helping yourself now, you're giving yourself a better future.

    I wish you luck as well

    my body is in major havoc i can feel it. i hope one day everything will be normal again...i know help will lead me to a better life for me and my daughter
  • Hi there! I feel your pain… I was a hardcore dancer and had to keep my diet on point to maintain that "dancer body"… except it got out of control and i was severely underweight (5'5 and 102) … i was too tired to exhausted to do anything, basically a vegetable. Ultimately, i binged like many cases, and went up to about 135. NOT happy. I know this is a healthy weight for our heights, but i put on a ton of fat and no muscle. For the last year or so i have been trying to get my body back to its normal healthy weight where it wants to lay which is around 115-120. Honestly, the only way to achieve this is by eating HEALTHY. i have been on a paleo diet (caveman has more info) and eating what my body needs to burn a day. fill that out and you will see how much your body burns just by being alive. Add in cardio and weights and you'll start seeing a difference. Unfortunately it takes time but REMEMBER that the number on the scale doesn't mean much. when i first started eating healthy i gained weight but i noticed i gained muscle and my fat started dropping after that. Hope this helps! stay strong!
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    If you can, seek a professional for help.I understand not everyone has that option. I have an eating disorder and have been dealing with it alone and its taken about fifteen years to feel at all in control of it. So it would be easier if you could see a professional.
  • i hate asking for help and it was seriously the hardest thing i've ever had to do. BUT the relief of not being alone and having help and support is huge. i couldn't have done it without help.
    Most important thing is, you have to want to get better! i couldn't cope with it anymore. at my lowest point i was living on 150 kcal a day(mostly of liquid) and burning 1750kcal through exercise....i don't know how i did it but i never want to go back it EVER!
  • i hate asking for help and it was seriously the hardest thing i've ever had to do. BUT the relief of not being alone and having help and support is huge. i couldn't have done it without help.
    Most important thing is, you have to want to get better! i couldn't cope with it anymore. at my lowest point i was living on 150 kcal a day(mostly of liquid) and burning 1750kcal through exercise....i don't know how i did it but i never want to go back it EVER!

    i know its terrible and its evil. it just push u in the cycle further and further