how quickly did your fitness improve?



  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    Yep, within a week I was feeling much better physically and emotionally.

    My co worker told me this morning that I've not been B!tchy during TOM since I started exercising regularly. :laugh:
  • ClaudiaTheNice
    I started walking/running to work and within two weeks I had cut down the time it took with 5 minutes.
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    I'm wondering how they know when its your TOM?!!!
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    I'm wondering how they know when its your TOM?!!!

    We're not shy in our office. :laugh: She also knows my moods and when it's that time due to my moods. I tend to get real quiet about a week before I start, too, so she knows. Women that work together tend to run the same cycles as well. We've worked together for almost 7 years.
  • JenRun1
    JenRun1 Posts: 212
    Weekly. The key is never giving up. Pushing through it even when it gets hard and you think you are going to die, challenge yourself.
  • Hawkrcr285
    Hawkrcr285 Posts: 14 Member

    not sure if this will help much but I like to give blood regularly as I can. The last time was in December 2013 my blood pressure was 136/84, pretty much in the prehypertension zone, after 8 weeks of effort I gave blood again yesterday and it was 110/72. it surprised me how much it change in just 8 weeks.
  • Marissaltr
    Jan 24th: unable to run my planned 2.37mi route in entirety. Needed to do the last mile in run/walk increments.
    Jan 25th: completed it
    Feb 7th: completed 5k (actually the run was 3.4mi) in 33:12. Average pace dropped from 11:13 to 10:34
    Feb 17th: 5k time dropped to 32:20.
    Feb 18th: 5k time down to 32:15. Longest run logged at 3.9 miles.
    Today: fastest mile of 2014 recorded at 10:16.

    Over the course of less than a month and 15 total runs (I alternate run weeks with circuit training weeks) I've increased my distance from 1.5mi non-stop to 3.9mi, and dropped my *average* pace from 11:13/mi to 10:24/mi.

    My 5k time fell by 57s in 11 days.

    I'm amazed at how quickly my speed and distance have improved. At this rate, my goal of being sub-30 for my 5k race in May is going to be a cakewalk!

    Wow! That is some crazy fast improvement! It took me months to see improvements like that. Go you!
  • mlclark86
    mlclark86 Posts: 33 Member
    I have been exercising on a daily basis for 16 day now. Two weeks ago my exercises consisted of some sit ups and push ups VERY modified and running for about 5 min. I was a mess the first few days, my whole body hurt!

    Today I decided to take an actual run for the first time since I was in the army almost 8 years ago. I decided i would be happy if I made it to the end of my driveway and back (about a quarter mile)...well the end of the driveway came and went and before I knew it I finished a mile running and another mile walking briskly back home! I was ecstatic and now I can't wait to see what I can do in two more weeks!
  • crazie4lulu
    crazie4lulu Posts: 762 Member
    your fitness level will improve on a daily basis. you may not see it at first but the little things you do in life will get easier and you will find that things you didnt think you could do before... you can do with much more ease! the key is to keep challenging your body everyday... switch things up. try different things. you may be surprised at what you actually do like. Believe it or not... i never worked out til i had kids. i hated the word... now im a personal trainer and i help people reach their goals... stick with it... you will see the results!
  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member
    I"d say after your first month you start to notice drastic changes, and then from there every 2 weeks you notice a vein you couldn't see before, a muscle that suddenly has a little shadow and then eventually you see little muscles start to stick out more or you see that an X minute mile is suddenly effortless, etc...
  • SouthPawSings
    SouthPawSings Posts: 54 Member
    I have tried just exercising before but the first time ( and only time) I attempted to count my calories and exercise, I felt a mood boost in days. I after about a week, I bumped up my walking time from 30 minutes to 50minutes, then about a week later I upped it again this time to 60 minutes. I'm keeping at 60 now and I will start to adjust from just walking to jogging partially and eventually the entire time. I've changed all this in a matter of 35 days and counting. Treating your body well and giving yourself the nutrients it needs will give you results quickly. I have lost 8lbs thus far, but the mood boost is worth it if I never lose another pound.
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Its a difficult question for me. I can look back and see a great progression but when I am doing it it feels like I always have a long way to go. I think I noticed after about a month that I wasn't weezing so much walking and my swimming distance had increased a bit. 6 months later though and I can see I am still very much work in progress, loads to do :-)
  • skinnybythanksgiving
    This time- three weeks. Any time before this one about a month except when I had surgery. It happens without fanfare, one day you workout and it's easier.
  • chudsie
    chudsie Posts: 13 Member
    I have not started working out really.. I am walking in the evening 30 minutes. I have lost 16 pounds today, and I have been doing my fitness pal for 9 or 10 days. I have more energy then I have in years and I feel good!
  • LianaG1115
    LianaG1115 Posts: 453 Member
    You will notice the progression yourself...from 3 plank to pushups to 5 to 9 to 15... It's not an overnight thing. But it is wonderful when your body can do things you never thought possible!!
  • Josh_lol
    Josh_lol Posts: 317 Member
    Still 3 weeks in and I'm still as unfit as when I started. I still don't let it stop me though.
  • chudsie
    chudsie Posts: 13 Member
    I am still not healthy but I know I am feeling so much better about my self, and I am eating the right things now. I am on my way to a better life, I can feel it, matter fact I felt it the second day I was on this fitness pal. I am so glad I give it a chance, as of right now, its really helping me.
  • lexbubbles
    lexbubbles Posts: 465 Member
    Jan 24th: unable to run my planned 2.37mi route in entirety. Needed to do the last mile in run/walk increments.
    Jan 25th: completed it
    Feb 7th: completed 5k (actually the run was 3.4mi) in 33:12. Average pace dropped from 11:13 to 10:34
    Feb 17th: 5k time dropped to 32:20.
    Feb 18th: 5k time down to 32:15. Longest run logged at 3.9 miles.
    Today: fastest mile of 2014 recorded at 10:16.

    Over the course of less than a month and 15 total runs (I alternate run weeks with circuit training weeks) I've increased my distance from 1.5mi non-stop to 3.9mi, and dropped my *average* pace from 11:13/mi to 10:24/mi.

    My 5k time fell by 57s in 11 days.

    I'm amazed at how quickly my speed and distance have improved. At this rate, my goal of being sub-30 for my 5k race in May is going to be a cakewalk!

    Wow! That is some crazy fast improvement! It took me months to see improvements like that. Go you!

    Thanks! I've been 'a runner' on-and-off for about 10 years (used to be competitive 3k/5k when I was about 14) but honestly before January hadn't run AT ALL in about 6 months and even then it was only a mile or so so I don't know where all of this is suddenly coming from! It really is more 'off' than 'on' :laugh:

    Just did my last run of February and realised that, this month (10 runs total) my average mile pace has dropped by 17s - from 10:45 to 10:28

    Aiming for 4.6 miles in March, and if I can drop my average pace to sub 10:20 (currently sitting around 10:24 - 10:28) / log a fastest mile under 10:15 (current 10:17) I'll be happy!
  • hmaddpear
    hmaddpear Posts: 610 Member
    Remarkably quickly. Back last July, I couldn't walk up three flights of stairs at work without getting winded. I do at least five flights twice daily now. I've still a recovery time when I need to do seven in a row, but that was impossible to even complete six months ago. I've only been walking so far for cardio, but my three miles at lunchtime has got faster - if it's raining (and there's less pedestrians around) I can make the three miles in 45 minutes - I was taking a slow 35 minutes for a mile and a half back in July. I noticed that my walking times were falling pretty quickly - within the first month - and that I was able to walk for longer in about the same time.

    I started body resistance workouts in November, but only started sticking to them in January. In the past weeks I've gone from not being able to complete one bent-knee sit up to doing three sets of ten in a row. I've also pushed myself on press ups (gone from five counter press ups to 3x10 bent-knee press ups and am hoping to do my first real (TM) press up in the next month.

    Lastly, I've also found my balance has improved dramatically. I'm still not sure if it's from the core workouts or from losing a lot of outlying area. The answer is probably a bit of both!
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    About a month, but I only work out 2 - 3 times per week. I keep telling myself that "your mind will give out before your body - press on"