Anyone have success with Belly Fat Cure ?



  • marvinsanchez
    marvinsanchez Posts: 10 Member
    Interesting...never heard of it. What does a typical day of food entail? About how many calories are consumed?

    I never read this book or even knew about it until today...but my doctor recommended that I consumed up to 15 grams of sugar per day. I had a major sweet tooth, so it was tough...

    I'm eating about 2000 calories per day, staying below 15 grams of sugar and have dropped 16 lbs since I started watching what I eat on Feb 12 of this year.

    I can't speak of what the book recommends and what I eat may be in the list of things not to eat, but here are some of the things that I eat:

    cottage cheese
    sugar free oatmeal
    stevita supreme with my coffee instead of sugar
    sugar free cookies
    hummus from trader joe's
    pita bread
    sourdough bread
    almond milk instead of regular milk
    mustard as the only condiment in my sandwich
    whey protein shakes, bars, etc
    pollo loco

    All in moderation.....and if I eat 2000 calories in a day, I work out and burn about 500 to 600 calories in my end up with about 1400 to 1500 calories net.
  • meaganh13
    meaganh13 Posts: 55 Member
    I'm starting the BFC Fast Track on Monday and can give updates to those who are interested. For those who say you can't spot reduce, this is true enough. The author indirectly implies that the Fast Track is almost a detox/cleanse and reiterates time after time that after the first 2 weeks, it should be a lifestyle change and that your weight loss will slow to "normal" levels (whichever your normal level is) after that. I'm hoping that it'll be the jump start I need as I have only lost 10lbs and have been counting calories religiously and working our 3-5 times/week - all new steps for me since October 2011.
  • tinaruby
    tinaruby Posts: 74 Member
    i lost 15 pounds on it and thought it was really easy to stick to (i don't have a sweet tooth) but i plateaued for 3 months so i switched to a different plan...i don't really gain weight in my stomach area so it would probably work better for someone who carries their weight in their belly...i will give you some advice though...don't eat more than 3 oz of cheese per day or you might find it will stall your weight loss...that is probably what happened to me because i kept eating quesadillas and I've heard that a lot of other people found that to be true for them too

    The simple carbs in the quesadilla wraps is probably what got you. I have a weakness for those too, but I try and limit to one a month or so. Try eating more complex carbs, whole wheat and breads and wraps higher in fiber. I also found the wraps have sugar too, so I just try and stay clear of them.

    I eat cheese close to every day, I just watch how much. The Kraft Fat Free Mozzarella is good and the 3 cheese cheddar isn't bad either. I like the cheddar on my salad and the mozzarella on whole wheat pizza. :-)
  • tinaruby
    tinaruby Posts: 74 Member
    bump to follow. what is the belly fat cure?

    It is a lifestyle change really. :-) The basic premise is 120 carbs a day and no more then 15 grams of sugar.

    I actually learned about it from a weight loss seminar I attended. If you friend me, I will send it to you in a PM. The seminar was given by a doctor (who happens to be my sister in law), but it really explains in simple terms, why the Belly Fat Cure works and what effects it has on your body.
  • tinaruby
    tinaruby Posts: 74 Member
    I wish someone would show me proof you can lose "belly fat" selectively. A low carb diet works well for most people, but the fat will come off where ever your body decides to let it go. Limiting carbs tricks your body into thinking there is no immediate fuel, so it burns fat already stored.

    In the past I lost 35 pounds pretty quickly on low carb and just like any other time I dieted, the belly fat went last. Probably because it's, usually, the first place fat is noticeable when you gain weight.

    It's not about loosing fat selectively, because that's not possible, but if you are the body type that stores your fat in your belly area, it indicates that you may have insulin resistance. This diet it targeted to combat insulin resistance and therefore by default helps you loose belly fat.

    I have lost belly fat for sure, most of my double chin, inches off my arms and a little off my legs so far.

    It is better explained on this blog then in the actual book, in my opinion, but either way it works. :-)

    This is more about the science and how/why it works:

    This link shows more recommendations to make this type of diet work for you better:
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    bump to follow. what is the belly fat cure?

    In a nutshell: Avoiding hidden and artificial sugars sticking to 15 g of sugar per day and 6 servings of carbohydrates. As he states on his webiste:

    "Hidden sugar is the main cause of belly fat due to its relationship with your fat-controlling hormone insulin. Consuming hidden sugar raises your insulin and locks in belly fat. That's why I believe true fitness must begin in the kitchen."
    Thank you, had heard to lay low on the artificial sugars, and I do follow my sugars. And outside of today, have stopped all "diet foods and drinks" due to aspartame, etc...but in my diary are listed my sugars. and i watch those very carefully. And yes, got to get into the kitchen!
    BTW. One serving of carbs is 15 Grams, must label read!!!
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    bump to follow. what is the belly fat cure?

    In a nutshell: Avoiding hidden and artificial sugars sticking to 15 g of sugar per day and 6 servings of carbohydrates. As he states on his webiste:

    "Hidden sugar is the main cause of belly fat due to its relationship with your fat-controlling hormone insulin. Consuming hidden sugar raises your insulin and locks in belly fat. That's why I believe true fitness must begin in the kitchen."
    Thank you, had heard to lay low on the artificial sugars, and I do follow my sugars. And outside of today, have stopped all "diet foods and drinks" due to aspartame, etc...but in my diary are listed my sugars. and i watch those very carefully. And yes, got to get into the kitchen!
    BTW. One serving of carbs is 15 Grams, must label read!!!
    But 15 grams of sugar is easy to eat. MFP gives me 30 something. And I come close to that just with veggies, plain greek yogurt, i would have to question that. amount of sugar.
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    I have seen a dietitian. this is an EASY way to watch for sugar. It is not so much the "sugar" on the numbered label. Greek yogurt has sugar in it, but it is not bad sugar. look for the word "SUGAR" in the ingredients. If something has 24g sugar then look right at the ingredient list, if the word sugar, dextrose, or anything containing "glu" you know you have yourself some sugar. Charboni Greek yogurt has no table sugar in it. The sugar is from the fruit and milk, those are good sugars! Don't be fooled. not all sugar is bad. It is the white table sugar that is bad for you. there is sugar in milk and fruit that would put you over your count for the day with just one serving of each! you need your fruits and milk. Everyone's body is different so it works differently for everyone. Watch your carbs and stay under the recommended value for your goal.

    This is a very helpful tip- I told myself that sugar in fruits and other natural things was ok and you have reconfirmed that! I have a major sweet tooth and carry my weight in my stomach so I do need to pay attention to my sugar/carb intake. But no apples, strawberries etc. was just too hard. Thanks for the tip! :)
    thank you, this makes more sense. I will continue to follow MFP's rec. as my 30 sugars are coming from good sources, so no concerns here. And my belly fat is going down, which is different from the past, where I lost it everywhere else, but the belly, so to me, there's proof enough.
  • tinaruby
    tinaruby Posts: 74 Member
    Since I am lactose intolerant, the yogurt and milk was never an issue for me. :-) I eat lots of vegetables and some kind of fruit every day (usually strawberries, but I also eat blueberries, raseberries, blackberries, avacado 1/2 an apple, a few bites of a banana) and try and stick with the complex carbs. I also eat protein of some sort with every meal.

    I don't agree with everything the book says, but the basic principal of 120 carbs and 15 sugars works well for me. I also stick to 1200 calories and stay under the 47 grams of fat recommended by MFP. I use Almond milk unsweetened which has the calcium and vitamin D without the dairy that makes me so sick and I try and do some exercise every day. At least one mile fast walking, but often much more then that.

    I think loosing weight is a lot about finding what works best for you so that you are able to maintain. I ate greek yogurt once because everyone said how good for you it is and I all but slept in the bathroom all night and half the next day. LOL Unfortunately, it wasn't good for me at all.
  • biggirl1000
    biggirl1000 Posts: 189 Member
  • lissaann22479
    lissaann22479 Posts: 163
    bump to follow. what is the belly fat cure?
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I have seen a dietitian. this is an EASY way to watch for sugar. It is not so much the "sugar" on the numbered label. Greek yogurt has sugar in it, but it is not bad sugar. look for the word "SUGAR" in the ingredients. If something has 24g sugar then look right at the ingredient list, if the word sugar, dextrose, or anything containing "glu" you know you have yourself some sugar. Charboni Greek yogurt has no table sugar in it. The sugar is from the fruit and milk, those are good sugars! Don't be fooled. not all sugar is bad. It is the white table sugar that is bad for you. there is sugar in milk and fruit that would put you over your count for the day with just one serving of each! you need your fruits and milk. Everyone's body is different so it works differently for everyone. Watch your carbs and stay under the recommended value for your goal.

    They are not good or bad. They are all the exact same sugar molecules, regardless of source. Your body doesn't recognize yogurt, or candy bar, it just recognizes glucose, fructose, maltose, lactose, and galactose, regardless of the source of the sugars. All sugar is the same.
  • aligatorwww
    aligatorwww Posts: 48 Member
    I've noticed if I try to stick to a low carb/sugar plan, I get all shakey and light headed when I'm exercising.
  • torilougher
    torilougher Posts: 19 Member
    I started the diet on 19th and in three days I've already lost six pounds :O I have a feeling a few of those pounds will be down to water weight however :/ Keeping under fifteen g of sugar is so hard, I don't have much problem with the carb intake though.
  • I have seen a dietitian. this is an EASY way to watch for sugar. It is not so much the "sugar" on the numbered label. Greek yogurt has sugar in it, but it is not bad sugar. look for the word "SUGAR" in the ingredients. If something has 24g sugar then look right at the ingredient list, if the word sugar, dextrose, or anything containing "glu" you know you have yourself some sugar. Charboni Greek yogurt has no table sugar in it. The sugar is from the fruit and milk, those are good sugars! Don't be fooled. not all sugar is bad. It is the white table sugar that is bad for you. there is sugar in milk and fruit that would put you over your count for the day with just one serving of each! you need your fruits and milk. Everyone's body is different so it works differently for everyone. Watch your carbs and stay under the recommended value for your goal.

    What she said^^^ You still need some type of sugar just like you still need some type of carbs to keep your body going. When you heard people say cut out sugar, their talking about sugar from processed (prepackaged) foods that contain added sugar. Eating fruits is healthy, its all natural sugar. If you eat canned fruits, your eating some sugar rather its real added sugar or artificial sweetners like splenda, sweet n low, etc.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I have seen a dietitian. this is an EASY way to watch for sugar. It is not so much the "sugar" on the numbered label. Greek yogurt has sugar in it, but it is not bad sugar. look for the word "SUGAR" in the ingredients. If something has 24g sugar then look right at the ingredient list, if the word sugar, dextrose, or anything containing "glu" you know you have yourself some sugar. Charboni Greek yogurt has no table sugar in it. The sugar is from the fruit and milk, those are good sugars! Don't be fooled. not all sugar is bad. It is the white table sugar that is bad for you. there is sugar in milk and fruit that would put you over your count for the day with just one serving of each! you need your fruits and milk. Everyone's body is different so it works differently for everyone. Watch your carbs and stay under the recommended value for your goal.

    What she said^^^ You still need some type of sugar just like you still need some type of carbs to keep your body going. When you heard people say cut out sugar, their talking about sugar from processed (prepackaged) foods that contain added sugar. Eating fruits is healthy, its all natural sugar. If you eat canned fruits, your eating some sugar rather its real added sugar or artificial sweetners like splenda, sweet n low, etc.
    You do know that sugar and carbs are the same thing, right? And that the natural sugar in fruit is the exact same sugar that "processed sugar" is? Where do you think sucrose comes from? It's taken from plants, mostly sugar cane and beets, which are vegetables.
  • I have seen a dietitian. this is an EASY way to watch for sugar. It is not so much the "sugar" on the numbered label. Greek yogurt has sugar in it, but it is not bad sugar. look for the word "SUGAR" in the ingredients. If something has 24g sugar then look right at the ingredient list, if the word sugar, dextrose, or anything containing "glu" you know you have yourself some sugar. Charboni Greek yogurt has no table sugar in it. The sugar is from the fruit and milk, those are good sugars! Don't be fooled. not all sugar is bad. It is the white table sugar that is bad for you. there is sugar in milk and fruit that would put you over your count for the day with just one serving of each! you need your fruits and milk. Everyone's body is different so it works differently for everyone. Watch your carbs and stay under the recommended value for your goal.

    What she said^^^ You still need some type of sugar just like you still need some type of carbs to keep your body going. When you heard people say cut out sugar, their talking about sugar from processed (prepackaged) foods that contain added sugar. Eating fruits is healthy, its all natural sugar. If you eat canned fruits, your eating some sugar rather its real added sugar or artificial sweetners like splenda, sweet n low, etc.
    You do know that sugar and carbs are the same thing, right? And that the natural sugar in fruit is the exact same sugar that "processed sugar" is? Where do you think sucrose comes from? It's taken from plants, mostly sugar cane and beets, which are vegetables.

    ok, well I just learned something new...thanks for that info, I guess I was told wrong by some other people.
  • MamaSchulze
    MamaSchulze Posts: 6 Member
    Yes I lost 11 lbs real quick but then nothing no matter how I stuck to it. I think it was just the shock to my system that did the most. But it really helped me see how much sugar I was consuming.
  • Every single person I know that has used this book as a learning tool to change their eating habits FOR GOOD and NOT AS A TEMPORARY DIET, have been successful! I've lost a total of 60 lbs (with little to no regular exercise) and have never lost more than 10-15 lbs on any other diet in the past 16 years of trying and I've done them all from Atkins to Weight Watchers to NutriSystem. It's very easy to follow and I'm never hungry. You won't feel like you're dieting!

    The best part about this book is that it TEACHES you how to eat and change your lifestyle/eating habits instead of being a crash diet that is not something you can reasonably do for the rest of your life! For example, you aren't going to eat NutriSystem food forever, so what happens when you hit your goal weight and go back to normal foods? You still haven't learned HOW to eat healthy!

    I couldn't believe how many things I thought were healthy but were loaded with sugar or foods that I was avoiding because I thought they were bad but were truly okay! It's unrealistic to cut out foods you enjoy and this book will teach you how to still enjoy those things and successfully lose weight. I still drink cola (not diet) and because of the other changes, I'm still able to be successful!

    Dr. Oz LOVES Jorge Cruise and has him on his show a lot, so you can trust that this is a healthy way to change the way you eat. The reason why diets don't work is because diets are temporary. You need to change and develop habits that you maintain for the rest of your life, not just until you hit your goal weight!
  • Fiber Carbs = Good. Sugar Carbs = Bad. Sugar is a carbohydrate but not all carbohydrates are sugar.
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