Does this way i use help lose weight and belly fat?

Can i lose weight and belly fat by counting calories and using an elliptical machine? And can you guys tell me if you did this and how long did it take you to lose it and how much did you lose? Thanks:wink:


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    You can't spot reduce. The fat loss from a calorie deficet will come off everywhere.

    I have lost 3 inches from my natural waist by resistence training and a reasonable calorie deficet...
    I have lost 3 inches from my waist at my belly button doing the same thing...

    Lost more off my chest tho...

    The elliptical machine (cardio) gives your heart and lungs a good workout and gives you extra calories to eat...but it is the calorie deficet that makes you lose weight.

    If you are concerned with only fat loss I would suggest a weight lifting routine instead.
  • ClaudiaKho13
    ClaudiaKho13 Posts: 229 Member
    You can't spot reduce. The fat loss from a calorie deficet will come off everywhere.

    I have lost 3 inches from my natural waist by resistence training and a reasonable calorie deficet...
    I have lost 3 inches from my waist at my belly button doing the same thing...

    Lost more off my chest tho...

    The elliptical machine (cardio) gives your heart and lungs a good workout and gives you extra calories to eat...but it is the calorie deficet that makes you lose weight.

    If you are concerned with only fat loss I would suggest a weight lifting routine instead.

    So ur saying if i eat less and do cardio i will lose the belly fat and weight??????:huh:
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    No what I am saying is if you eat less you will lose weight from everywhere...
  • cwtchme
    cwtchme Posts: 104 Member
    That's true. there's no magic to it.

    Eat less & move more!
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    You will lose weight/body fat....if you are burning more calories than you take in.

    You cannot spot reduce

    But just be aware, that belly fat is one of the last places to lose the fat, it is tough to get that area to lose the fat....
    So it will take dedication and discipline....and time.

    Typically on women, the trouble spots are the lower belly and thighs.....

    On men it is typically the lower belly and lower back.
  • happyrelation
    Every body is different. A pound is 3500 calories. The more muscle you have, the faster you'll burn the fat.
    You need weight training 3 times a week, alternating days. Cardio is fine too.
    You have to eat and burn calories to take you under your maintenance calories. For instance, there are calculators out there to do maintenance is 1800 calories a day. If I were to eat 1500 calories a day, that's 300 calories a day less than what it takes to maintain my body weight. 300 times 7 days is 2100 calories. Not quite a pound. So, let's say my goal is to workout 3 times a week and add cardio 2 times and I burned 1900 calories through that. 1900 plus 2100 is 4000 calories.
    One pound being 3500 calories, I've just lost just over a pound in a week.
    4 1/2 pounds a month times 6 is 27 pounds.
    Plus, people that are very overweight, tend to lose more in the beginning because there's water weight etc. that comes off faster.
    But that's the basic foundation.
    I'm doing a program just for women at It's amazing with great support from women doing this program or have already succeeded.

    Just remember...
    Less calories, build muscle through weights, eat protein and carbs through veggies and fruit. You need fat in your diet, don't cut it all out. There are good fats. Dump the diet sodas, they won't help, and actually have been proven to hurt weight loss.

    Good luck