Weight loss with Elliptical??



  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Any advice would be appreciated.

    I walk and lose weight. I would suspect it is more about calorie intake than exercise. Maybe too much/too little. But worth looking at.
  • 34blast
    34blast Posts: 166 Member
    You can lose weight doing any type of exercise if you have a caloric deficit.

    I use it once or twice a week when my legs are shot from running or squats. The key like any cardio exercise is to monitor you heart rate. I find it extremely more difficult to get my heart rate as high on an elliptical as running. To get your heart rate up after warming up, jack with the ramp height and the resistance level. Make it hard enough you get into the target heart rate you are looking for. Adjust the variables as needed to stay in the heart rate zone you are looking for. I tend to use the elliptical for a longer lower heart rate training session e.g. 60 - 70% of max. Sometimes near the end I have to lower the resistance a little bit to lower my heart rate a little bit.

    It is possible the calories it says burned are inaccurate. Maybe 33% too high, but hard to say for you without another measurement such as a polar heart monitor with the calories burned option(which they can be somewhat inaccurate as well). During logging the exercise calories, I use net calories for the EFX. Let's say for me while I'm awake and doing nothing I burn 100 kCal per hour. Let's say on the elliptical I do it for 1 hour or 700 calories. My net difference is 600 so that is what I log. It is probably pretty accurate for me if I really push it, but if I'm not working hard it probably overestimates a little bit. Overall, I find the F7 calories burned for me to be close to the commercial gym machine numbers and myfitnesspal.
  • Try to make it one hour in a day, and you will see the changes and greatly results about only one one week.
  • One hour on the standard level
  • For five days in a week
  • I'm 16, a month ago I weighed 290 lbs. I use the elliptical for 20 minutes a day, everyday. I eat as good as possible, honestly, a lot less than I should, but that's not an issue. I've lost twenty pounds in the last month, I now weigh 270. I'm sure soon I'll have to start working harder, longer, with different workouts, but right now, it's working a lot.
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    It doesn't matter. Eating is more important than type of exercise if your chief goal is weight loss. You're just trying to create a caloric burn. What happens 99 out of 100 times. People try to go too fast, eat too little, exercise too much, based on typical industry marketing based expectations, so a person is netting 12, 1300 calories a day or less. As you lose mass your metabolism is going to slow down regardless, Stress it with too much work and not enough nutrition and it will slow further. Now your metabolic rate is a weak sauce 1000 or something, as an example.

    No I'm not a fan of this but as far as what you're asking it doesn't matter what kind of exercise and your body will adapt,yes, to the work, but your fat burning mechanism has little to do with this adaptation. You're always burning fat. Every second of the day. Period. People simply don't understand basic physiology and it's lead to what A FEW of us are hinting at. Eating.

    Weight/resistance training combined with proper intake trumps typical cardio in EVERY facet. And if you're trying to rebound from an illness you're looking at some great adaptations that will help with that rebound from various metabolic related factors, when it comes to strength training. You don't have to lift maximum weight, but resistance period is almost a requirement for optimal health. Screw endurance. You're not training for a marathon I don't think?

    Again the intake must match the work for optimal,healthy, and sustainable results.

    With simple math and explanation but to make a point.....Look around and see how many people are coming in at 200 calories under their "goal" or more every day... Great, giggle, giggle, awesome burn yo! Guess what, at the end of the month your metabolic rate is 200 times 30=6000 calories weaker. Great way to lose 2 more lbs, but after a few months or year, the body's set point is 6000 calories a month less efficient than it could be.Setting one up for that industry standard GainBack. Don't make the common mistake of underrating and over exercising in an attempt to do anything. I should put this as an automatic signature since I say it all the time.
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    Turn up the resistance. Vary the resistance. Vary your pace.

    These is what the panda does.
  • Go in bursts. Try going about 80-90% capacity for about 30 seconds, then take 90 seconds at about 50-60% to rest. Keep going back and forth like that. Thats How Ive seen my best results, when you are going the same speed, your body just gets set in a groove, when you keep it guessing you burn more calories.

    If you can manage to do that 5 times a week, even for as little as 30 minutes a day you should see results, (obviously i have no idea of the shape you are in so take the times with a grain of salt, but try to keep that ratio)
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I have been exercising on the elliptical exclusively for a few weeks, 4 days/ week, 30 minutes each session.
    I am not sure if it is just me but I am not losing any weight with whatever I am doing.
    Have any of you had success with losing weight and using only the elliptical?
    If so, how many days a week did you use it and for how long each time etc....?
    Any advice would be appreciated.

    You are probably burning less than 200 calories per workout.
  • MexicanOsmosis
    MexicanOsmosis Posts: 382 Member
    Dietary choices resulting in calorie deficit = weight loss
    Exercise (including strength training) = fitness/look better naked
  • Polarpaly05
    Polarpaly05 Posts: 74 Member
    Anybody else realize this thread is 2 years old? THREAD NECRO!!!!!!
  • Calories always calories.
  • btreatcpa
    btreatcpa Posts: 4 Member

    I hope you are still going strong. My husband is a little over where you started. I'm counting calories on MFP and training on the elliptical. I've only lost a few pounds and those were only when I'd do the elliptical on a regular basis.

    Keep up the good work