Anyone tips on dealing with 'habit-eating'?

Hello fighters :)

I have a question bothering me: I am not an emotional eater neither do I eat when I'm bored and I also only eat when I'm hungry. I never buy snacks like crisps or chocolate for myself so I don't snack a lot at home. So far so good.. I DO eat crisps and chocolate when I'm sitting with others and we are having drinks and a couple of snacks together. No one expects me to eat the snacks and I feel I don't need to, I'm not even craving! But nevertheless I always start eating when I see others eating.. and then it's hard to stop! So far it hasn't had any influence on me that I would gain weight, but I think it would be easier for me to reach my goals when I'm able to control this.. :(

Anyone experiencing the same or do you have tips? Please help me!

xx Maritza


  • toscarthearmada
    toscarthearmada Posts: 382 Member
    I use to be like this during business meetings and conferences. These two things always seem to have TONS of food at them. I started becoming aware of the calories that were inside of them. I also eat small that day in case I do decide to snack when I'm out. It's about a balance, you got to find it.

    I developed NEW habit eating. Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels!
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    By having a few drinks- do you mean alcaholic ones? I find that after the first glass of wine that bowl of crisps looks very enticing- and its hard to stop my hand creeping back to it again and again. The only things that work for me are siting far far away from the snacks, chewing gum (crisps and gum do not mix!) or sticking to fizzzy spring water.

    Plus its hard not to join in when everyone else is picking- and once you start........:)
  • MaritzK
    MaritzK Posts: 66 Member
    There is alcohol but also non-alcoholic. But I found that alcohol consumption has no influence on how much I eat of the snacks.. Thanks for the sitting-away tip though! And chewing gum is also a good one, will try that :)
  • Amanda_Gx6
    Amanda_Gx6 Posts: 320 Member
    bring a snack that you wont mind muching on whether thats popcorn or almonds. or put just a small amount in a separate dish for yourself and once its gone thats enough. good luck