Recovering from binging-carb heavy-opinions?

Hello everyone :)

I was wondering if I could get your opinions? After several years of under eating then severe binging I am in therapy for it and although weird it's going well. My recent episode of 6 weeks of binging IV gained about 15 pounds but my therapist has asked me to consider levelling my food intake with regular meals and eating first, then trying to lose weight. It's nerve racking and difficult, but I'm trying. So I wondered if I could have some thoughts on my menu?

Iv always thoughts carbs were evil so to be including them is hard for me, especially as I know if I exclude them the weight will drop off (as long as I don't binge!) the calories here total around 1200 because before the binging I would log up to 750 a day as I found anymore than 800 would trigger a binge. So 1200 although low for some, is quite the challenge for me.

Breakfast: oatmeal with soya milk, Splenda, tea
Lunch: whole meal pitta bread, carrot sticks, cucumber, whole bell pepper, houmous,tea
Dinner: fish/eggs/soup/quorn with veggies, gravy
Snacks: banana, apple,
Drinks: tea, water

I hope to get back into running in the evenings again too as I know this can help with my binging. To be honest, I just wants to lose this 30+ pounds and get to where I'm happy. But I know I can't do that without cracking the binging first.

Has anyone lost weight with this amount of carbs in their diet? My nails are shredded, my hair no longer grows, I have frequent fatigue and bouts of tonsillitis and I'm always cold. I need to get my health back.

Constructive criticism please- this is a difficult part of the journey and it has been 7 years to get to this point. Thankyou everyone!


  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member
    Congratulations on wanting to start taking care of you in a healthy way.

    I was wondering if you've discussed this with a physician or a dietitian? A therapist can be a great resource, but with your medical history and how you describe your hair and nails, it might be a good idea to also consult a medical professional.

    I would also include more protein at breakfast. Maybe some yogurt or nuts? I find that oatmeal runs through me pretty quickly making it more likely for me to binge later.

    Finally, calories it what matters most, not carbs. The ratio of carbs/protein/fats can affect how full you feel and your mood, but what matters for weight loss is calories. Carbs are blamed for causing problems when they really shouldn't be. :)

    Best wishes!
  • marmitenot
    Previously, I was on a low calorie diet supervised by a physician and it was very VERY low carb (30g or less). I've had a few health problems that I've dealt with so now I'm ready to shed some pounds. This go round, I am allowing myself carbs, but only good ones! I will eat low cal/carb, high fiber wheat pita and wheat bread. I also will eat beans which are high in carbs, but are extremely high in fiber (which counteracts the carbs) and protein. I will even allow some pasta into my diet! I get a brand called Dreamfields which is very low in net carbs. Oatmeal and shredded wheat cereal are also thrown into the mix. I find I am much happier when allowing myself these small "luxuries". The best part? I am losing weight! Yay!

    I did Atkins years ago and the leg cramps from lack of carbs were awful. If your body reacts with pain, it can't be good for you. I just think you need to find a happy medium that works for you. BEST OF LUCK TO YOU!
  • rachaee
    rachaee Posts: 46 Member
    Thank you :)