Why do people gain all their weight back so often?

I commonly hear that the vast majority of people who lose weight end up gaining it all back again. Why is that? No matter how gently you lose, there is some amount of sacrifice involved, often over a very long period of time. Why throw all that away?

It seems logical that I can't go back to the eating habits that got me fat in the first place. Also, that my new smaller self will need fewer calories to maintain than my old larger self. I assume those things are self evident to other dieters, so it must be something else. Is it harder to maintain than it is to lose weight?

I'm not at my goal weight yet, but I want to do this right and not fall into the trap that so many seem to stumble into. I don't consider myself smarter than the average person, so I'm concerned I'll make the same mistakes the average dieter makes.

I hoped that those of you successfully maintaining have some insight into the problem and know the pitfalls that you need to avoid.


  • ChrisS30V
    ChrisS30V Posts: 157 Member
    From what I've been able to see, there are a few different reasons that people gain the weight back fairly quickly. The biggest reason that comes to mind and the one I've seen a lot of, is that the person was following a restrictive diet without paying much attention to calories or macronutrients, they essentially ended up starving themselves until they lost the weight they wanted, then didn't have a clue as to how to proceed after that. Since they didn't learn much about portion sizes, eating certain foods in moderation, etc. on a self-imposed, heavily-restricted diet, they soon return to their old eating habits, which led to them needing to lose weight in the first place. Rinse and repeat, some people go through that cycle for years and years without getting anywhere.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    It has nothing to do with "restrictions" in my opinion and rather has to do with a lack of focus on the long-term. People hit their goal and then rest on their laurels. They stop doing what they did to lose weight and instead fall back into their old habits. If you previously gained weight with those old habits, odds are you will gain weight again when you revert to your old ways. It's really as simple as that. It doesn't matter whether you ate pop tarts while losing weight or whether you ate whole foods while losing weight; it comes down to what you do at maintenance.
  • uncharted01
    uncharted01 Posts: 105 Member
    It has nothing to do with "restrictions" in my opinion and rather has to do with a lack of focus on the long-term. People hit their goal and then rest on their laurels. They stop doing what they did to lose weight and instead fall back into their old habits. If you previously gained weight with those old habits, odds are you will gain weight again when you revert to your old ways. It's really as simple as that. It doesn't matter whether you ate pop tarts while losing weight or whether you ate whole foods while losing weight; it comes down to what you do at maintenance.

    i totally agree with this! i think a lot of people view weight loss as a temporary diet instead of a lifestyle change. i'm guilty of it myself! i lost a good deal of weight a few years back, was super happy with myself, and then just went back to my old habits. for me, i think maintenance will be harder than the weight loss!
  • indianarunner76
    indianarunner76 Posts: 108 Member
    My advice would be never stop exercising. Hit my goal weight six weeks ago. Eating what I want but in moderation and actually lost a few more pounds.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Because they "diet".

    You know what one of the best predictors of weight gain over time is? You guessed it - having dieted at some point.

    A person is better understanding the root causes of why they over eat and resolve that rather than weight, Weight is the symptom, not the cause.
  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 1,001 Member
    Because they "diet".

    You know what one of the best predictors of weight gain over time is? You guessed it - having dieted at some point.

    A person is better understanding the root causes of why they over eat and resolve that rather than weight, Weight is the symptom, not the cause.

  • tammys_changing
    It has nothing to do with "restrictions" in my opinion and rather has to do with a lack of focus on the long-term. People hit their goal and then rest on their laurels. They stop doing what they did to lose weight and instead fall back into their old habits. If you previously gained weight with those old habits, odds are you will gain weight again when you revert to your old ways. It's really as simple as that. It doesn't matter whether you ate pop tarts while losing weight or whether you ate whole foods while losing weight; it comes down to what you do at maintenance.

    I agree! Well said!
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    It has nothing to do with "restrictions" in my opinion and rather has to do with a lack of focus on the long-term. People hit their goal and then rest on their laurels. They stop doing what they did to lose weight and instead fall back into their old habits. If you previously gained weight with those old habits, odds are you will gain weight again when you revert to your old ways. It's really as simple as that. It doesn't matter whether you ate pop tarts while losing weight or whether you ate whole foods while losing weight; it comes down to what you do at maintenance.
    THIS! I GAINED TWENTY POUNDS BACK WHILE CONTINUING TO EXERCISE BUT EATING TOO MUCH. It's easy to fall back into old habits, especially in winter or during a stressful time.
  • Spiderkeys
    Spiderkeys Posts: 338 Member
    I would think some ppl think, "Its ok, I can always diet again", similar to start/stop smoking, only thing is, your second attempt may not be as successful as the first.

    I worked so hard to get where I am today, if I was to put on all the weight again, I would be worse off, as all the muscle I lost with the fat.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I think a combination of a restrictive diet for so long....and then they binge....

    And also, not understanding the role, impact, and makeup of food they eat plays into their over all health and weight level.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Probably because at some point they stop counting calories.

    During the restrictive portion control style diet, they have still been eating the same sort of foods they would have been when they weren't counting calories.

    Rather than try and change the types of food they eat, which will better control the hormones in their bodies, which in turn will control the cravings, they've just struggle through eating less of the (Moorish stuff).

    When they stop the counting, they consume more calories and the weight goes back on.

    I love food, I like the way it tastes and the way it makes me feel - but at the end of the day it's fuel for our bodies, pure and simple.

    You can still get enjoyment out of eating a more limited range of food, but get past the emotional connection and you've cracked it.

    Cracking by the way is the hard part!!!
  • velocityc6
    velocityc6 Posts: 2,137 Member
    It has nothing to do with "restrictions" in my opinion and rather has to do with a lack of focus on the long-term. People hit their goal and then rest on their laurels. They stop doing what they did to lose weight and instead fall back into their old habits. If you previously gained weight with those old habits, odds are you will gain weight again when you revert to your old ways. It's really as simple as that. It doesn't matter whether you ate pop tarts while losing weight or whether you ate whole foods while losing weight; it comes down to what you do at maintenance.

    I agree! Well said!

  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    It has nothing to do with "restrictions" in my opinion and rather has to do with a lack of focus on the long-term. People hit their goal and then rest on their laurels. They stop doing what they did to lose weight and instead fall back into their old habits. If you previously gained weight with those old habits, odds are you will gain weight again when you revert to your old ways. It's really as simple as that. It doesn't matter whether you ate pop tarts while losing weight or whether you ate whole foods while losing weight; it comes down to what you do at maintenance.

    I agree with this, except that restrictions do play a part in some cases. They think if they give up sugar or something, they will lose weight, and then once they get there, they start eating sugar again. What people fail to realize is that there is no before and after. It's a before and during. Figure out how to eat for the rest of your life, and you can keep the weight off.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    It has nothing to do with "restrictions" in my opinion and rather has to do with a lack of focus on the long-term. People hit their goal and then rest on their laurels. They stop doing what they did to lose weight and instead fall back into their old habits. If you previously gained weight with those old habits, odds are you will gain weight again when you revert to your old ways. It's really as simple as that. It doesn't matter whether you ate pop tarts while losing weight or whether you ate whole foods while losing weight; it comes down to what you do at maintenance.

    I agree with this, except that restrictions do play a part in some cases. They think if they give up sugar or something, they will lose weight, and then once they get there, they start eating sugar again. What people fail to realize is that there is no before and after. It's a before and during. Figure out how to eat for the rest of your life, and you can keep the weight off.

    Agreed - Simple answer!

    Don't stop counting calories.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    For the most part, people talk a good talk about "lifestyle change", but fail to actually implement such a change. They hit their goal weight and for them, they've crossed some finish line and they're done...what they don't realize is that they've actually just reached the starting line; hitting that goal weight is just the beginning but that's a concept that people seem to have a really hard time grasping.
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    Its because people think of MFP as a diet instead of a lifestyle change.
  • fougamou
    fougamou Posts: 200 Member
    I will speak from experience. About 10 years ago I lost 40 lbs and kept it off for several years. Gradually the weight crept up, just like it did when I gained it in the first place.

    For me, I think the issue was my body got used to my exercise routine so it became less effective. When it became less effective, I was less motivated to exercise, when I exercised less, I didn't reduce my calories, so I gained weight. Once I started gaining weight, I felt helpless and started eating worse.

    This time around I am trying to really focus on calories in/calories out and the link between exercising and the amount of calories I can eat.

    Long term, it really is difficult to keep a close eye on what you are eating and staying motivated to eat right and exercise.
  • MainahGirl
    MainahGirl Posts: 282 Member
    Two years ago I lost 107. I am now down 80.

    Dropping lbs at a heavier weight wasn't as difficult as it is now. My body has adjusted and I have to really work at losing weight now. I can honestly say that I get bored tracking and constantly thinking of my food/exercise intake, but I still try. I'm certain I will lose more, but it takes effort.

    I read a study that most people who lose large amounts of weight, gain it back within 3 years. Not this girl. That's why I'm still here. I'll never say screw it and throw in the towel.
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member
    The same reason broke people who win the lottery sometimes blow through all their money and end up broke again. Being broke wasn't their real problem. The reason they were broke was. Same with weight usually. Being overweight is a symptom. Not the actual problem.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    My answer is: It isn't realistic for MOST of us (there are always the folks that are the exception) to say "I'm going to completely cut X,Y and Z out of my food intake FOREVER so I can be 'skinny'. "

    Most of us like at least a few things that are calorie-dense and nutrient poor. We need to learn to eat those in controlled amounts (not the whole cake/pie/bag of chips...whatever) no matter how tasty it is...unless we're prepared to do whatever ridiculous amount of exercise is required to offset the indulgence.

    I used to like sweets. I *STILL* like sweets. I am trying to learn to be more moderate...dessert is not an "every night" thing anymore. A pint of Ben and Jerry's is not a "serving" anymore. Some things I am more tempted by so I tend to try and not keep them in the house...if I have to leave the house to have it, the "lazy factor" will keep me from getting it all the time. The occasional ice cream/ etc. isn't going to kill me. I'm also trying to redefine what a "dessert" is to myself. Greek yogurt with granola on top IS sweet...hence it is a dessert. "Dessert" doesn't have to be a hunk of sugar and fat covered in chocolate sauce (sometimes it still is though..I will never again try and say "I'm never eating (X) again!").

    In the past, I've always looked at it as "I'm gonna tough this out until I get to the magic number so I can whatever I want again and still look good!" It doesn't really work that way...unless you can live at the gym in between meals. Most of us can't. Now I try to look at it as "I'll make a small change each week and try and make it stick. If I screw it up, I will try again rather than saying 'I guess I can't do it..it's too hard".

    So far, I've lost 20 pounds and made it stay off since last October. This is a record for me. I think now that I've given up thinking "One day this will all be OVER..." that it will actually work this time.