I can't stay under my calories...HELP!!!

wildcard29 Posts: 322 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I can't stay under 1200 calories and not be starving. I'm always over on protien and fiber and that doesn't seem to help either. I want to do this but lose it by the time I get to work and am surrounded by nothing but unhealthy choices and feel like I've been starving all day. I bring my dinner to work and healthy snacks but by that point none of it is satisfying and I go over on calories anyway munching on that. Is this all mental or what. It drives me nuts. I do better of course the days I workout and am allowed more calories but that's not possible everyday.


  • how much water do you drink a day?
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Maybe adjust your goals to lose less per week so you can eat more. Then after you get used to it drop down a bit more. Try eating several smaller meals so you feel like you're eating more often/a lot. High protein snacks can help hold off cravings. Hard boiled egg whites? Almonds? Good luck!!!
  • try working out. WheI run first thing in the morning I am lss hungry during the day. I know it is strange, but...
  • c7eat2live
    c7eat2live Posts: 308 Member
    yes. I would suggest water, hot unsweet teas, and most especially raw fruits and veggies. I would also not stress about going over fiber and protein, the suggestions on this site are rather low. If you find you are going over sugar, sodium and carbs, that would be a red flag for me...
    pack a baggie with carrots, grapes, asian pear, apples, bell peppers, celery, any combo you really like!! low cal and filling.
  • nichalsont
    nichalsont Posts: 421 Member
    I had the same problem. I started burning around 300 calories a day on an elliptical trainer (giving me 1500 calories) and also started taking vitamins. I take fish oil, B-12, and a multi-vitamin. When I forget and don't take them for a day or two, I want to eat everything in sight.
  • i get chocolate cravings, i buy the 100 calorie packs to help when i have those, otherwise i eat a lot of fruits and veggies throughout the day, i also have a 1200 cal goal
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    Do you have your calories set so that you are losing 2 pounds a week? If you are, I would suggest scaling it back to 1 pound a week - you get a few more calories, and you are still losing steadily - nothing wrong with going a bit slower and easing yourself in. I get 1700 a day, plus exercise cals a few times a week, and I am losing weight pretty easily. (Despite what it says on my ticker, I had gone up 8 pounds from my starting weight here... so I've lost like 9 since I restarted my tracking...)
  • Make sure that you are not drinking wasted calories like: soda, juice, and subsitute with water which is ZEO Cals, if you have to flavor with Lemon or line or Crystal Light. Milk is another if not eaten with cereal. Try oatmeal plain and get some agave nector, it's natural and only 60 per tbsp. Drink lots of water throughout the day that helps me..
  • ashley_h10
    ashley_h10 Posts: 110 Member
    your body will definitely go into shock for a while, especially if your used to eating like 2000 cals a day...how long have you been attempting 1200? I would say increase it to 1500, then slowly decrease it untill your back down to 1200 but that way it wont be as much of a shock :)
  • for me, it's psychosymatic. Since I know I can't eat anymore, it makes me want to eat that much more. But I find edamame is relatively filling and since it's a llittle tedious to eat, it's a distraction from the hunger. Always eat whole wheat and like pinkissheek is hinting at, drink a looooot of water. It flushes your system and fills you up for the time being. Plus, you may want to eat salad with dressing on the side as an appetizer for lunch and dinner to help stay within your calorie goal. That takes away from the hunger so you don't eat as much of the entree. I also find bananas and peanut butter are filling. There's tons of tricks to eating right and staying within reccomended calories. And the good news is, once your inner stomach gets used to eating so little, it will shrink. And it will no longer be a hard task to eat 1200 calories a day.
  • marieisthecool
    marieisthecool Posts: 46 Member
    it's in your head. if you think youre hungry, drink water first. most people don't drink enough water and out bodies confuse the feeling hungry and thirsty. if you have trouble getting yourself to drink that much water, try seltzer. I started drinking seltzer to stop drinking soda. the carbonation can satisfy you more, plus the bubbles will make you feel full faster.

    coffee is also really great while dieting, it supresses your appetite.
  • wildcard29
    wildcard29 Posts: 322 Member
    I drink plenty of water, it's all I drink all day and sometimes I pound a bottle trying to hold off cravings lol but I am horrible bout taking vitamins. I'll do good for a week and then I forget. I have an extremely fluctuating schedule that is never the same two weeks in a row. I am going to put a little more focus on vitamins I didn't realize they would do much to help that. All your comments are helpful....thanks:)
  • mrsgrant
    mrsgrant Posts: 9 Member
    You should probably be eating more calories..my doctor told me that people eating only 1200 calories
    a day should be being monitored by their doctor..it's hard for me to stay under 1600 calories and feel good, I am
    considering talking with a nutritionist to get some ideas of healthy meals to eat that will make me feel satisfied
    and energetic, maybe thats an idea for you as well..good luck!
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    MFP generally doesn't recommend you eat under 1200 calories. And not to mention, if you are hungry, there is a reason for that! Like, that your body needs fuel... ;)

    I'm curious what it is going on. So can you give us some more details? What does MFP say your goal is and what amount of weight do you have it set for you to lose? And why are you trying to stay under your calories? Sounds like you are trying to starve yourself.

    Also, the point about empty calories is a good one.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    If you workout then you can up your calorie intake. I stay under my 1490 cal a day plan however that's what MFP recommends... I workout to the P90x and it says I should be consuming 2380 calories a day. But I am completly satsified @ 1490 calories a day. I would up your calories by 600 more a day if you workout and workout hard!

    Plus they never recommend eating less than 1500 calories a day. Go to a diet nutrienstist and they will go over all of that with you.
  • lisashimon
    lisashimon Posts: 1 Member
    I don't know if this is within your budget (they're rather expensive) but someone gave us a package of Miracle Noodles. They are like Japanese celophane noodles, but they're O calories. I eat them with a teaspoon of Brummel and Brown spread and salt, or a half cup of tomato sauce and it fills my craving for carbs. 1 package is a decent sized serving for 1 person. Just a thought.
  • wildcard29
    wildcard29 Posts: 322 Member
    I just changed my thing to lose a pound per week and that upped my calories to 1620 which seems way more realistic to me and like something I can do. Thanks so much!!!!
  • colleen40
    colleen40 Posts: 38 Member
    Best of luck. One of the things my dietician recommended was to watch portion sizes and to eat more often in smaller quantities.

    Also if hungry is a problem, I find green tea sweetened with Stevia helps.
  • wildcard29
    wildcard29 Posts: 322 Member
    Can you get the noodles from your local grocery store?
  • maryrshstattoo
    maryrshstattoo Posts: 206 Member
    Hit the gym lady! I try to burn about 1000 calories a day that is pretty high but it allows me to eat 2200 calories and still lose weight the more you work out the more you can eat with out going over! Good luck
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