Im going on a weight loss journey currently I

Im going on a weight loss journey currently I am on a. 1000 calorie diet...i need to lose 30-40lbs to be at a healthy weight so I think 1000 calories is good. But now I hear that its horrible for you. Befor I tried to lose weight and was on a 1200 calorie diet and went to the gym everyday this lasted for about two weeks and I lost 7lbs. So I was thinking mayb I should go back to a 1200 calorie diet, but I cant bring myself to do it... I am also looking for peole who are also trying to loose weight and we can motivate eachother.


  • a2014nolen
    Hi I'm Ann and I'm new here just started today. I think 1000 calories is a little low from everything I've been reading the lowest recommended is the 1200 calories. I do 1500 calories personally. I'm very overweight at 303 now which is good I've lost 12 lbs these last 2 months been kicking butt at the gym and such to do it. I would love to work as a fitness buddy and we can encourage each other. I've been exercising 2 months now and trying to keep motivated. Feel free to friend me. Keep up the good work finding a support system is always helpful.
  • williamshl10
    williamshl10 Posts: 60 Member
    I think the misinterpretation is no matter what you do, you shouldn't fall below 1200 calories or your body will go into starvation mode. So if you only eat 1200 calories a day and go to the gym, you are burning yourself under the 1200 calories. So you have to eat more if you are going to be working out. I would aim higher at 1500 calories and burn 300 calories a day and the days you are not working out, drop back down to 1200. That way your body is getting toned and you are losing weight.
  • smileyfacesmileyface
    I agree 1000 cal. is to low. 1200 is the bare min. your body will go into starvation mode which will make losing weight difficult. hope this helped.
  • normalowell1
    normalowell1 Posts: 4 Member
    I know how heard it is to lose weight.. I tried the 1000 cal diet but after a while instead of losing I gained.. Found out later it was muscles i was gaining..What you have to do is find a comfortable cal. in take for you and your body size..If you felt good at 1200 then go back to it.. But as long as you burn more then you put in you then you should lose.. But remember muscles will put weight on you so don't get discourage if the scale goes up a little..Muscles burn more cals for you.. Walking is also a good exercise.