sick,fat&nearly dead. does juicing diet work?



  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Fat Sick and Nearly Dead is such proof, why question it?

    It's an infomercial for a juicer. If you love handing out money, there are all sorts of options with paid advocates and "amazing" results. Watch Dr. Oz and you can find a new "miracle" food or strategy to spend money on every week.
  • jkowula
    jkowula Posts: 447
    Juicing is terrible. It's increases your risk of different metabolic disorders from the excess fructose, it removes the healthy part of fruit (fiber) and leaves you with a cup full of sugar water, it doesn't provide enough fats or protein for you body to function properly, and you'll lose muscle and possibly damage your organs.

    How do I get a cup full of sugar from juicing mainly vegetables?

    Also how is it terrible when I incorporate it into the rest of my eating?

    I find it to be a great way for me to get a lot of micro nutrients in an easily absorbed source. There is no way I would eat apples, celery, carrots, spinach, cucumber and lime or lemon in one sitting. I think its great for breakfast, add some flax or chia seeds.. done. I find your comments misleading unless you clarify that mean when only juicing.
  • jkowula
    jkowula Posts: 447
    Juicing is terrible. It's increases your risk of different metabolic disorders from the excess fructose, it removes the healthy part of fruit (fiber) and leaves you with a cup full of sugar water, it doesn't provide enough fats or protein for you body to function properly, and you'll lose muscle and possibly damage your organs.

    took the words right out of my mouth

    Wow. I had no idea fruits and vegetables were just sugar, water, and fiber. Might as well take some Metamucil and drink a soda...

    ... come on. There's more to nutrition than that.

    BINGO.. we have a winner!
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    Everything in moderation.
  • leahgoldgirl
    leahgoldgirl Posts: 61 Member
    Diets don't work. Don't diet. Juicing is especially faulty as a) juice doesn't fill you up, b) taking in 3+ servings of fruit, with some veggies thrown in, causes your blood sugar to spike, because unlike with eating fruits and vegetables, which have fiber in their whole form, which makes the sugar hit your system slowly (and fills you up) juice does not.

    My suggestion? Stop looking for a quick fix. Instead, eat healthy foods in carefully controlled portions. A food scale and a set of measuring cups will be your best friends if you have portion control issues. Also, do not leave too much excess or any treat food around your house. If you're a drug addict and you hold on to the heroin while trying to quit, you'll probably use it. The same goes for junk food. If it's there, you'll eat it, so why put yourself in the position to fail?

    You can look at my food diary if you would like ideas.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    A diet only of juice... eh. Regardless of health your jaw muscles with atrophy.

    I suppose a juice for like a breakfast would be fine.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    Watch Forks over Knives
  • missomgitsica
    missomgitsica Posts: 496 Member
    Juicing is terrible. It's increases your risk of different metabolic disorders from the excess fructose, it removes the healthy part of fruit (fiber) and leaves you with a cup full of sugar water, it doesn't provide enough fats or protein for you body to function properly, and you'll lose muscle and possibly damage your organs.

    A lot of juicers now actually use the whole fruit, so saying you only get the sugar and none of the fiber is incorrect.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I honestly believe it is a great way to reboot your life. It's a great way to cleanse your system, get rid of junk that is building up in there, and replenish your cells with the nutrients it needs. NOT TRUE This is not something you want to do for the rest of your life but doing a 5 day, 10 day, or even 30 day cleanse will be very good for your body. There's a lot of people who think you need to have real food in order to be healthy, but honestly, if you are using various forms of vegetables and fruits to create your juices there is nothing wrong. There is nothing wrong with it because you are getting only the vitamins and nutrients you need. It's just to kick start your body into getting healthy again. I couldnt think of a better way to detox and give yourself a fresh start.

    I did it for about 5 days and I saw some great results. I felt better, of course around day 3 and 4 I was moody and hungry, DING DING but thats normal. I felt lighter and I had more energy. I stopped after 5 days because my husband and I bought ingredients for the green juice mainly, and some other ingredients for other side juices.....I hated the green juice!! If I do this again, which I plan to, I will find another green juice to make and add many more juice recipes to our grocery list. It just an awesome way to flush and replenish your body and you will feel awesome afterwards!!!!! Fat Sick and Nearly Dead is such proof, why question it? Good luck!

    What a crock.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    I will occasionally juice if I'm going to spend the day trail riding and only have room for a water bottle in my saddle bag and don't have time to stop and eat something, plus drinking is more convenient when trotting and cantering all day. I'm not against juicing for a tasty treat either. Plus saving the pulp makes a great flavoring for foods.

    Other than for supplementing a meal or making your own OJ or apple juice why not just eat at a reasonable deficit with your macros set at what works best for you (may take some experimenting 40c/30p/30f is a good starting point) and exercise a little everyday?

    ETA: The body has a fabulous detox system in the liver, kidney, and intestines.
  • glowgirl14
    glowgirl14 Posts: 200 Member
    Juicing is's really healthy for you. There are a ton of articles on the benefits of juicing.

    I have done modified juice fasts where I eat a small dinner and have juice the rest of the day...for one week. Those reboots make me feel great. I feel sluggish and hungry for the first day, but by the second, I feel better...more the end of the weeks, I'm not taking any medications - none of the headache pills I usually take, nothing. I sleep better. I have a ton of energy. In short - I feel ten years younger.

    To the people who say it's better to eat the fruit/veggie - I'm sorry, but no. If you were drinking the juice from one apple, it would be better to eat the apple. But if you're drinking a 10oz glass of juice, that's got the nutrients of several servings of fruits and veggies. All with 2-300 calories.

    The movie was extreme. But if you listen closely, the original guy did his juice fast, and then had to take a few weeks to transition back to normal food. Raw diet...then back to a very guessed it...balanced diet.

    Juicing is not a "magic pill" for weight loss. As a matter of fact if you're closer to underweight, you'll gain weight from juicing. If you're overweight, you'll lose. But when you come off the juice, you will gain every bit back if you don't have a healthy plan in place to maintain a modest deficit from the calories you burn. There is no magic pill. If you want the health benefits, by all means, add some fresh juice to your diet. It's amazing...but it's not going to turn you into a supermodel. :)
  • SkinnyBubbaGaar
    SkinnyBubbaGaar Posts: 389 Member
    Personally, I've found that I've had much better success with Gin and Juice.

  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    I have an expensive juicer (omega) and my dad and i just did a 3 day fast. I "cheat" and drink 2 protein shakes a day when I fast, just to make sure im getting enough protein. I lost 10 pounds, which most likely is water and crap...but I do feel good. I log the juices and protein shakes and it comes in at 4 calories over my daily goal. You want to make sure you still hit your goal, your body needs the calories.

    The same people who bash you for drinking all juice most lkely are the ones who congratulate those who ate a whole pizza or 13 donuts and fit them in their cals, so you have to do what you feel is best for your body.

    You can try replacing breakfast and lunch with juice and eating a vegetarian dinner and see how that works out for you, just make sure you hit your daily calories
  • mreilly013
    mreilly013 Posts: 36 Member
    I juice every now and then but it's never just the juice. I eat normal food also. The reason I juice is to get some more veggies in. Now I've gotten used to just juicing some veggies up, (Carrots, Celery, Cucumber) and then keep it in my fridge to add to my smoothies in the morning. My smoothies usually consist of plain Greek yogurt, a banana, spinach, some of my vegetable juice and then a little liquid to get it all moving.
  • courtneymelodygreen
    Hello )

    Juicing does work!!!
    My dad has lost 5 and a half stone since October by doing juicing.. Now Christmas and new year was during this time and he went on 2 holidays!

    I tried juicing and unfortunately it made me very poorly. Even though I had a light meal for dinner time and juice for breakfast and lunch... I think my problem was that I exercise so much. With my job being so physical in being i will be doing constant walking/standing for 5 hours it just got to much for me. My body started rejecting food and was just making it all come back up. Although I think this may be the same as all crash diets?

    Either way.. Yes it does work. But please make sure exercise is kept to a minimum.
    Good Luck ❤️
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,583 Member
    Hello )

    Juicing does work!!!

    To what extent? You're telling someone to juice and not exercise? Of course it's all a crash diet if that's all someone is doing is juicing.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    Sure, I guess it can "work". If by "work" you mean unhealthily drop a few lbs and then probably gain them back the next day.

    Juice does provide many health benefits if you combine them with a balanced, healthy diet. If you use them to replace two meals a day it just leads to an unbalanced, unhealthy diet.
  • courtneymelodygreen
    I'm saying it works as my dad done no exercise what so ever and lost that much weight. Where as I done it and got extremely poorly as I have a physical job. It's the only crash diet I've done not much knowledge on any others :) also you probably won't put all the weight back on as long as your eating habits aren't the same as they were before ... Same as all diets.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    I honestly believe it is a great way to reboot your life. It's a great way to cleanse your system, get rid of junk that is building up in there, and replenish your cells with the nutrients it needs. This is not something you want to do for the rest of your life but doing a 5 day, 10 day, or even 30 day cleanse will be very good for your body. There's a lot of people who think you need to have real food in order to be healthy, but honestly, if you are using various forms of vegetables and fruits to create your juices there is nothing wrong. There is nothing wrong with it because you are getting only the vitamins and nutrients you need. It's just to kick start your body into getting healthy again. I couldnt think of a better way to detox and give yourself a fresh start.

    I did it for about 5 days and I saw some great results. I felt better, of course around day 3 and 4 I was moody and hungry, but thats normal. I felt lighter and I had more energy. I stopped after 5 days because my husband and I bought ingredients for the green juice mainly, and some other ingredients for other side juices.....I hated the green juice!! If I do this again, which I plan to, I will find another green juice to make and add many more juice recipes to our grocery list. It just an awesome way to flush and replenish your body and you will feel awesome afterwards!!!!! Fat Sick and Nearly Dead is such proof, why question it? Good luck!

    This post caused me to facepalm so hard that when I woke up to post this we were on a new page.

    Fat Sick and Nearly Dead is proof of two things, 1. Marketing works, and 2. there truly is a sucker born every minute. And all those Dr. Oz buzzwords, Cleanse, detox, kickstart, are you serious here? If you want to detox and give yourself a fresh start, do as I do, start every day on the John, and follow that with a shower and then brush your teeth, or whatever order you choose.

  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member

    Fat Sick and Nearly Dead is proof of two things, 1. Marketing works, and 2. there truly is a sucker born every minute. And all those Dr. Oz buzzwords, Cleanse, detox, kickstart, are you serious here? If you want to detox and give yourself a fresh start, do as I do, start every day on the John, and follow that with a shower and then brush your teeth, or whatever order you choose.

