My Doctor Suggested Eating Low-Carb AND Low-Fat



  • sjp_511
    sjp_511 Posts: 476 Member
    I am highly questionable of your doctor's advice. I would recommend that you see a registered dietician.
  • Adyanna79
    Adyanna79 Posts: 24 Member
    Your doctor does sounds like he has a quick draw for his prescription pad.

    I would not follow his advice and consult a nutritionist.
  • Toblave
    Toblave Posts: 244 Member
    Doctors are great at diagnosing illnesses and have education in many areas of human physiology but are not dietitians and so may not always be the best resource for information about nutrition and diet.
  • RoseGoldDinosaur
    RoseGoldDinosaur Posts: 133 Member
    I also suggest it! Ditching processed foods will cut out most of your carbs and most of your trans and saturated fats.

    Eating whole grains, fruits and veg, lean meats, seeds, nuts, and legumes will put you at a place considered low-carb and low-fat. It's also low-sugar! I think most people just call it healthy eating though :wink:

    Eat real food. Not too much. Mostly plants. <- Good advice and it works! Good luck!
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Is that possible?
    Sure, it's possible.

    What exactly did your doc mean "low"?
    He suggested a few pills for appetite suppressants
    Get a different doctor.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Is that possible?

    Depends on what percentage of macros he wants you to hit on a daily basis. You need to find out. Low carb and low fat by themselves mean nothing.
  • live2dream
    live2dream Posts: 614 Member
    He's just a regular doctor. I had told him that I had hit a plateu in my weight loss and that I just wanted to get bloodwork done to rule out any thyroid problems or deficiencies. Really I wasn't asking advice... just wanted to get some tests run and see how I checked out because I hadn't gotten bloodwork done in 10 years.

    He suggested a few pills for appetite suppressants, and he asked if I had tried low-carb. I am doing sort of low-carb... not purposefully.. just trying to hit my macros and fats and then carbs are irrelevant. But he said low-carb low-fat could work. I told him that I thought that might make me constipated... he suggested stool softeners....

    Typical doctor... want a pill for that? and another pill to take care of the side effects of that pill? ugh so sad :( They know nothing about nutrition. Most doctors only take 1 class on it.

    I would be VERRRRRY leary about low-carb. Carbs are awesome! Low fat is important though.
  • jenniferarnold619
    It depends on how many carbs he is talking about. If you eat a diet that consists of lean protein (chicken breasts, fish, eggs) and a lot of green veggies this can be done. I eat a low carb, low fat in the sense that I cut out "filler" carbs (btw that is my terminology) like pasta, rice, white potatoes, bread. Essentially all white carbs and most grains. About the only grain I eat is oatmeal. And I used plain old fashion oats and doctor them up myself to control how much sugar I put in it. I just look at eating this way as eating foods that nourish your body. The carbs I do eat are in fruit, limited amounts of non-fat greek yogurt and sweet potatoes. If you want some menu ideas, let me know. This is a very doable. And you can let this be a life style. Its not an extreme diet where you are cutting out a whole food group. I can't begin to tell you how great I feel when I eat this way.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    Good luck with that
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    He's just a regular doctor. I had told him that I had hit a plateu in my weight loss and that I just wanted to get bloodwork done to rule out any thyroid problems or deficiencies. Really I wasn't asking advice... just wanted to get some tests run and see how I checked out because I hadn't gotten bloodwork done in 10 years.

    He suggested a few pills for appetite suppressants, and he asked if I had tried low-carb. I am doing sort of low-carb... not purposefully.. just trying to hit my macros and fats and then carbs are irrelevant. But he said low-carb low-fat could work. I told him that I thought that might make me constipated... he suggested stool softeners....

    He's probably really just saying, eat high protein and lower carbs and fat. But I would just jingle him up and ask for specifics. Make your carbs high fiber carbs and drink plenty of fluids and you should not have a problem with constipation.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    He's just a regular doctor. I had told him that I had hit a plateu in my weight loss and that I just wanted to get bloodwork done to rule out any thyroid problems or deficiencies. Really I wasn't asking advice... just wanted to get some tests run and see how I checked out because I hadn't gotten bloodwork done in 10 years.

    He suggested a few pills for appetite suppressants, and he asked if I had tried low-carb. I am doing sort of low-carb... not purposefully.. just trying to hit my macros and fats and then carbs are irrelevant. But he said low-carb low-fat could work. I told him that I thought that might make me constipated... he suggested stool softeners....

    Typical doctor... want a pill for that? and another pill to take care of the side effects of that pill? ugh so sad :( They know nothing about nutrition. Most doctors only take 1 class on it.

    I would be VERRRRRY leary about low-carb. Carbs are awesome! Low fat is important though.

    Fat is important. Important for proper body function. It's okay to lower fat, but "low-fat" is not a good idea in an otherwise healthy person.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    NO, your doctor has recommended the one way of eating that can be deadly. Doctors are NOT well educated in nutrition. At all. Get another opinion. Please.

    There are many other options that are safe. High fat/low carb. High carb/moderate fat. Moderate carb/moderate fat. Protein should always be moderate/low depending on the individual. Protein is VERY important but we don't need a whole lot of it. I'm a fan of high fat/low carb but there are human societies that ate high carb and low fat and still thrived but their diet was completely different from today's SAD, so.... when we are not eating certain foods (organ meat, fermented foods, bones, sea vegetables) at all I'm not in agreement with high carb/low fat being healthful.
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    He's just a regular doctor. I had told him that I had hit a plateu in my weight loss and that I just wanted to get bloodwork done to rule out any thyroid problems or deficiencies. Really I wasn't asking advice... just wanted to get some tests run and see how I checked out because I hadn't gotten bloodwork done in 10 years.

    He suggested a few pills for appetite suppressants, and he asked if I had tried low-carb. I am doing sort of low-carb... not purposefully.. just trying to hit my macros and fats and then carbs are irrelevant. But he said low-carb low-fat could work. I told him that I thought that might make me constipated... he suggested stool softeners....

    Typical doctor... want a pill for that? and another pill to take care of the side effects of that pill? ugh so sad :( They know nothing about nutrition. Most doctors only take 1 class on it.

    I would be VERRRRRY leary about low-carb. Carbs are awesome! Low fat is important though.

    That last sentence makes me see red. Low carb is NOT dangerous nor does any healthy diet ever exclude carbs because carbs are in vegetables. That said, not everyone needs to very low carb, but anyone with metabolic disorders (excessive fat storage is just one of many) may benefit from a low carb lifestyle based on whole foods for awhile- how long depends on the person. For me, it will be forever. Not only that the recommended MFP carb macro is just ridiculous, for anyone. 300 grams of carbs? WHAT?

    "Low fat is important" for what? To make sure we are malnourished and sick? Please stop.
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    He's just a regular doctor. I had told him that I had hit a plateu in my weight loss and that I just wanted to get bloodwork done to rule out any thyroid problems or deficiencies. Really I wasn't asking advice... just wanted to get some tests run and see how I checked out because I hadn't gotten bloodwork done in 10 years.

    He suggested a few pills for appetite suppressants, and he asked if I had tried low-carb. I am doing sort of low-carb... not purposefully.. just trying to hit my macros and fats and then carbs are irrelevant. But he said low-carb low-fat could work. I told him that I thought that might make me constipated... he suggested stool softeners....

    Typical doctor... want a pill for that? and another pill to take care of the side effects of that pill? ugh so sad :( They know nothing about nutrition. Most doctors only take 1 class on it.

    I would be VERRRRRY leary about low-carb. Carbs are awesome! Low fat is important though.

    That last sentence makes me see red. Low carb is NOT dangerous nor does any healthy diet ever exclude carbs because carbs are in vegetables. That said, not everyone needs to very low carb, but anyone with metabolic disorders (excessive fat storage is just one of many) may benefit from a low carb lifestyle based on whole foods for awhile- how long depends on the person. For me, it will be forever. Not only that the recommended MFP carb macro is just ridiculous, for anyone. 300 grams of carbs? WHAT?

    "Low fat is important" for what? To make sure we are malnourished and sick? Please stop.

    I know, seriously /:
    Maybe not eating EXCESSIVE fat is important, but you shouldn't eat EXCESSIVE anything.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    You need AT LEAST 45 grams of healthy fat daily, just to avoid serious illness. Haven't we learned just how dumb high carb/low fat diets are? Why wouldn't low carb/low fat diets be even dumber? I went on a low carb/low fat diet once--the only thing I lost permanently was my gall bladder. (Gall bladder disease is associated with very low calorie diets, such as the one your doc is advocating--maybe he's trying to drum up further business for himself??) I have been on my current plan of "lower carbs" (70-125 grams per day, with the higher amounts on my cardio days) for three years and have not felt (or looked) so well for many years. It is actually quite easy to consistently hit a moderate calorie deficit when you cut out added sugar and processed junk. Your body will thank you for not torturing it with low carb/low fat. :smile: If you think you need a larger deficit--add more exercise, especially weight training or resistance work of any sort. As you build muscle, you will burn more calories (even just sleeping) than you would have with less muscle. It is why men usually have an easier time losing weight--because they have a higher amount of lean body mass. If you increase your lean body mass, you will become a calorie-burning machine. It works.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    He's just a regular doctor. I had told him that I had hit a plateu in my weight loss and that I just wanted to get bloodwork done to rule out any thyroid problems or deficiencies. Really I wasn't asking advice... just wanted to get some tests run and see how I checked out because I hadn't gotten bloodwork done in 10 years.

    He suggested a few pills for appetite suppressants, and he asked if I had tried low-carb. I am doing sort of low-carb... not purposefully.. just trying to hit my macros and fats and then carbs are irrelevant. But he said low-carb low-fat could work. I told him that I thought that might make me constipated... he suggested stool softeners....

    Ahhh consider a new doctor. Replace a symptom with a pill? Stupid.
    I had a plateau really bad, and while it would not hurt to check your thyroid - I would consider a more reliable calorie counter. I purchased a fitbit and a bodymedia armband. Both track your daily activity and how much you should consume. I stuck with the bodymedia armband since it is more accurate - and it has worked wonders! I found out that I was not eating nearly enough.

    Basically, TDEE minus 500 calories or 750 has worked really well for me. Busted right though the plateau like it never happened.
  • mufamuscles
    get a different doctor
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Did you last talk to your doctor in 1983?