That layer of fat that just wont leave!

First, a little about me.. I've lost 21 lbs. The first 15 doing at home exercises and the last 6 at the gym. My current training schedule is everyday and I lift for 30-60 minutes depending on my time and then jog. I am trying to increase my stamina jogging and can currently do 1.5 miles without stopping at 4.5-5 mph. I know I am gaining muscle and what not because I obviously can do more weight at everything than when I first started and can jog further. But I still have that annoying layer of fat over muscle that I do not want! I know you cant spot reduce fat but I really want it gone!! Anyone that can tell me what helped them or any advice at all would be super :)


  • marko320
    marko320 Posts: 84 Member
    Based on the small sig pic, I'd say you look great. It takes forever to get rid of that last layer. Stupid law of diminishing returns. Unless you are going for the ripped look, I think you could leave it alone.
  • PlayBall5
    I am in the exact same boat. I have 4 more pounds to meet my goal. I know I am building muscle but my belly fat wont go away. Still that small layer. I have been told to start eating more fats which are good for you such as almonds and avacado. I have been doing this for about a week so I will see how it goes when I measure myself on Sunday. Good luck to you!
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    I hear ya!
    I have had a nice layer of fat, especially around my middle and on my upper arms, since I was a young child. Even as a competitive swimmer, runner, hiker, etc., it stayed with me through the years.
    Almost two years ago, I incrementally cut way back on animal fat and oils -- today it is less than 10% of my total daily calorie intake -- and started upping my intake of LOTS more vegetables and whole fruits. I still have fats, but now they're in the form of raw nuts and seeds, avocados, bananas; the "good" fats. The idea is to only feed my body limited quantities of "good" fats, so my body will use the fat I already have when it needed fats.
    It has worked out well for me. I've lost an additional 27 pounds, yet still have a good musculature underneath that I can actually see and feel now. For someone who has always been soft and "squishy," this is a real improvement.
    There's loose skin still, after losing almost 50 pounds total, but I'm no spring chicken anymore. You're young. You don't look like you'll have much if any loose skin, and if you do, it will take care of itself pretty quickly. Lucky you.
  • ReturnToRunning
    A lot of times you hit the final bit that sucks. One of the best ways too loose that last little bit of fat is to do some interval training on a track or treadmill. Basically try this.


    5 mins of comfortable jogging at your normal running pace.
    then every minute for 6 minutes, increase your pace by half a mile per/hour (adding a total of 3 mph)
    then drop back to your normal jog for 1 min.
    then increase your normal jog by 3.5mph for 1 min.
    then walk for 2 mins.

    Repeat this 3 or 4 times. This high intensity interval training directly attacks your fat deposits and by activating all your muscles including your core, it is buying that last layer and toning the muscle.

    Just a suggestion :)
  • rassha01
    rassha01 Posts: 534 Member
    I think you are on the correct path. Keep lifting, watch your diet, and I would drop the jogging and add some HIIT. Don't get me wrong my goals are all about running and getting faster but if your goal is to shred fat High Intensity will help more than steady state cardio.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    You talk about your exercise routine, but you're saying nothing about your eating. If you aren't at a deficit, it will be a long, slow road to get rid of that last bit of fat (it can be done at maintenance, but takes a lot longer; it's called body recomp).

    I would go with a 250 calorie deficit, aim for 100 g of protein (based on your weight), and keep up with the lifting. You have to be diligent, though, at weighing everything, because with only 250 calories in your deficit, lazy measuring could fill it all up.

    (I agree with a previous poster that you look fine as your are, but if you want that more sculpted look, it will take losing a bit of body fat, which is where the deficit comes in)
  • ColoradoCountryGal
    I eat healthy and really clean 90% of the time. I have a good deficit because I preplan my meals a day ahead and and have my activity level set one level lower than it should be being a waitress so that I for sure dont eat too much and I am trying to focus on protein as well!
  • ColoradoCountryGal
    A lot of times you hit the final bit that sucks. One of the best ways too loose that last little bit of fat is to do some interval training on a track or treadmill. Basically try this.


    5 mins of comfortable jogging at your normal running pace.
    then every minute for 6 minutes, increase your pace by half a mile per/hour (adding a total of 3 mph)
    then drop back to your normal jog for 1 min.
    then increase your normal jog by 3.5mph for 1 min.
    then walk for 2 mins.

    Repeat this 3 or 4 times. This high intensity interval training directly attacks your fat deposits and by activating all your muscles including your core, it is buying that last layer and toning the muscle.

    Just a suggestion :)

    Definitely will fit that into my workout!!!
  • stef_monster
    stef_monster Posts: 205 Member
    Intervals are really the way to go. I do pre-set intervals on the elliptical, 4 minutes low resistance/high rpm, 2 minutes high resistance/low rpm. Sometimes I'll do 1 minute hard at a moderate resistance, 2 minutes lower resistance for 15-30 minutes. If you're doing intervals on a piece of equipment, it definitely makes the time seem to go by faster.

    You can also do intervals with things like jump rope, burpees, jumping jacks, etc- just keep a stopwatch where you can see it.

    Congratulations on your success so far! You look great! Best of luck to you :)
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    I eat healthy and really clean 90% of the time. I have a good deficit because I preplan my meals a day ahead and and have my activity level set one level lower than it should be being a waitress so that I for sure dont eat too much and I am trying to focus on protein as well!

    Do you - or have you tried "nutrient timing"?
  • frangrann
    frangrann Posts: 219 Member
    The trainer told me to do your weight training first then any cardio but keep your heart rate 130 - 150 bpm for optimal fat burn post lifting.

    I've done the interval thing too.
  • FreshKrisKreash
    FreshKrisKreash Posts: 444 Member
    I have the same problem. Everyone says I look thin and then I'll lift up my shirt and that sure shuts them up. haha. It's the damn lower stomach. I've never been able to wear a bikini. :(

    I think I read that you have to lift really heavy weights and target the core to get washboard abs. Plus tons of protein. I don't think I have the patience for that so I'll probably be skinny fat until I die.