Zoloft and weight gain?

I recently switched from Welbutrin to Zoloft, and although I've been feeling better, I put on some lb's and can't seem to get them off. I'm taking a very low dose, but in the past when I've been at a calorie deficit (regardless of what I ate) I'd lose weight. I have been trying to hit a 1lb a week deficit. I have a pretty active lifestyle and log between 7000-12000 steps using my fitbit daily. I'm wondering if anyone has any similar problems with SSRI's. I eat pretty healthy, and have a cheat meal every now and then (or a 'lil chocolate). Feel free to view my diary. For reference -- I'm 5'4'', 128 lbs. I'm most comfortable around 120. I know my calories were a bit low some days this week, but I'm just playing around to see what works.


  • tootsie8700
    tootsie8700 Posts: 4 Member
    I'd keep a close eye on how/if zoloft affects your weight. I took it for years and while I do not blame it solely on my slow but steady weight gain, I do feel it didn't help and played a role.
  • dointime
    dointime Posts: 103 Member
    I gained close to 40 lbs in two months while on zoloft. I stopped taking it purely because of the weight gain. My weight gain also stopped when I stopped taking it.
  • ebayaddict0127
    ebayaddict0127 Posts: 523 Member
    When I started Zoloft I weighed 140... Now I weigh 222 (and that's after losing).

    Be careful with Zoloft. I'm now on Effexor and seem to be losing weight.
  • icyazaleas
    icyazaleas Posts: 13 Member
    I gained close to 40 lbs in two months while on zoloft. I stopped taking it purely because of the weight gain. My weight gain also stopped when I stopped taking it.

    That's scary. What the heck do these drugs do?!
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    I did the exact same thing, wellbutrin to zoloft. But I'm afraid it depends on person to person. I lost weight not trying on wellbutrin, not much just 4lbs. I quit it, and it came back on. I went on zoloft and noticed no difference. I know your appetite can increase on certain medications too. You can always tell your doctor about the side effects and see what he/she thinks. Maybe they will switch you to something else.
  • I also switched from Wellbutrin to Zoloft about two years ago. While on Wellbutrin, my appetite decreased and I lost about 20 lbs. After switching to zoloft, my appetite increased a bit and I became extremely lethargic. I gained about 30 lbs in the course of 6 months.
  • :huh: All my life I was a skinny stick, never had to diet and was at a healthy weight. I was started on Zoloft for depression in 2008 and was on it until I told my doctor I was going off of it and not going to try anything else. In 3 years I gained 55 pounds. Nothing I did stopped the gaining until I quit the Zoloft. It took 2 more years before eating healthy and exercising healthy finally started to move the scale down. I notice now that Zoloft has a class action suit for causing birth defects.

    For my depression support groups and exercise worked better than the Zoloft anyway. Wellbutrin didn't help at all, the Zoloft did but wasn't worth the side effects.

    Hope you can find an alternative to help with the depression, I know it's a tough situation. :flowerforyou:
  • I gained more than 80 pounds after 7 years on Zoloft (130ish to 210ish). After I got off of it, I didn't even have to try losing weight. After a couple of years the majority of it just melted away. Zoloft was super effective for my anxiety and depression though. So it's worth a shot. Just be sosososo careful!
  • icyazaleas
    icyazaleas Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for all the replies!
  • I also take Zoloft and have the same trouble as you. I exercise with weights, and do cardio, and I am still gaining weight.
  • ebayaddict0127
    ebayaddict0127 Posts: 523 Member
    My doctors told me Zoloft was weight neutral. After reading all the posts here, clearly it is not. Why the lies? I never would've taken the drug had I known I'd get so fat. And let's not even talk about what it's like trying to wean off Zoloft... (Holy withdrawals from hell..)
  • RachLK7
    RachLK7 Posts: 27 Member
    Well I had the complete opposite within first few weeks of taking it I had lost approx 10lbs, cos I constantly felt sick I had no appetite so lost weight! Suppose everybody is different tho!
  • writergeek313
    writergeek313 Posts: 390 Member
    Zoloft and I didn't get along very well at all. It made me really dizzy, I was thirsty all the time, and I gained 40 pounds in 11 months. Stupidly, I thought all antidepressants were like that, and I resisted going back on another one for over a year when I really needed one. The thing is, they affect everyone differently. What makes someone gain weight might make someone else lose, and some people may have no side effects at all. I'm on Trazodone now, and the side effects from that have been a lot more minor.
  • pteryndactyl
    pteryndactyl Posts: 303 Member
    Well I had the complete opposite within first few weeks of taking it I had lost approx 10lbs, cos I constantly felt sick I had no appetite so lost weight! Suppose everybody is different tho!

    I had a similar reaction. I was nauseous all the time and actually became slightly underweight whilst taking it.
  • jremp119
    jremp119 Posts: 2
    I told Zoloft for a little over a year. During that time, I slowly gain 30 pounds. I was training for a marathon that year as well as several half marathons. So to say I wasn't active enough is not the case. I've always been very cautious of what I eat. My doctor told me it's just age and diet. I'm now 40 years old and been off Zoloft for 7 months. I've been doing crossfit for 4 months and am trying to get back to running. The weight is slowly coming off. And I mean slowly. I have toned up with crossfit so I am at least seeing some results. But overall, Zoloft is not worth it. And no one will admit to weight gain as a side effect. Frustrating!
  • freckly3321
    freckly3321 Posts: 11 Member
    I've been on Zoloft for probably over 10 years now. Thinking I was just depressed, my doctor at the time, put me on it. Come to find out I was very Hypothyroid. She kept me on the Zoloft while we got my thyroid levels in a normal range. My life has changed drastically in the last 10 years so wonder if I even need it. I take a low dose. My current doctor says it's up to me whether I want to be on it or not. Now that I think back to when I started Zoloft combined with being Hypothyroid, that's when all my weight issues started. Hmmmm....maybe it's time to wean off. Anyone have any thoughts??
  • youngmommy2
    youngmommy2 Posts: 71 Member
    Wow! I'm surprised by all these responses. I've been on and off Zoloft for about 11 years and never affected my weight whatsoever. Actually being on it helps me lose weight purely because I have more motivation to actually get out of bed and not eat crap all day long. Hope you all find something that works for you.
  • I was told that Zoloft had nothing to do with my weight gain, but I believe that it is not. We know when something is going on in our bodies, not a doctor who sees you once or twice a year...

    When I began Zoloft, I was 119 pounds. I had just recently lost a friend to cancer, so I was under my 'normal' weight of 125. After taking Paxil for a year, I gained to 130 pounds. I tapered off, and then I had to get on Zoloft, gaining the weight again. I am now trying to taper off the Zoloft, and I feel your pain with the extra weight.
  • JulsiePie
    JulsiePie Posts: 166 Member
    Someone very close to me switched to Zoloft and gained just over 60 pounds in about 7 months. They switched after that!!
  • I gained close to 40 lbs in two months while on zoloft. I stopped taking it purely because of the weight gain. My weight gain also stopped when I stopped taking it.

    That's scary. What the heck do these drugs do?!
    They turn you off as a human being, borderline zombie. Food becomes comfort with them, also.
    I used to be on this awful medication myself for "depression" when I wasn't depressed, but dealing with abuse. Go doctors, you know what's best when a child tells you there's abuse.