Any Optifast users out there?



  • How do you guys get the little chart on the bottom of your posts that log your loss? I just joined. Found it but it starts me from today when I started myfitnesspal, not when I actually started doing Optifast. Oh well......

    Thanks, Nancy
  • Thanks. I need to get some of that stuff. I am two weeks in today and down 15 lbs. Only 4 lbs this week, but I expected that.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Thanks. I need to get some of that stuff. I am two weeks in today and down 15 lbs. Only 4 lbs this week, but I expected that.
    ... seriously? You're losing too fast already and think you need some miracle vlcd diet to lose faster... ?

    No. You need to reconfigure your expectations.
  • I went on Optifast with the attitude that I would take it day by day, now week by week. Even now, I am focusing on life after Optifast and the food and lifestyle changes I need to make, cause I know that is what is going to make or break my efforts.
  • Actually, from this point, I wouldn't expect to lose more than 3-4 lbs a week.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Actually, from this point, I wouldn't expect to lose more than 3-4 lbs a week.
    still too fast. I should hope you wouldn't expect to lose that much. Again unrealistic expectations.
  • judibryan46
    judibryan46 Posts: 15 Member
    Well said! One of my challenges is finding something I can do at home (particularly in the winter) and last weekend I spent a fair amount of time checking out various videos and found several particularly those of Leslie Sansone (like this one at with in-home WALKING designed to get your heart rate up (and IT DOES). It interjects a few other movements and weights if you like as well. I've started doing it and I feel so good I've done something good for my body! I can't make it through the whole thing yet (I'm very out of shape), but each time I do it, I can last a bit longer. And what's really great is it doesn't take a lot of space either!
  • judibryan46
    judibryan46 Posts: 15 Member
    Much as it would really be great to lose more, the doctors all say the same thing...1-2 lbs a week is a reasonable goal on this type of program. I'm running close to 2 lbs a week....still impatient, but it's still moving forward!!!
  • I have been using Optifast since November 12, 2013. I have lost 66 lbs so far and have another 70 to go! If it wasn't for Optifast I would still be on 2 different insulin's giving myself 4 shots a day, plus metformin. Along with 2 types of blood pressure medicine.

    NOW I am only on 1 blood pressure med and I am hoping to be taken off that on Monday. Optifast was my alternative to surgery which I did not want to do.

    I love the group setting once a week, I have learned so much and have made some good friends. The only thing I am having trouble with is, well this is kind of embarrassing, but lets just say "movement" and not the walking I have increased my fiber intake and have started taking a softener. I am hoping and praying that it works.

    It is nice to have a message board out there. Nice to meet everyone!

  • seamom
    seamom Posts: 18 Member
    I am impatient as well. I have to look at the graph of progress and not diminish what i have done so far. The number is going down, that is all that matters. I will NEVER see that high number again!
  • judibryan46
    judibryan46 Posts: 15 Member
    I dropped 4.6 lbs the first week and actually GAINED a few ounces the second week...NO idea why. But I'm now 4 weeks after that and each week I've been losing 1.5 - 2 lbs. I'm 67 and VERY show metabolism, but I'm trying to work on that. I keep telling myself to keep an "eye on the prize", which is a jump start to a new, healthier, more mobile me. Sometimes it's easy to lose focus, but CHOOSING to make a good decision each time I think about putting something into my mouth is where I try to keep my head. Some days are harder than others, but I've been loyal to the program and thinking PROGRESS every moment.

    Good luck, don't let temporary frustrations guide you...they are the exception. One choice at a time!
  • judibryan46
    judibryan46 Posts: 15 Member
    Awesome, Jill!!!! Both on the weight loss and on the MEDS reduction!!!!
  • NorthernCalGal
    NorthernCalGal Posts: 12 Member
    I am now 4 1/2 weeks in and have lost 18 lbs so I am happy :) I have 7 products a day -- am no longer hungry nor do I have any cravings. This is getting easier for me -- hope the rest of you experience the same. Stick with it -- it works. My friend visited this last week and he lost 160 lbs since July -- he is eating regular food now but being very strict and weighing and measuring everything -- so proud of him!
  • I am on
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    What if I told you that you could lose weight with food? The same food you can buy at the grocery store or market RIGHT now. Food that won't make you have to ingest it in shake form.

    "Oh, well, it's basically for people that have a lot of weight to lose" you say?

    Check out the ticker.

    Not a single shake. Not one. Unless you count post-workout protein shakes or milkshakes every now and then.

    If you learn HOW to eat, you don't have to go through some god awful progression of expensive shakes... JUST to get back to the same thing that got you here in the first place... food.

  • I started Optifast in March 2012 and lost about 80lbs out of my goal of 230lbs. I stopped due to family stuff and for 2 years, i kept it off. I gained about 25lb out of 80lbs back (stress eating due to death of family member). i decided to continue on with the program as soon as i noticed the clothes were not fitting. Thankfully, I caught myself in time. I want to lose about 150 t0 170 pounds.

    Since we all have to eat again some day, my plan is to use Optifast to get 1/2 to 2/3 of the weight off and try to lose the rest on a healthy food eating and lifestyle changes. My concern is not losing the weight, it's keeping it off. I feel that my success on keeping it off depends on habits I build in my eating and lifestyle. Optifast is a lifesaver but I think I need to use it as part of an overall comprehensive plan.

    I will say that this "break from food" has allowed me to see food, and my relationship with food, in a whole new light.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I started Optifast in March 2012 and lost about 80lbs out of my goal of 230lbs. I stopped due to family stuff and for 2 years, i kept it off. I gained about 25lb out of 80lbs back (stress eating due to death of family member). i decided to continue on with the program as soon as i noticed the clothes were not fitting. Thankfully, I caught myself in time. I want to lose about 150 t0 170 pounds.

    Since we all have to eat again some day, my plan is to use Optifast to get 1/2 to 2/3 of the weight off and try to lose the rest on a healthy food eating and lifestyle changes. My concern is not losing the weight, it's keeping it off. I feel that my success on keeping it off depends on habits I build in my eating and lifestyle. Optifast is a lifesaver but I think I need to use it as part of an overall comprehensive plan.

    I will say that this "break from food" has allowed me to see food, and my relationship with food, in a whole new light.

    good news! you don't have to buy into shakes that make you hate life to lose 150 lbs!
  • I understand your point. I was just reading some of the old post from this thread and I understand your position on it. I'm not saying "Optifast is the ONLY way" to lose weight, but (in my opinion), it's the best option to help me on this first step of what needs to be a long term lifestyle plan.

    Trust me when I say that I am fully aware of that this program is not a quick fix or a personal solution.

    Also, Congrats on your weight loss success
  • binger720
    binger720 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone, Just started optifast today on optifast 800 so far I'm
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Hi everyone, Just started optifast today on optifast 800 so far I'm
    ...because it's a starvation diet.