18 Days without Coca Cola I miss It :(



  • you can do it... 2 years without any kind of soda.. not even a cheat meal/snacks/day.
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    I love coke , I mean I really LOVE COKE !

    I stopped drinking it June 3rd of this year and I will never drink it again . For some people ...like me it is a trigger food.. If I drink coke I eat french fries and chips and high calorie foods .
    I crave them when I'm drinking coke or diet coke .

    So no I can't have just one once a week . I personally know I can't ,I tried that .

    I learned to like water and drink it with every meal now as well as through out the day . I probably went 10 years without drinking water only coke and milk and juice . I never want to be taht way again ...

    OP ,How do the comercials affect you ?

    They used to drive me insane I would have huge rants on FB about how Coke is not happiness and it does not get the ball rolling .lol

    Good luck and keep it up it wont bother you long . I know !!!
  • cms721
    cms721 Posts: 179 Member
    You can have Coca Cola you know, it won't kill you.

  • littleandysmom
    littleandysmom Posts: 173 Member
    So 18 days ago I started my Diet, has lost 6 pounds.

    I used to be a Heavy Coca Cola Drinker at least 2 liters per day.

    When I started my diet I replaced all My coke intake with Water.

    But I Miss the Coca Cola.

    I Miss the carbonated liquid going down and burping out that hot air out.


    I used to be a big Coke drinker too!! Replaced it with unsweetened pineapple papaya green tea. (from QT) Usually drink this in the morning/mid afternoon and then water after that. I usually have 1 or 2 cans of coke on the weekend. Amazingly though, I really don't have the cravings I once had!! fyi... I'm on a high fat/high protein diet...basically with lower carbs /low sugar. If I ate more sugar, I'd probably feel the cravings again.

    You can do it!!
  • clfhanger
    clfhanger Posts: 14 Member
    Ugh. I have a love/hate relationship with diet coke. The most I was drinking was 710 mL / day. I will go weeks without having any, and then one day have a can and I'm hooked again. This week I have been trying to satisfy the craving but with very small amounts--so for today, I wanted some so I poured myself a quarter cup. Told myself if I wanted more after, I could have it. Drank the quarter cup, didn't want any more.
  • stephsmom93
    stephsmom93 Posts: 1,139 Member
    I'm approaching my 2nd anniversary of being soda free in April. I never did drink diet soda. (yuck) I would only drink the regular high octane stuff. I was a heavy soda pop drinker...nothing tasted as good as an ice cold bottle of Coke, Mt. Dew, or Pepsi and I was never spotted without toting a bottle with me. Best thing I ever did for myself was kick that habit. It's an addiction for me that had to be eliminated. Now just the thought of all that bubbling fizz makes me stomach flip flop. Which actually is a surprise because I loved the fizz and explained my obsession with soda by saying, "It keeps my stomach settled." The soda has been replaced by water and that one morning cup of coffee...that I must consume for the safety of those that I may come in contact with in the a.m. If you want to eliminate it...it does get easier just like kicking any other habit you want to overcome it can be done. If you can have it here and there without it becoming a problem for you then by all means have it and log it! :happy:
  • sparklelioness
    sparklelioness Posts: 600 Member
    I used to love Coke. Now I have it maybe four times a year, and when I do I can't finish one cos it's just too sweet.

    ^I used to read other people say that and think they were full of ****. But it's true... it's just way too sweet for me now. I like it once in a while with a ton of ice on a hot day - tastes amazing. But I don't crave it anymore. My go to drink is water now, I don't even think about anything else. If I'm wanting something with some flavor and sweetness I'll have light lemonade mixed with light iced tea, and after drinking water all the time, it tastes delicious :)
  • Serenitynow29
    Serenitynow29 Posts: 119 Member
    Coke zero.

    This. I don't like the way regular coke tastes anymore so I buy either Passover Coke or Mexican come b/c they are made with cane sugar. I like the bubbles. That said, I was never a 2-liter/day drinker.

    Good Luck!
  • Wtn_Gurl
    Wtn_Gurl Posts: 396 Member
    Try to go without it for 3 weeks, then see how you feel. i hear that it takes 3 weeks to break a habit.
  • Wtn_Gurl
    Wtn_Gurl Posts: 396 Member
    You can have Coca Cola you know, it won't kill you.

    if someone is a sugar addict, your statement might not be necessarily true, for them.
  • HawkeyeTy
    HawkeyeTy Posts: 681 Member
    You can have Coca Cola you know, it won't kill you.

    if someone is a sugar addict, your statement might not be necessarily true, for them.

    Diet Coke has no sugar...or calories.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    `I go with diet coke, but typically I will only have it when I am out at a restaurant. Coke zero tastes so similar to regular coke except it has zero calories!
  • diet dr pepper for a treat. Great flavor
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    I used to drink a sh!tton of soda, and now I have it only once in a while. I don't miss it anymore, and my body and my teeth are better for it. :)

    You'll get to the point where water is sufficient. Keep at it.
  • avalonms
    avalonms Posts: 2,468 Member
    I was a very heavy diet coke drinker. I began a diet on January 20 and in the days since, I have only had one soda - an 18 oz. diet Pepsi. I found I don't miss them one bit.
  • ljs385
    ljs385 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm nearing 3 weeks without cola and I don't miss it, but then again I was never a heavy user :wink:

    It's also helped me cut down on booze incidentally, as I used to have a tipple (or two) on Friday and Saturday night. I just don't bother now. I looked at the calories and just thought it wasn't worth it.

    But you could maybe have a can on a cheat day?
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I was a heavy pop drinker too (diet pepsi)

    I found that if I buy a little bit of sparkling water that I can get a small amount of that amazing carbonated feeling without so much guilt! I use it fairly sparingly, but it really helps when I am craving pop!

    I am still drinking a small amount of pop too, but only after I have at least 8 cups of water and I try to reach for the sparkling water first to see if that helps!

    Same here! I give myself one diet soda per evening as a treat after I have had at least 8 glasses of water.
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    I switched to diet, which I didn't view as too much of a problem since I don't drink soda often (except if I go out) so I figured one diet soda won't kill me once in a while. And really, if you honestly wanted to, you could treat yourself to a regular soda now and then if you like. If it can fit into your calorie count, why not? They make smaller containers, like cans and small bottles! I used to drink the small bottled 150 cal Dr Pepper's.
  • cutiepie9447
    cutiepie9447 Posts: 79 Member
    You are missing it so much that you actually started a forum thread about it. What people don't realize is that when they cut out things they love completely that they are setting themselves up to fail. There is no reason that you can't treat yourself to a can of coke a few times a week. If you have a great calorie deficit day, use that as a "reward". You don't have to limit yourself to eating celery and grilled chicken in order to lose weight. You can have the things you love. The key is portion control and moderation.

    I am 2 lbs shy of a 40 lb loss. In that time I have eaten pizza, big macs, cookies, alcohol, calzones and even buffets...just budget yourself..don't deprive yourself of things you love or you will be miserable
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    You are missing it so much that you actually started a forum thread about it. What people don't realize is that when they cut out things they love completely that they are setting themselves up to fail. There is no reason that you can't treat yourself to a can of coke a few times a week. If you have a great calorie deficit day, use that as a "reward". You don't have to limit yourself to eating celery and grilled chicken in order to lose weight. You can have the things you love. The key is portion control and moderation.

    I am 2 lbs shy of a 40 lb loss. In that time I have eaten pizza, big macs, cookies, alcohol, calzones and even buffets...just budget yourself..don't deprive yourself of things you love or you will be miserable

    ^ she's right on the money. :drinker: