Help need coffee substitute

O.k. So I'm pretty into my morning coffee, unfortunately I like my coffee with lots of milk and 2 sugar which is like 90calories per cup. I've tried to cut the sugar in the past but it never stuck.

I would like to substitute the other 3-4 cups I have each day with something hot but not so calorific, I've been trying a little lemon in hot water and that's ok but was wondering if anyone could suggest some other options?


  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    I love flavored green tea. My favorite right now is pomegranate.
  • cutiepie9447
    cutiepie9447 Posts: 79 Member
    There are a ton of different kinds of teas...also, there are several low calorie flavored creamers that provide enough sweetness along with creaminess...I use a sugar free hazelnut and sugar free french vanilla creamer (the chilled kind, not powder although that may be an option too) is only 15 calories per tablespoon...I also love LOTS of cream and sugar and 2 servings works perfectly. So the total calorie count for my 8 oz cup of coffee is only 32 calories! That gives you 4 cups for the price of 1 of your old ones! If you want it even sweeter just add a splenda. Just check the labels next time you are at the cream cooler at the grocery store :)
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,144 Member
    You'll do what most people do that love coffee, you'll spit out the lemon water and find a way to like less creamer and sugar in your coffee, simple really.:bigsmile:
  • craigheon
    craigheon Posts: 167 Member
    I've replaced my morning coffee with a product from Optimum Nutrition called Essential AmiN.O. Energy. You mix it with water, and it has caffeine in it, along with green tea and green tea extract. It's only 10 calories. I haven't tried heating it up though... I don't think it would work really. I love the orange chiller flavor. I have to have it on my drive to and from work (my commute is an hour and ten minutes). If I don't, I get so sleepy when I drive. It's full of Amino acids too, which is great for you. It aids in recovery after workouts, and it's also an energy boost if you want to use it before your workouts.
  • caseyleann7
    caseyleann7 Posts: 7 Member
    I use alcohol free stevia! It doesn't have the bad aftertaste like regular stevia does. 8 drops in each cup. You can find it at nutrition stores or I buy it off Amazon! And I also use unsweetened almond milk for creamer. I don't trust all the sugar free creamers, way too many chemicals in that ingredients lists. I only do 1 to 2 cups of coffee a day, if that. I drink Rockin' Wellness every morning, it's got lots of non gmo energy boosters in it like chia seeds and goji berries. I put it in my smoothie.....doesn't hurt that it's chocolate! Yum!
  • ars1300
    ars1300 Posts: 159 Member
    I also love my coffee it has take me some time but I have slowly weened myself off the creamer. Start with sugar free creamer, I now sometimes use almond milk or just some stevia or splenda.
  • LexiMelo
    LexiMelo Posts: 203 Member
    I couldn't live without my coffee. Have you tried it with just regular whole milk and no sugar? It really brings out the flavors - no sugar needed. If it really is bad without sugar maybe try switching brands of coffee!

    I've been sticking to one cup per day. The second cup I have is earl grey tea, which still has a good kick (with more whole milk). Then I'll have lemon or chamomile tea throughout the rest of the day if it is still cold (they like to keep my office uncomfortably cold sometimes!)
  • pepper176
    pepper176 Posts: 16 Member
    I am also a coffee fiend and I have cut my sugar down to one teaspoon per cup. I still you whole milk or the occasional creamer, and I find that as long as there's that bit of milk (or cream) I don't miss the extra sugar. It only took me a couple of days to get used to the switch.

    I usually drink 3-4 cups of coffee a day and cutting out the sugar was the easiest way for me to save myself a bunch of calories.

    Of course, if you REALLY can't cut out the sugar, I, for one, like lots of teas without cream or sugar, including green tea, Earl Grey, English Breakfast....

    You can do it!
  • Adomke89
    Adomke89 Posts: 35 Member
    I love black tea in the morning to replace my coffee. Especially spiced chai. It has flavor and isn't bitter so I don't really miss the sweetness of sugar because it is already so flavorful.

    I usually drink tea when I feel like my caffeine intake has been getting too high. I've found I'm more energetic throughout the day and can sip more without becoming dehydrated.
  • Being a coffee addict I had to come to the realization that I could not drink sever buckets per day! I allow myself to use minimal amount of sugar in first cup per day. I now can mix sugar with a fake sugar. I don't like fake sugars in coffee. They all change the taste!

    I think it also wise to be honest with yourself if you drink coffee because you love coffee or you love sweetness. I love coffee taste. I swithed to decaf prior to weight loss surgery. I make sure I have my "one good coffee" when I can really enjoy it. Not when I am half asleep, running around like a crazy woman, etc.

    I also like tea. I can drink teas with no sugar/cream or just milk or just sugar, and I never make them sweet.

    There is only 16 calories/teaspoon. Does not take too much to burn that off. I have tried and use reduced fat and fat free creamers & skim milk.

    Good luck!
  • OverDoIt
    OverDoIt Posts: 332 Member
    Yogi Kambucha Green Tea. you will never go back. I still drink coffee but this stuff really helped me cut down.
  • wpwarrior88
    wpwarrior88 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I like my coffee, like I like my men; Strong and well-balance. Lots of it and nothing add, thank you!
  • Thai tea. I use plain ground Thai Tea brew (Cha Yen Thai Tea), then mix it with alternative milks and sweeteners. Thai tea is a spiced black tea that has an inherently semi-sweet and smoky taste. Perfect wake-me-up and is way more delicious than coffee, imo.
  • BigBrunette
    BigBrunette Posts: 1,543 Member
    Celestial Seasonings makes a black tea called Fast Lane that you might like.
  • AA1ex
    AA1ex Posts: 223 Member
    One thing that has helped with my coffee is getting a flavored kind and using truvia. Another is tea so maybe one of these ideas will help you.
  • I'm the same way! Have you tried using less milk for your coffee? I actually put ice in my coffee with a little milk. I also recommend green tea. Having a little milk in your coffee is better than having a big liter of soda persay. Work it into your calories and diet and you'll be fine. This is just my .02 cents worth. :-)
  • DamianaKitten
    DamianaKitten Posts: 479 Member
    I use almond milk and a little bit of sugar. Or protein powder. :) I've found that 1/4c dark chocolate almond milk + just under 1Tbsp of sugar is perfect. I tried drinking with with our regular creamer a few days ago, and couldn't. I drink the tall glass mugs, not regular coffee cups (double the coffee!!!! om nom nom) and two of those is only 116 calories. So, if you're using a regular coffee mug, 1/2 the amount of almond milk/sugar would only be about 30 calories. :smile:
  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member
    As there is no substitution for coffee, I fit the calories into my allowance. Sorry, just some things I cannot give up :drinker:
  • For a while, why not use a sugar substitute instead of white sugar? 1 packet of equal is enough for me. In regards to cream, use any of the flavored small tubs (35 calories). => 1-5 cal for coffee, 0 calories sugar, 35 cal cream => 35-40 cal total.
  • nancyluckhurst3
    nancyluckhurst3 Posts: 122 Member
    Use fat free half and half and truvia. :) you don't have to give up your coffee. I am a coffeeholic. Probably 10 cups a day at least.
    O.k. So I'm pretty into my morning coffee, unfortunately I like my coffee with lots of milk and 2 sugar which is like 90calories per cup. I've tried to cut the sugar in the past but it never stuck.

    I would like to substitute the other 3-4 cups I have each day with something hot but not so calorific, I've been trying a little lemon in hot water and that's ok but was wondering if anyone could suggest some other options?