18 Days without Coca Cola I miss It :(



  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    I have replaced coke with diet or zero.
    I have one glass with my dinner IF I drink my 750ml bottle of water that I take to work with me.
    9/10 I end up drinking water anyway.
  • fittyinthemaking
    fittyinthemaking Posts: 126 Member
    i replaced normal cola with diet pepsi, it tastes sweeter as imo diet cola just tastes watery
  • Greytfish
    I looked at your diary and you are under by a bit quite a few days.

    maybe you could have a can on the same day every week and look forward to it?

    Yes, because when you're already more than 600 mgs over the top end of advised sodium limits, why not go all in, right?

    And hey, no worries that those calories might be more beneficial in reaching a protein intake for someone other than a petite female.
  • FitBun9
    I think it's good for you and good job on your will power! =)
    Coke is unhealthy so i'm glad for you that you stopped drinking it so much.

    BUT. if you like it so much, there's nothing wrong with buying coke on the weekened, or whenever you have your "YOLO day"
    we all love stuff that might not be good for us but there's nothing wrong with indulging once a week. =)

    oh, by the way, - DO NOT replace it with Zero!! unlike regular coke, Zero contais Aspartame which is VERY unhealthy.
    so basically, if you think you're better off with Zero or Diet then you're wrong.
  • acarmelo1
    acarmelo1 Posts: 76 Member
    I am afraid that if I drink one can, I will not be able to stop from getting another , and then another
  • MyPureSteez
    MyPureSteez Posts: 265 Member
    Take it from a ex- 2 liter guzzler once you kick the habit... You won't even miss it

    Then when you try one again you'll think "DAMN! this crap is like pure syrup!"
  • Greytfish
    Then don't do it.

    Work on forming some new habits based on what you can have. It will help you to stop obsessing and let you lessen the unhealthy attachment.
  • Nissi51
    Nissi51 Posts: 381 Member
    Good for you! Your body thanks you. Press on brah! :))
  • Phoenix612
    Phoenix612 Posts: 43 Member
    I used to drink 10 cans a day..So I'm also a fellow coke addict as well..

    I still have one here and there though, usually on my "cheat dinner" night.


    Saw that you didn't think you'd be able to control after one..I totally get that..I was that way at first, just give it time and you'll get to the point that you won't even want one.

    I can only drink one nowadays, to me they're to sweet!
  • ZeldaMarooner7
    Have maybe 1 can on weekends, then have your family (or whoever) hide the rest of the cans, so you won't know where they are. Whenever you feel like having Coca Cola, have some water with some ice in it. My mom used to have TONS of Diet Coke everyday. It was really bad for her diet, but she's totally off of it now. She's now addicted to tea and water. You can always have another drink besides water as well. Low cal lemonade, tea, anything. :)
  • JustJudy
    JustJudy Posts: 142 Member
    Much stronger person than I am. I found I'm a ***** without caffeine and I am not a coffee/tea drinker so, I'd rather not be so *****y so I NEED it!
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    i was a big coke drinker for 30 years. I drank at least 2 litres a day. Then last February when I started my diet I quit the coke cold turkey. I didn't trust myself to have an occasional drink so I stayed completely away from it. This past January we went to the auto show and ate in the food court. I had a small drink of root beer with my pizza instead of coke. I don't even crave it any more. Good luck, that was my hardest food/drink vice to conquer. My husband jokingly checked to see if coke stock took a plunge after I quit it.
  • GummyHuman
    GummyHuman Posts: 193 Member
    You are missing it so much that you actually started a forum thread about it. What people don't realize is that when they cut out things they love completely that they are setting themselves up to fail. There is no reason that you can't treat yourself to a can of coke a few times a week. If you have a great calorie deficit day, use that as a "reward". You don't have to limit yourself to eating celery and grilled chicken in order to lose weight. You can have the things you love. The key is portion control and moderation.

    I am 2 lbs shy of a 40 lb loss. In that time I have eaten pizza, big macs, cookies, alcohol, calzones and even buffets...just budget yourself..don't deprive yourself of things you love or you will be miserable

    Cutting back is the same as deprivation for an addict, and sometimes it can feel even worse because as soon as you finish that first portion, you immediately want more, but you can't have it. Deprivation! Anytime I ever tried to cut back on soda, I immediately began to crave it more.

    I agree with your sentiment in general but there are certain things that, for some people, if they can, it is just better to quit it altogether. For me, this was soda. With a big fat belly, a family history of diabetes, and an insatiable thirst for highly caffeinated sugar-water, the best thing I could have done for myself is quit it completely.

    It bothers me on this forum that people who don't have issues with certain things try to minimize the issues others have with it., flippantly saying things like "It won't kill you!" OK, but it might help make you blind, shut your kidneys down, cause you to lose mobility and create so many other problems.

    Soda is not the devil. It is not evil or bad. But for some people, it's an extremely strong addiction and the best thing they can do for themselves is break up with it.

    OP, I completely feel your pain. I have been a soda drinker since before I can remember. I have a picture of myself sitting on Miami Beach when I was about 2 years old with a big icy cup of coke in my hands and a big sticky smile on my face. I quit coke about 7 years ago because I kept passing kidney stones, but I replaced it with Mt. Dew. (derp!) I quit soda completely in September (2013) and I could not be happier about it. I don't miss it AT ALL anymore. You can do this!
  • JesseDP00
    JesseDP00 Posts: 367 Member
    I tried a taste of Diet Pepsi the other day, first time in about 10-months, will be my last - tasted horrible. For the past year, I've been drinking water, green tea and natural fruit juices, at this stage don't even plan to drink soda again for the rest of my life.
  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member
    You are missing it so much that you actually started a forum thread about it. What people don't realize is that when they cut out things they love completely that they are setting themselves up to fail. There is no reason that you can't treat yourself to a can of coke a few times a week. If you have a great calorie deficit day, use that as a "reward". You don't have to limit yourself to eating celery and grilled chicken in order to lose weight. You can have the things you love. The key is portion control and moderation.

    I am 2 lbs shy of a 40 lb loss. In that time I have eaten pizza, big macs, cookies, alcohol, calzones and even buffets...just budget yourself..don't deprive yourself of things you love or you will be miserable

    Cutting back is the same as deprivation for an addict, and sometimes it can feel even worse because as soon as you finish that first portion, you immediately want more, but you can't have it. Deprivation! Anytime I ever tried to cut back on soda, I immediately began to crave it more.

    I agree with your sentiment in general but there are certain things that, for some people, if they can, it is just better to quit it altogether. For me, this was soda. With a big fat belly, a family history of diabetes, and an insatiable thirst for highly caffeinated sugar-water, the best thing I could have done for myself is quit it completely.

    It bothers me on this forum that people who don't have issues with certain things try to minimize the issues others have with it., flippantly saying things like "It won't kill you!" OK, but it might help make you blind, shut your kidneys down, cause you to lose mobility and create so many other problems.

    Soda is not the devil. It is not evil or bad. But for some people, it's an extremely strong addiction and the best thing they can do for themselves is break up with it.

    OP, I completely feel your pain. I have been a soda drinker since before I can remember. I have a picture of myself sitting on Miami Beach when I was about 2 years old with a big icy cup of coke in my hands and a big sticky smile on my face. I quit coke about 7 years ago because I kept passing kidney stones, but I replaced it with Mt. Dew. (derp!) I quit soda completely in September (2013) and I could not be happier about it. I don't miss it AT ALL anymore. You can do this!


    Soda free for a little over 2 years and I have no desire to change it. If I did, I'd be right back to 2L (or more) a day. Many people know what they can and cannot have in moderation. It's a shame so many other people can't, or won't, understand that.
  • nowucme
    nowucme Posts: 88 Member
    Bravo. You've made it 18 days. I too am trying to quit my soda habit. I am weaning gradually off Diet Coke as I don't think I can do it cold turkey. Don't let others make you question yourself. Soda provides no nutrition or benefit. Maybe it's NOT ok to have just one. Maybe it WILL kill you. And DO NOT switch to DIET anything. Educate yourself on the health problems related to diet soda.
  • asprettyasme
    Hang in there and give it more time!

    Sometimes I miss the taste of black tea but now since I have been drinking 3-4 liters of water every day for 3 months my body has changed so much. Now when I give in and drink a cup of tea, I get a massive headache and it gives me heart burn. I stopped drinking tea because the caffeine wasn't good for me. Now my body is acting negative towards tea so it showed me that I made the right choice giving it up. So now I gave it up all together. I don't want it, the massive headache is way worst than the craving.

    Have you tried drinking sparkling water? That will give you the bubbles and the acid you so desperately seek.

    I changed my black tea into tangerine tea that is caffeine free and it seemed to have worked wonders. I no longer get any cravings. Try sparkling water and see if that helps you, but whatever you do, don't give up.
  • SouthPawSings
    SouthPawSings Posts: 54 Member
    Oh I love coco cola and I haven't had any in awhile, I can't say I will never drink it again, that would make me sad, however I have honestly two reasons why I haven't lately. 1. I can't just drink 8 ounces. I drink some and crave more. 2. I could make room for it in my calorie goals but a lot of the time its not worth it. Too many calories for just a little taste of what I love. I've had several opportunities to get some when I go out to eat or something but at that time, I'd rather use the calories on food. I'm learning to really think about what I eat and drink, is it really worth it? Like I said, I will drink it again, I just don't know when I will decide its worth it.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    I am a pepsi girl myself but if you miss it that much find a way to fit it in once in a while :drinker:
  • ebayaddict0127
    ebayaddict0127 Posts: 523 Member
    Coca Cola is just pure garbage. 2 liters a day??? Yikes. Just remember how much sugar, calories, and caffeine you used to consume. You're making a great choice eliminating it. You'll get used to living without it.