Insanity Workout?

Hello! I just signed up for MFP because it seems amazing, and I've been reading the forums for a long time.

I am 5'6 and I have hit my biggest weight yet, 190 pounds. It didn't happen over night, so I know my weight loss won't happen over night (But I so wish it would!). My goal weight is 155 pound. I was wondering if anyone has recently done the Insanity workout? I want to get a kick start on this weight loss before I get some serious health problems.

Thank you everyone!! I'm sure I'll be on here a lot, I already lovvveee this website.


  • AnnaChanges
    AnnaChanges Posts: 109 Member
    Hey Megan :) I did insanity in October helps you burn a lot of calories but it is a very tough workout I felt that i should have been more fit before I started doing it.

    due to the tough workouts (even though I was exercising before it) I got an ankle injury and I have been unable to do any exercise since and doing a surgery soon :(
    My experience was pretty bad you don't have to base your decision on my experience. But I recommend that you start with easier workout videos or if you are going to do it don't push yourself more than you can handle :)

    Good luck
  • MeaganPTV
    I'm sorry about your injury!!! :( I hope it heals fast

    I may start with something less intense first, if that would be better

    Thank you! :)
  • rjdunn87
    rjdunn87 Posts: 385 Member
    Welcome! And congrats on starting your journey. :) You may already know about this but I would suggest checking out Focus T25 if you're not sure if you're ready for Insanity. It's Shaun T's newer program and it's only 25 minutes a day, for ten weeks. I have two weeks left until I finish the program and I've lost 13 pounds, and I really love it! I was considering doing Insanity originally as well, but I really wasn't in good shape at all and I found it intimidating. With this I've been able to build up some strength and endurance and now I plan on doing Insanity after I finish this program--I think I'll be better prepared.
  • JonathanBB
    JonathanBB Posts: 252 Member
    Loved the workouts but they are incredibly intense. I was in decent shape before starting. Ended up being a major contributor to my getting plantar fasiitis (heel pain due to severely strained muscles in the arch of the foot). Got it in September and had my first pain free mornings this week. I am thinking of doing T25 and would recommend building up to Insantiy. If you do Insanity do what you can without over-pushing yourself.
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    Hi Meagan,
    Just a few tips for you... Insanity is tuff, but take is slow and do it though out the year. .and you will see you will improve over time. I didn't, Once I failed the first day I opted to start running instead.
    -- Get a HRM There from $50 - %100 - + Really you need to keep track of calories burned. The bigger the burn, the bigger the lose.
    -- W/Insanity you can expect to burn high amounts of calories.
  • popo312
    popo312 Posts: 78 Member
    I'll also vote starting with T25. I debated and went with T25 and am glad I did. It's tough and I can't imagine going to straight into Insanity with no prior fitness level.
  • P3MK
    P3MK Posts: 23
    I am starting of with Slim in 6 to improve my levels before trying a higher level workout!
  • jdowney2173
    jdowney2173 Posts: 20 Member
    I am not done with insanity yet (week 5). Figured I would add my experience to your post. My starting weight with insanity was 180 (5"8') in the first four weeks I lost around 7 pounds. I also lost 2 inches off my hips and waist. When I first started insanity I was not very fit. My last workout DVD was 30 day shred and that was a year ago.

    Because I wasn't fit, I took my time and didn't even attempt to keep up with Shawn and the others in the videos. Now that I am on week 5, I can tell you that I have notice I am keeping up really well with them now. there are still some of the exercises I cant do because of golfers elbow (not related to doing insanity)

    Anyways, like others have mentioned if you are worried you can use another workout dvd to build up to insanity. I believe 30 day shred you can find on youtube. this is my 30 day shred results from over a year ago.
  • lwestmill
    lwestmill Posts: 91 Member
    I made it thru the beginning Of Insanity Workout. My daughter did it with me. We both agreed it wasn't for us. It was too hard to keep up and master. I'm not a person who does push ups at a fast pace, or actually able to actually to one well in the first place. I think palates would be a better because there is no why a beginner can master a "good" form at this fast pace. All the exercises were like that. I felt it was unsafe for my daughter and I to continue. Taking off weight takes time. You didn't put the weight on over night and you won't be able to take it off overnight. Find a enjoyable exercise you like and you will do it more often.
  • MeaganPTV
    Thank you everybody. I have decided that I will start with Insanity, merely because my friend has the DVDs and has agreed to let me borrow them. If I find that it is too hard, I will get T25 :)
    I just figure, why not try insanity first? Since It would be free.
    Thank you all sooo much! And I will definitely not push myself to the point of injury, that does not sound fun.
    Wish me luck!