No scale challenge- 75 days!

I'm not going to weight myself for 75 days, anyone else in?

Simply because the scale is stupid and pointless. As so is bmi and "weight". When I was at a lower weight before, I looked bigger than I am now because I looked like I was carved out of fat (no muscle).

My goals are to lose fat and keep/increase muscle, so fixating on the scale is not good for me. At one point I was so obsessed with it, I would take my clothes off and make sure I used the bathroom before I weight myself. I now realize my weight varies 8-10 pounds throughout the day.

This way I can focus on my health and looking/feeling better instead of getting to a certain weight. Also because what happens when I DO reach my goal? Do I stop? Maintain? I would feel a lack of motivation, as if "its over". Fitness goals should never me finite imo.


  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    I hope that works out for you!
  • salleymo
    salleymo Posts: 50 Member
    75 days?!? wow that's a long time...i could see maybe two weeks but 75 days?!?
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I have to weigh myself, or I feel I'm in denial... again.
  • Empty_Calories
    Empty_Calories Posts: 81 Member
    I think that's a great challenge for you given your goals! (I actually just posted in another thread to ignore the scale.) I, personally, need to get on it to stay on point but I have a lot more to lose and it keeps me motivated. Good luck!
  • liftsforchocolate
    thanks everyone! I know for me this works, I see the biggest changes when I do weekly weigh-ins instead of daily, but I really want to change the importance my "weight" has in my life. I know for a fact I am going to eventually gain weight when I bulk so I need to get over it. What about when/if I get pregnant? Worst case I get an injury and gain a couple pounds. Life doesn't end there, and I don't want to become depressed about it.

    I want to be stronger, lift heavier, run longer etc, and focusing on a # is stupid. If I weighed myself after eating cups of vegetables, the protein, and gallon of water I drink, I would be atleast 10 pounds heavier lol.

    I also don't understand the people that update their weights from like 139.1 to 138.8. As if that even makes a difference?
  • liftsforchocolate
    ALSO, pretty awesome idea I saw and am doing. I cut up a couple colored index cards and wrote 1-75 on them. I'm going to put a little baby card folded in an origami flower into a cute mason jar for every day I don't weigh myself.

    (So far only one flower from yesterday), but its on my desk and motivates me to keep doing what I'm doing. Its all about consistency anyways (which I have had trouble with).

    For anyone that binges, I think this is a pretty awesome idea because you see how far you have come instead of just the weight. You could use marbles instead, or even put little motivating quotes on the cards :)
  • danaberge
    danaberge Posts: 117 Member
    I think this is an amazing idea!! Right now.. i'm pretty far from goal. 100+ lbs... but I can see the positive in doing this. Not focusing on the scale helps me. I'm only weighing myself every two weeks... but bc of my weight and increase of exercise... my body is holding onto water.

    I have been losing inches, and my clothes are all looser and fitting better. My muscles ache every day due to my new routines. So, i'm doing something right. Exercise is always good.

    I'm seriously considering starting a marble jar for inches lost. That way... I don't have to rely on a scale.

    Good luck!!!
  • meltedsno
    meltedsno Posts: 208 Member
    I made the decision last July to not use the scale to judge my weight loss. The scale was making me crazy. I broke my wrist at the end of November, requiring surgery. This meant a pre-op checkup.... which meant stepping on the scale at the doctor's office. I refused to look at the scale and requested the nurse not to tell me what I weighed. While in recovery, however, curiousity get the best of me and I asked what the number on the scale said. I had lost 52 lbs between July 1 and Nov 24! I have not stepped on the scale since then. I can tell you this much though... on Nov 24, I was wearing a size 14.... a month ago, I bought my first pair of size 10 jeans (NEVER, EVER have I been a size 10!)... last week, I bought a size 8 dress for my son's wedding in two weeks! Haven't been curious enough to step on the scale again... but will do so when I am fitting into a size 6 jeans... Relying on my food choices and the fit of my clothes, rather than on a number on the scale, has been the best thing I could have done!

    Good Luck with your challenge!
  • eryquem
    eryquem Posts: 66 Member
    First, to the OP, I'm curious... Your ticker says you have 25 lb to lose, but looking at some of your profile pics, you look about as trim as anyone could hope to be. Are those pictures current representations of where you are now? And if so, are you really trying to lose another 25 lb?

    In the bigger picture, I can see how some people can be driven crazy by the scale, but really, I think the answer is to adjust your mindset rather than hide the scale. A person's current weight is simply information, and information is always valuable as long as you take it for what it is.

    To me, making a goal of not weighing yourself for an extended period of time is like making a goal of not knowing how much money you have in your checking account for an extended period of time. It may be stressing you out to see a balance you're not happy with every day, but not knowing will likely make the real problem much worse.
  • sugarlips1980
    sugarlips1980 Posts: 361 Member
    Personally I love the feeling of accomplishment of the scales moving (when that's in the right direction!) and need this for motivation, but I totally get what you're saying, particularly about it being an ongoing journey not a destination end goal weight. Do what feels right for you.
  • sandign
    The scale motivates me. I know that some days will be the same and may even be a pound of so heavier. It all depends on what I eat and when. But when it does drop again it goes below my lowest weight. (As long as i haven't really cheated a lot. In my case it's usually salt later at night) I tried wieghing once a week and I just couldn't get into it. Best of luck to you.
  • hibou_89
    I don't weight myself and only «mesure» once a month (mesuring meaning I try on that dress I cannot wear anymore) to see how things change. It has been working well so far : I fit back in it but it is not pretty yet. Some more work do but it works. Best of luck!
  • Nico_the_enabler
    Nico_the_enabler Posts: 123 Member
    Sorry. no. I would. explode or melt or freak out or something. I need to know I am heading in the right direction. And I havn't lost size in weeks so its the only reliable indicator I have atm. But that being said. Go you. :)
  • liftsforchocolate
    Thanks for the support everyone. Only 73 days to go! :) I know and understand this doesn't work for EVERYONE, but I just wanted to share in case someone else is also obsessed about his/her weight. It's just not an ideal way of life imo.

    I don't actually have 25 pounds to lose, I should update my ticker but I'm not sure how much I should lose. I'm just trying to cut bodyfat and preserve muscle at the moment.

    I feel a little bit like a traitor saying this, but I was also most successful/consistent at losing weight and working out everyday, eating healthy when I didn't use mfp to track my calories obsessively. I am doing the same now. If I happen to eat a little over or under, enter something in that isn't exact, I'm fine with it. The laidback approach imo is important, because it again helps me focus more on the fitness part of it than being in a routine and constantly worrying about messing up, which leads to bingeing. And I have a pretty good idea of what I eat anyway and how much I'm approximately burning off, but the caloric counts on any website are not going to be truly accurate just like treadmill calories burned (especially if you hold onto the handle, might as well assume you're burning half the total cals burned reading). Splenda, diet coke, sugar free stuff don't have sugar in them and are zero calories, but they still spike your insulin, make you retain water because of the sodium etc. When I counted every single calorie, I had more of these foods and felt/looked worse than now. Sorry for getting sidetracked to this, but I see this pretty often.

    Anyways, measuring inches is also a great idea. I used to do that too and it really helped to motivate me because my weight was changing a lot slower than my measurements. (I went from a size 13/15 jean to 4/6 and size L shirts to xs/s.) I still fit into a variety of different sizes because of the fits/brands, but I know I've lost weight when I can fit into jeans that used to be too tight on me.
    First, to the OP, I'm curious... Your ticker says you have 25 lb to lose, but looking at some of your profile pics, you look about as trim as anyone could hope to be. Are those pictures current representations of where you are now? And if so, are you really trying to lose another 25 lb?

    In the bigger picture, I can see how some people can be driven crazy by the scale, but really, I think the answer is to adjust your mindset rather than hide the scale. A person's current weight is simply information, and information is always valuable as long as you take it for what it is.

    To me, making a goal of not weighing yourself for an extended period of time is like making a goal of not knowing how much money you have in your checking account for an extended period of time. It may be stressing you out to see a balance you're not happy with every day, but not knowing will likely make the real problem much worse.
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    Nope...since I'm in maintenance I want to keep an eye on things. I've ignored the scale in the past and added weight back too easily. Good luck to you though.
  • crazyauntcheryl
    crazyauntcheryl Posts: 8 Member
    I have not weighed myself since I signed onto this site, exactly one month ago. I live with a person who weighs themselves daily and have seen what a rut that can get to be. I am satisfied to stay within my caloric limits, with the help of my exercise quota. I trust that this will result in the pound-a-week loss I am shooting for. Wish me luck! :laugh:
  • Serenitynow29
    Serenitynow29 Posts: 119 Member
    . I've ignored the scale in the past and added weight back too easily. Good luck to you though.

    ^^^^^^^^^^^ This.
  • gmeli1006
    I think it is a great idea! I actually do not like weighing myself too often because I get fixated on the number. Also, if I have been working really hard and the number doesn't change, I get very discouraged. Good luck with your goal!
  • loriemn
    loriemn Posts: 292 Member
    I don't weight myself and only «mesure» once a month (mesuring meaning I try on that dress I cannot wear anymore) to see how things change. It has been working well so far : I fit back in it but it is not pretty yet. Some more work do but it works. Best of luck!
    this is awesome! and so what I do,,and once I fit back into those "skinny" clothes I wont be wearing them anyway as they are really out of style,and even the jeans that used to fit,, now fit on my waist,but to big in my hips,,which is awesome! I try them on,jump around doing the happy dance,and drop them off in the red donation box in town.