eating like a kid

As I start this MFP journey I couldn't help but think, if I were logging what I feed my son, it would be SO much healthier than what I put in my own mouth. All day long I feed our kids fruit, oatmeal, egg whites, black beans, turkey, veggies, whole grains, peanut butter, etc. We don't cook much but basically everything I give them is a healthy ingredient, except for occasional treats in moderation like maybe once a day. Then the kids go to bed and my husband and I break out the pizza and takeout Chinese. It's just ironic because we are so careful with our children's health and not at all careful with our own health. Anyone else in the same boat?


  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Eh other way around here. We all eat the same dinner most of the time, but they don't eat that well the rest of the day. Why don't you just eat what you feed your kids?
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Most of the people I know are totally opposite to be honest. I am not a parent (and never wish to be) so maybe I am deluded but I'd like to think that I'd feed kids at least as healthy food as I eat. The majority of parents I know act like their kids do not need to learn healthy eating habits until some later magical date (teens I guess? adulthood?) and although I would never openly criticize the way they feed their kids it shocks me to see kids living off just chicken nuggets, fries, PB&J on white bread and granola bars. Especially when mom and dad are eating lean meat, fish, rice, quinoa, omelettes, salad, protein shakes, etc. Then taking the kids out for frozen custard and McDonald's.
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    That's how we are too. I don't want my kids being the ugly fat kid like I was. But they go to bed and takeout time.
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    My daughter probably does eat better than I do... but only because I don't give her "junk" food that hubs and I snack on. She eats whatever we eat at dinner (well, she doesn't always, but that's what she's served) and it's pretty varied- if we do order Chinese or pizza, she eats that with us; Breakfast is usually oatmeal and fruit, snacks are things like dried fruit or yogurt; lunch is usually a sandwich- pb on wheat, lunch meat, and either fresh fruit or something like peas, cause it's green and she'll actually eat it... and I eat essentially the same way, but add Cheez-Its. Or Oreos. Or wine. Lots of wine.

    So yeah, my kid eats healthier than me :drinker:
  • m00tmike
    m00tmike Posts: 248 Member
    Totally agree with you. We are pretty strict about what our children eat. Making sure they eat a certain amount of bites of everything and a few extra of the good stuff. Lately I have really been watching my macros so I have been pretty good about also eating right. But my wife... I always catch her scooting her veggies around and sneaking extra deserts. lol. I think it's because we feel responsible for the kiddos and want the best for them. But then it's easy to overlook ourselves.