Seeking Young Adults 18-30 Who've Lost A Parent



  • andysmom
    andysmom Posts: 61 Member
    I'm way out of your age range, but I just want to say that I'm so very sorry for your loss. I was 40 when my 66 year old mother died suddenly from congestive heart failure, likely a result of years of smoking and a lifetime battle with her weight. Losing her has been the hardest thing that has ever happened in my life. I encourage you to find someone to talk to. What was best for me was a "grief group" at my church. Sure there were older widows and widowers, but there were other women there mourning the loss of their mother, some younger than me, some older. We became very good friends. I found it was very important for me to have people I could talk with about my mom, and most of my friends were uncomfortable because they hadn't experienced that kind of loss and it's a little scary to think about if you haven't been through it.

    My prayers and thoughts are with you. I am here to tell you that you will find your way through this, but it will take time. Be very gentle and understanding with yourself. God bless...
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    So sorry for your loss. I'm 21 and lost my father 6 months ago (heart attack).

    It's not easy. Hugs.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I'm 26 and I loss my dad when I was 11. Still miss him everyday and finally mourning and taking the time to figure out who I am. Take time to grieve and adjust.

    Still miss the person I loved most ever over 20 years later... I don't think I'll ever stop missing her.
  • frkikes
    frkikes Posts: 15 Member
    I'm 22 years old, and I lost my father to a braintumor/cancer when i was about 10 years old. I never really knew him though. That's the saddest part. My stephfather now fights cancer too. It's unfortunately a part of life :(
  • Samby_v1
    Samby_v1 Posts: 202 Member
    My father died from a cancer on his neck two years ago today. I was 30 at the time. It doesn't seem like that long ago.
  • palmerdanielle
    palmerdanielle Posts: 341 Member
    I lost my dad Sept. 2012 to kidney cancer. He was diagnosed November 2011, so died less than a year later. I was 20 when he died, my younger brother was 14 and it was hard on us and the rest of our family. It was a rough time for sure.
    I'm very sorry for everyone else's losses here as well, feel free to add me or message me (anyone) if you ever need to talk.