Help need coffee substitute



  • Sadiyyah70
    Sadiyyah70 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm a big coffee lover too drinking over 12 cups loaded with sugar and creamer most days-yikes! I switched to half decaf with stevia and sugar fee/calorie free coffee syrups instead of sugar and creamers. If I want to mix it up to make it look like my old friend cup o joe, I'll add almond or fat free milk or some protein powder to give it a creamy look. Now, I have my cup of half decaf in the am, then switch to ~20 oz cup of green tea using 2 tea bags, stevia and a whole sliced lemon. I'm no good with deprivation so I like that I still get to enjoy my am coffee and find that the green tea gives me a "lift" like coffee did with some health benefits. I like hot drinks all day so decaf mint tea fits the bill for me. Lowered my caffeine intake, nixed the sugar, no calorie hit and still feel like myself.
  • tashmoore11
    tashmoore11 Posts: 10 Member
    I do green tea with two teaspoons of sugar for a big cup (like 16oz). It's only 30ish calories. I actually find I loose weight when I drink more green tea. There are lots of different teas. Green has caffeine also, but not as much as coffee. I have three different green teas right now that I switch between depending on my mood.
  • bridgieNZ
    bridgieNZ Posts: 113 Member
    Opps accidental double post
  • bridgieNZ
    bridgieNZ Posts: 113 Member
    Thanks some brilliant ideas. I have been fitting the coffees into my allowance as I wasn't willing to let it go, at the beginning it seemed one challenge too far, now I'm a month in I'm ready to try. I've never thought of trying a creamer, it's not super common here but pretty sure they have it at the local supermarket, I'll check out the tea section also they seem like easy thing to try and substitute with. Thanks again :smile:
  • Ilikelamps
    Ilikelamps Posts: 482 Member
    i hope you had lots of gum
  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    Make sure you sleep enough so you don't need the coffee
  • Jett_05
    Jett_05 Posts: 95 Member
    Yerba mate
  • Jenn19891
    Jenn19891 Posts: 20 Member
    I used to drink 2 large coffee's with double cream from Tim Horton's every day, which is a lot of extra calories. I don't think I can give up coffee all together, so I just switched to making my own at home so I can add just a tiny amount of light cream or milk. :)
  • sjkduke
    Former coffee addict here. I had surgery a month ago and quit cold turkey that day. I still crave a little caffeine and something hot, so I switched to tea. I drink a cup of English Breakfast tea with a bit of honey in it in the morning. Hits the spot!
  • LaceyWimberly
    LaceyWimberly Posts: 1 Member
    I am obsessed with coffee but have made the switch to GenesisPure Pure Cafe. It's a mocha flavor drink you can have hot or cold. It does have 56 calories per serving but thanks to its blend of ingredients, helps you stay full and satisfied. It's got roasted coffee beans, green coffee extract, BioPerine and a proprietary PURE Balancing Blend, which includes Garcinia Cambogia extract and Caralluma Fimbriata . It's sweetened with stevia which is important (Splenda is NOT safe).
  • SwampWitch666
    SwampWitch666 Posts: 110 Member
    Those Bai5 drinks are like 10 calories a bottle. Supposedly they are made from the coffeefruit (as opposed to the coffee bean, which comes from the inside of the fruit if I understand correctly) and has as much caffeine as a cup of tea. Tastes just like Vitamin Water.

    I tried it a couple days ago as a last resort from a gas station. I don't like the sweetener they used, but I couldn't be picky at the time, if was a caffeine emergency. Tasted alright, just kind of chemically. If you drink sodas or energy drinks all the time, you probably won't even notice it.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,022 Member
    Maybe you could accept the fact that you really don't like coffee? Coffee is inherently bitter; if you have to dump a couple of spoonfuls of sugar into a cup to drink it, what you really like is drinking something hot and sweet. Switch to heated skim milk (or almond milk if you really want to cut the calories), and you can probably get something that tastes sweet enough to satisfy you with one teaspoon or less of sugar.
  • arrseegee
    arrseegee Posts: 575 Member
    Trim milk and an Equal tablet should keep it sweet without too many calories.
  • GuyIncognito123
    GuyIncognito123 Posts: 263 Member
    Tea was made to be drank with cream.
    Coffee is meant to be drank black with no sugar. :happy:

    I know this adds nothing to the conversation. I've just never been able to drink my coffee with milk or sugar in it.
    And besides... no one minds getting you a coffee if it's black. :smile:
  • yogioats
    yogioats Posts: 33 Member
    Cinnamon herbal tea or other tea of your choice. I don't add milk to anything besides chai.