Weight gain after gallbladder removed...



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  • Just an update. Thanks everyone. My weight-loss is steady now. About. A 1lb a week. I did a 21 day diet and sound out I have huge intolerances to gluten soy and dairy. All which cause bloating and dumping syndrome. I cut most of it out. I still haven't tried the ox bile yet. But exercise 2 hours a day 5-6 times a week and seeing changes and will be working towards certification in body flow through golds gym.
  • I just had my gallbladder out a week ago, and so far, so good. But one thing I've noticed is that I am having a difficult time telling when I'm full. Has anyone else experienced this?

    I lost weight while in the hospital, and I'd like to keep it off and lose more. I know it's an adjustment, but I feel somewhat of a disconnect from my gut.
  • beccbailey
    beccbailey Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all I know this is an old post but I've been searchibg high and low for answers and help with weight gain after having my gallbladder removed and this is the first time I've found people that understand what I'm going through! I feel so relieved just reading your stories. I had my gallbladder out about 10 months ago and since then I've put in about 20kgs! I've never had any trouble with my weight before. I've always found it really easy to stay thin and if I ever did put on a few kilos I could always drop them in a matey of weeks. I even had a baby and was back to my pre-pregnancy weight within a month! But since I've had my gallbladder out I've just stacked on the weight so fast no matter how I eat. I actually have a terrible eating pattern and only find the time to eat once or twice in a day so I cannot understand how I'm putting all this weight on and it has driven me into such a depression. I've lost all my self confidence and hate what my body has turned into. Along with the weight gain I've had terrible digestive problems ever since the operation. Every time I eat I am on the toilet within 30 minutes. And all my doctor has offered me in the way of medical advice is to take immodium once a day or a painkiller like codeine that causes constipation to show down the digestion. Not helpful!!
    If anyone can please please tell me what I can do to get my life and body back I would be forever grateful!!
  • Had my gallbladder out 9 months ago…joined weight watchers and lost 40 pounds. WW helped me learn portions sizes and eating better foods. It also left room for regular and fun food so I do not feel deprived. THe key is to balance your food intake for what your body needs. WW also recommends more low fat foods which helps with the lack of a gallbladder and the processing of fats. I feel so much better and healthier!
  • walktalkdog
    walktalkdog Posts: 102 Member
    I had my gallbladder removed 25 years ago. I never really gave much thought to life without a gallbladder, as the doctors told me at that time that we can live without it - the liver still produces bile - and I was relieved to not have the pain I was having anymore, and was busy with life and raising a family.

    I have had digestive issues pretty regularly that I just learned to live with - but I do get very gassy which is very embarrassing - and I have had a really hard time losing weight and keeping it off, which I attributed to my age - 56, and post-menopausal.

    I recently started doing some research about living without a gallbladder and only then became aware that maybe - just maybe some of my problems could be attributed to not having a gallbladder.

    I ordered a book from Amazon "The Gallbladder Survival Guide: How to live a normal life with a missing or dysfunctional gallbladder" by J. Bernal, that got great reviews from people stating much the same as has been posted on this thread. (I haven't received it yet). I bought some bile salts, but have not yet started taking them, as I want to try on the weekend in case I have some ill effects from it.

    I am annoyed with myself for not putting two and two together years ago. But it's not too late, of course. I also want to add enzymes or probiotics or something but don't want to go overboard and take TOO many things. I'm waiting for the book to decide what, if any, advice to take from it.

    Any suggestions about enzymes or probiotics?

    Is Ox Bile better than Bile Salts? The same? Thanks.
  • conidiring
    conidiring Posts: 230 Member
    I had my gall bladder out July 2012. I've gained 15 pounds since then. I've tried lower my calories (even down to 200-500 cal) and also increasing my exercise (to 2 hours a day, cardio 6 days a week, plus strength training three days). Nothing has worked. I've not only gained the weight by my body fat has gone up by 11.5%, seeming to be mostly in my stomach area). I have had to take a medicine as I've had problems pooing myself since then too. It's all messed up and I don't know how to fix it. My doc says that I just need to eat less/exercise more..."it's all calories in vs. out". Even though I told him I was eating what I stated above and exercising like a demon. I've now on my own increased my calories to about 1000-1200 and have cut my exercise down to 1/2 hour to an hour 6 days a week. Maintaining the last two months or so...so frustrating.
  • Are you still losing weight via intermittent fasting and coconut oil? Also how did you find out the right macros for you and carbcycling. I'm very interested in this! Hope your weight loss is going well! Also I am STRUGGLING with weight loss it seems it just doesn't want to budge. Haven't lost a pound in a year! I eat super healthy (for the last four months) and workout 5-6/ day. I started doing HIIT as well. Any response would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    you can start by posting in the correct forum topic.
    have you talked to a dietician or physician about it? maybe they can work with a more detailed specialized plan for you. good luck!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    The small intestine is where food is further digested and nutrients are absorbed. It is an alkaline organ to which the gall bladder and pancreas injects enzymes to further this process along. It is possible that for you, without the addition of bile that this part of the process that your digestion is compromised. It may not sound intuitive, but improper digestion can have links with weight gain or weight loss, among other things. I would recommend reading about digestive enzymes and alkalinity (pH), then consult with a professional.
    Nope. The gallbladder is just a storage place for bile that the liver makes. When your gallbladder is removed, the bile just goes right from the liver to the intestine for digestion.

    Oh, and
  • I had my gallbladder removed in November 2013 and it was a horrible experience. First off it was supposed to have been an outpatient procedure but the pain immediately following the removal was so intense and excruciating they had to admit me and put a morphine tap in my hand. The surgeon said I would need to eat 4-5 small meals per day and avoid my normal eating habits (sometimes I would skip breakfast, small lunch, large dinner, etc.). I have tried doing as he has suggested but found it very difficult to train myself to eat this way. The largest problem for me (outside of having gained 15 pounds since) is that if I do not eat as soon as I feel hungry I get intense stomach pains/cramping, lightheadedness, dizziness, and will eventually feel like I'm going to pass out. I would like to know if anyone else has experienced this and what it may be caused from - the doctors say healthwise I am fine....ideas/suggestions/answers?
  • Bardane
    Bardane Posts: 60 Member
    Had gall bladder out August 2010. Have lost 20kg+ since then and kept it off. No problems at all :ohwell:
  • Hi all,
    I'm going to have my surgery this Friday 28 Feb 2014.
    Read this forum, I'm quite worry about my weight gain too..
    Hope all goes well.
  • fast_stacie
    fast_stacie Posts: 38 Member
    I'm having my gallbladder out on March 24, 2014. I'm a little nervous about gaining weight afterwards. I hadn't realized it would be a problem.
  • clemsontigergrl
    clemsontigergrl Posts: 1 Member
    I had emergency surgery 2 weeks ago. I had no idea that anything was wrong with my gallbladder. I thought I was having stomach issues due to a high fiber diet that I was on along with being extremely stressed out from work. Well... I woke up 3 Saturdays ago at 5 am with the worst stomach pain that I have ever experienced. It was on the top right part of my stomach. Thank goodness I went to the ER (and I am not one to go very often, I just knew there was something very wrong with me). The ER ran a blood panel, took xays, and then an ultrasound. The ER doctor said I had a lot of large gallstones and recommended seeing a surgeon along with eating a low fat diet. The next Monday I made an appt. for Tues. The surgeon was great
    He pressed all along my tummy and asked questions like was I throwing up, is the pain here, etc. He said that he believed I had an infection and he wanted to take it out that day (but I had drank something within the hour). We scheduled the surgery the next day (during a snow storm in South Carolina, fun!) I was a little nervous, but shouldn't have been. The outpatient surgery went by fast. The worst part was the bumpy ride home in the snow. Thank goodness I was loaded up on painkillers! That night and the next day I had broth, chicken noodle soup, and toast (no butter). I have since been eating a low fat diet, limiting sodas and sugar, drinking lots H2O, and got the go ahead to start exercising. I've lost 10 lbs. since the surgery 16 days ago. Today was my 2 week follow up appt. I found out my gallbladder had acute gangreen. Thank goodness it didn't rupture and my surgeon was able to take it out in time. I plan on losing about 120 lbs. I am off to a good start without the gallbladder and doing no exercise.
  • Hi there, hope your surgery went well cclivia5.

    I had mine on Monday 24th February, just over a week ago.. Still recovering, very tired, sore when cough or sneeze or move suddenly but overall pain is gone and replaced by bloating and a feeling of discomfort..
    Now for the hard part: diet changes!!

    All help or diet suggestions would be greatly appreciated by any of you who have already gone through this.. I'm at sea with all the information out there.. Thanks! :smile:

    Clemsontigerg, please tell me more about what you ate or didn't eat to lose so much weight in 2 weeks, so far I have only lost about 2lbs.. I was hoping to lose more and get on a super healthy diet.
  • cclivia5
    cclivia5 Posts: 4
    Thanks EmerDeirdre,
    I'm discharge from hospital the day after surgery. Today is 4th day of aftermath - weight 65 kg (no change from date of surgery) Same feeling of discomfort and more over menstruation visit an additional troubles.

    I'm still venturing to get a better diet... but for sure after each meal I will be having an green apple especially lunch and dinner to easing bloating and discomfort feeling. Moreover i'm having a lot of painkiller will be worsen my bowel goer.. ( constipation) although having heaps of H20.

    Hope this help.
  • cclivia5
    cclivia5 Posts: 4
    Good luck o you fast_stacia on the surgery day.
  • cclivia5
    cclivia5 Posts: 4
    Hi Clemsontigerg,
    How are you today ? I'm would like to know if you have any better diet recipe could share among us (non-gallbladder follower) ? :wink: I'm just to be healthy and maintain my weight as I'm kind of shorty only 158cm tall.

    If my weight going further increased worry my bone structure cannot sustain my weight.
    Appreciate your generous advise..

  • lh1626
    lh1626 Posts: 241 Member
    Bump...getting ready to find out if I have to have mine removed or not. The "nice" doctor told me I fit the profile..The three F's......Fat...forty...and fertile! Really??? Now I am more s a red than ever that I won't be able to take my weight off. :sad: