More Cardio?? Or just enough?

Hi everyone. I'm currently doing a hybrid of Insanity/Brazil Butt lift (both beach body programs). 3 or 4 (depending on the week of the shedule I am following) of the days have cardio in them. There are usually 2 days where it's just BBL's "Sculpt". (Lots of weights,lunges,oblique crunches, planks). Sculpt is a 48 min video. Also, another day is "High and Tight" 35 mins of all booty work outs with a resistance band and ankle weights. Sometimes there's an additional 20 min ab video on those days. I'm wondering if I should be adding additional cardio on those days? Even if it's just jogging on the treadmill using the incline? I also do my own mini butt/leg work outs that I found on Pinterest everyday(short, about 15/20min)I've always been an athlete, so it's not a matter if I can handle it or not. I just don't want to over-do it and not be able to work out at full capacity the next day. I would say I'm in pretty good shape, just wanting to lose some fat and tone everywhere (mostly my butt). I take one rest day a week, but still do a couple short butt exercises. Any honest/helpful input would be greatly appreciated. Not looking for someone to tell me how much more knowledgable they are about fitness than me or any condescending remarks. I love this site, but I've noticed sometimes people feel really entitled/on a high horse and feel the need to put others down. Thanks again!!!


  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
  • Yes, squats. They're incorporated in all of my work outs already. I'm wondering if I should be adding extra cardio.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    The amount of cardio you do should be aligned with your fitness or sporting goals, not because you want to take a bit of fat off here and there. Your calorie balance is far more important for that.

    As an example: I've done 5hrs of cycling this weekend but unless you also want to cycle long distance that would be a total waste of time for you.

    If you want to do more and can do more without getting fatigued (and you enjoy it!!) then go for it.
  • Thanks! My main goal is to just be in the best shape possible. I do enjoy my treadmill at various intervals and inclines, but not for too long lol it usually stop at 30-40 min tops. I'd like to find a 25 min treadmill work out that burns calories and that I enjoy. I also need to figure out how to work my HRM. I still am not quite sure how many calories I'm burning.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    My main goal is to just be in the best shape possible.
    Great aim. :smile:
    At your age it's a great time to push your limits (strength and aerobic fitness) - wish I had hit some higher high-water marks way back then and I might not have to work so hard now!
    Probably worth doing some structured fitness tests so you can actually measure your progress. VO2 max test for example - if you are a runner then look up the "Cooper Test".
  • ME0172
    ME0172 Posts: 200
    There are good High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workouts online for the treadmill that are 25 minutes. They're usually some variety of jog, sprint, walk, for various time and repeat.

    It's hard to say whether you should be doing more cardio. Do you have the HRM that has the chest band? Usually all you have to do is put in your weight, age and gender and it will track your HR for your workout. Then it may have a calories burned in it. For mine I have to hook it up to the computer and download my workout in order to get the calories burned because it doesn't show on my wrist unit. The workouts your doing sound like they're good cardio. You should spend some time figuring out how to use your HRM... online or is there a book with it?

    Are you seeing the results you want with your workout plan as it is? It's hard to say if you need to increase your cardio if you're getting results. I know for me, every couple of weeks I question myself if I'm doing the right workouts, but I think that's just the seed of self doubt sneaking in. If you're seeing results, keep doing what you're doing. Does that make sense?

    I hope this helps. Good luck!
  • Thank you!! I'm definitely going to look in to that! And definitely I'm trying to take advantage of being 21 and push myself while I can. I would totally spend so much time in the gym if the nearest one wasn't 50min away! Disadvantage of living in the middle of nowhere lol thanks again!
  • Thank you for informing be about the HIIT workouts I've heard of it but never looked in to it. That seems perfect. I am seeing results, my clothes have been looser and I've lost inches. I just wonder if I could be seeing more results even faster lol I know it's a slow process but I'm eager! I'm almost to where I was last summer (when I was content) but I want to get back and push myself even harder to just be in the best shape of my life. As or the HRM I think I may need to read more in to it. It doesn't come with a strap. It only cost $30... I'm thinking I should maybe exchange it and buy a better one.thanks for the advice :)
  • Ilikelamps
    Ilikelamps Posts: 482 Member
    Not looking for someone to tell me how much more knowledgable they are about fitness than me or any condescending remarks.
