Well, I'm back :)

It's been almost a year that I have been actively on this site. Thought that I could do it on my on....but that obviously hasn't worked. Due to my extremely crazy schedule, i had to quit my kickboxing class, a couple of months ago and it has gone downhill from there. I allowed myself some time to breathe and to just do nothing when I first quit kickboxing, but now I have ablsolutely no motivation to do anything. I stepped on the scale and saw a number that i had never seen before. Both my husband and I need to lose some weight, so we both joined a gym today. I'm hoping that this is the kick in the butt I need to start this journey and permenantly lose some weight. If you are looking for a new friend, feel free to add me. :) jules0498


  • londonlt
    Hey! I'm starting again after a weekend away with friends including alcohol and fast food. Just when I thought was making progress! Motivate each other ? :)