is it better to do morning workouts?

So some people have told me that it's better if you workout in the morning and others have told me it doesn't matter. What do you all think is it better or does it not even matter when you workout. Please explain why also feel free to add me will add anyone lets help each other out. Its always fun to have someone to help motivate and support you :)


  • KatherinesRiver
    I like my hour of morning workouts because I think it helps my brain wake up and helps me burn calories all day long.:drinker:
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Base this on lifestyle/personal preference/adherence.
  • NancieFeatherston
    NancieFeatherston Posts: 53 Member
    I use to think that as long as I do it, who cares... I am still burning some calories off either way. Now I have discovered that it messes with me falling asleep if I just got off the treadmill at 9pm, and try to go to bed for 11pm. I just am too awake to sleep. Its new, at first there was no issue, perhaps because my body was not use to moving much, and suddenly was. I know I didn't answer your question, but my theory is still 'as long as I exercise it doesn't matter what time of day" so even if it messes with my sleep, I am getting on that treadmill. I bet you will get lots of opinions on this one!
  • KatissimusDorsi
    Exactly as SideSteel said above. Base it on your preference, there is no extra benefit to working out in the morning as opposed to the evening or vice versa.
  • katz6910
    katz6910 Posts: 156 Member
    I love my morning workouts too but...if I cant get to the gym in the morning for some reason I go later on too. I've heard so much conflicting advice about when is best but I figure "I'm moving" when I move doesn't matter really as long as I move :happy:
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,871 Member
    I like mornings because nothing can interrupt or stop me. If I do it later, there is always the risk of something happening during the day that prevents me from getting it done.
  • thatismesammyg
    thatismesammyg Posts: 71 Member
    I prefer mornings so I can do it on an emptier stomach. There is nothing worse to me than running and burping up dinner. Ugh.
  • knightreader
    knightreader Posts: 813 Member
    work out when you can.
  • melinagaley
    Liking all the answers I'm seeing on here thanks you guys! :)
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    I cannot do much in the mornings, especially pre-coffee. I am so weak, my lifts (specifically my grip) would suffer and I could not run as much (no motivation/stamina). The earliest I can do is lunch. Besides, I hate getting up earlier than I need to, especially during the week. I am NOT a morning person. I get up with just enough time to shower, eat, and get dressed. But that's just me. I tried a lot of different schedules to find what's right for me. :drinker:
  • ChancyW
    ChancyW Posts: 437 Member
    I think actually doing the workout matters more than the time of day.

    It is common for things to "come up" throughout the day and prevent you from doing your workout. With that in mind, I would have to say that morning workouts are better because you get it out of the way right away before anything "comes up."
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Do it whenever is best for YOU to do it. :smile:

    I like mornings the best because I feel better during the days when I workout before work, and it's easier for me to keep to my schedule. In the evenings, I'm lazy after work, so I just want to eat dinner and hang out with my husband.
  • JenJBS
    JenJBS Posts: 83
    The best time to work out is whenever you will actually work out. For some, that's morning. For other's it's after work. For others it's while the kids are at school. For others...

    As a previous response said, actually doing the workout matters more than the time of day.
  • DrWhoodles
    DrWhoodles Posts: 145 Member
    Really the only thing I like about morning workouts - I mean like 9 AM - is the gym is really quiet and it's mostly just friendly older people working out. Otherwise I'd work out in the evening but that's a lot of interacting with people...
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,375 Member
    Base this on lifestyle/personal preference/adherence.

  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    My thoughts: It's better to do workouts at whatever time keeps you coming back. Establish a routine, stick with it, the end. =)
  • jamoore94
    jamoore94 Posts: 46 Member
    Better for me because it helps me to be more mindful of my diet for the rest of the day. I really hate exercise so I don't want to waste to effort with bad food.
  • David_AUS
    David_AUS Posts: 298 Member
    As most said - it is a personal preference. One thing about doing these things first thing is that they are done and you don't have things at the tail end of your day to interrupt (it can be easier to schedule into a routine). I kind of like a sleep in myself :)
  • suncluster
    suncluster Posts: 539 Member
    I do a combination of morning, daytime, and evening workouts. One because it is easy on my schedule and two because it keeps my metabolism active.

    Today I wasn't able to do a morning workout and I actually kind of miss it now and I AM NOT a morning person.

    Also, many times after a morning workout I find myself doing something else that is fun and active after work.
  • FlyyMamaCita
    I agree with Glittygoo. We should choose a time and the key is to make it routine--that way we'll stick with it.
    I love my sleep and can't imagine waking up extra early on routine to do something other than go to work. My baby making days are over--so no worries anymore waking up early with that.