crying right now cause I feel like a cow :'( y am I trying



  • aribugg
    aribugg Posts: 164 Member
    It's hard in the beginning, and that makes it very easy to be hard on yourself. Look at what you've done so far, not how far you have to go. Even if you haven't seen too much change in your weight, there's a lot of change you can't see. give it another two weeks, and you'll feel more energetic. every day you're stronger than the day before. every day you're healthier than the day before. take it one day at a time, and only aim to be better than yesterday, stronger than yesterday, and healthier than yesterday. and keep enjoying yourself. go out to dinner, be wise about what you eat, but eat what you like.
  • Brittanytwl
    Calm yourself dear, and try to take comfort in the fact that you are closer to your goal than last week before you started dieting and exercising. That's progress. These days will happen, but you will have good days too. :flowerforyou:
    :) thanks
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Been exercising and dieting...but havent lost any weight im female. 18 weight 167lbs :'( took a shower and looked at myself in themirror I feel horrible.only been dieting for a week dont expect to much change but I feel depressed. Supposed to go out to dinner with my b.f and his family but I feel like crap. Help.


    I understand the feelings of despair. It's not easy to expect something and not have it happen when you want it so very badly. There are many people here who can relate to you!

    There are also many of us who would like to help however we can, but we need more information...

    Things like:
    goal weight
    current exercise habits (what kind, frequency, duration)
    current eating habits
    are you logging your food? If so, consider opening your diary so we can see what it's like and if there are any ways you can tweak it.
    are you eating back some or all of your exercise calories?


    You are young - only 18. You are at a great point in your life where you can set healthy eating habits, and healthy exercise habits. You aren't in school where physical exercise was mandated... this is your challenge now, and it's totally doable, but it can seem daunting at first.

    You are here. And there are lots of people here who truly care enough to help you - if you are willing to accept help. And if you can be patient with the process and trust us.

    *more hugs*
  • BigBrunette
    BigBrunette Posts: 1,543 Member
    Give it some more time. Keep trying, even when you feel like giving up. You can do this.
  • Mhallmail
    You are beautiful and unique. You have made steps to become more healthy and whether you see it outwardly or not yet, it is working. I assure you that every good food choice you make will make a difference. Fast forward in your mind to one month out and keep your mind on that and your goal set for that. The best thing I did was to stop weighing daily and checking the mirror critically daily. I used that number on the scale or image in the mirror as a way to brow beat myself daily that I wasn't doing enough, I wasn't trying hard enough and that basically I wasn't good enough. But I am good enough and so are you. You are a beautiful young lady who has set goals for herself and knows that she is so much more than what she sees in the mirror. I am so proud of you for one week down and going strong. Go enjoy your time and take confidence that you have made the right choices today.
  • WDB1966
    WDB1966 Posts: 6 Member
    I hit a weight high a several weeks back and I was telling my wife I was at a crossroads. I could either throw in towel and shoot for 250-300 lbs or start to change in my life. First week or two were the hardest. You have too battle your cravings and your metabolism will slow down to counteract the reduction in food intake, particularly If you are trying to take weight off slowly. You have to look beyond the horizon and know that it will all get better. The good news this is a proven thing, there is no guess work. If you try, you will be successful. The biggest hurtle is accepting in you mind that it will work and you will be successful. Everything in between is just a road bump.
  • pinkprincess3082
    pinkprincess3082 Posts: 13 Member
    If losing weight is going to help you feel better about how you look then you know what you have to do....

    The first two weeks are the hardest, it's a massive lifestyle change don't forget! Once you get into the swing of things it becomes a lot easier trust me! I'm at day 42 now and I'm still going strong and learning how to adapt my new eating habits into my old routines.

    You'll get there with patience and perseverance.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    I think the thing to do is to make sure all calories are recorded and pay no attention to the net calories. Stick to your claorie goal but dont make up the calories form exercise, just stick to the original calorie goal. The net calories are more important when you want to build muscle. Keep it up, every little helps, just stick at it.
    No. Paying 'no attention to the net calories' is a really good way to put yourself in an excessive caloric deficit, which is more likely to be harmful to body composition and long term success.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member


    Believing excess restriction, deprivation and punishment are necessary to be successful
    Short term thinking
    Trying to be perfect


    Improving your relationship with eating, food and especially exercise
    Being flexible with your food choices as long as it fits a moderate calorie deficit
    Long term thinking
    Being consistent
  • Renegade706
    Find anyone , myself included, that has had success with losing weight and getting fit from exercise and dieting, and most of them will tell you they had days they felt like it wasn't worth it, like it wasn't working, and days they almost gave up. But by sticking to it despite how they may have felt at the time, they achieved results and reached their goals. Its ok to have a bad day, frustration will come, but dont give up, stay determined, and tell your mirror that you are worth it and you are going to keep eating healthy and working out. Pretty soon sweetie your mirror will be making you smile instead of cry!
  • crazyferretperson
    keep on trying you will lose weight in time just dont give up on your self you will do it :drinker: and i now how you feel im 18 too and i look in the mirror and hate what i see but i never give up and one day you will look in the mirror and see that you are beautiful in your own way :smile:
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Been exercising and dieting...but havent lost any weight im female. 18 weight 167lbs :'( took a shower and looked at myself in themirror I feel horrible.only been dieting for a week dont expect to much change but I feel depressed. Supposed to go out to dinner with my b.f and his family but I feel like crap. Help.


    I understand the feelings of despair. It's not easy to expect something and not have it happen when you want it so very badly. There are many people here who can relate to you!

    There are also many of us who would like to help however we can, but we need more information...

    Things like:
    goal weight
    current exercise habits (what kind, frequency, duration)
    current eating habits
    are you logging your food? If so, consider opening your diary so we can see what it's like and if there are any ways you can tweak it.
    are you eating back some or all of your exercise calories?


    You are young - only 18. You are at a great point in your life where you can set healthy eating habits, and healthy exercise habits. You aren't in school where physical exercise was mandated... this is your challenge now, and it's totally doable, but it can seem daunting at first.

    You are here. And there are lots of people here who truly care enough to help you - if you are willing to accept help. And if you can be patient with the process and trust us.

    *more hugs*

    OP has made other posts... based on those...
    Height: 5'3"
    Weight 160-170 lbs
    Goal weight 120 - 130lbs
    Current exercise habits: unknown, but indicated intention was to add 1 hour cardio/day
    Current eating habits: 1000 max, with historical eating disorders

    A number of people have told you that 1000 calories a day is too low, and you have said you don't think you can give that up.
    A number of people have recommended you seek help both from a physician and a nutritionist to help you with your perceptions toward food.

    These people are wise. Trust them.

    - start eating more. I am 6'0", so I have no idea what is good for someone who is 5'3, but I have a number of ladies on my FL around that height who are very successful in their weight loss and they are ranging from 1500 - 1700 calories a day (some eat way more than that)

    - if you need to count calories and control your intake, set it to 1500 cals and control to THAT level.

    - eat back at least half of your exercise calories. ALL of them, if you refuse to eat 1500 cals.

    - be patient

    You can do this.
  • rosevalleygirl23
    rosevalleygirl23 Posts: 55 Member
    Please be gentle with yourself. I would recommend that you go slow and steady for a good amount of time. Say 3 months? And then re-examine your goals, your tools, and your progress.

    I was overweight at your age and often gave up lots of times because I wanted fast results. I've come to learn that fast results are either 1. unsustainable or 2. not realistic. Either way, it leads to a fail. And here I am, age 46 and I think I finally figured it out!

    Changes in habits take time to stick, so give it a chance and don't get discouraged.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Everybody has been there. I know really fit people who look in the mirror and think terrible things about themselves. Just remember that this process is slow and that you are doing this to be healthy. You will get through this and you will see results if you stick to it.

    Go have dinner. Have a good time and make sure you set reasonable goals for yourself.

    You got dis!!
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    Been exercising and dieting...but havent lost any weight im female. 18 weight 167lbs :'( took a shower and looked at myself in themirror I feel horrible.only been dieting for a week dont expect to much change but I feel depressed. Supposed to go out to dinner with my b.f and his family but I feel like crap. Help.


    I understand the feelings of despair. It's not easy to expect something and not have it happen when you want it so very badly. There are many people here who can relate to you!

    There are also many of us who would like to help however we can, but we need more information...

    Things like:
    goal weight
    current exercise habits (what kind, frequency, duration)
    current eating habits
    are you logging your food? If so, consider opening your diary so we can see what it's like and if there are any ways you can tweak it.
    are you eating back some or all of your exercise calories?


    You are young - only 18. You are at a great point in your life where you can set healthy eating habits, and healthy exercise habits. You aren't in school where physical exercise was mandated... this is your challenge now, and it's totally doable, but it can seem daunting at first.

    You are here. And there are lots of people here who truly care enough to help you - if you are willing to accept help. And if you can be patient with the process and trust us.

    *more hugs*

    OP has made other posts... based on those...
    Height: 5'3"
    Weight 160-170 lbs
    Goal weight 120 - 130lbs
    Current exercise habits: unknown, but indicated intention was to add 1 hour cardio/day
    Current eating habits: 1000 max, with historical eating disorders

    A number of people have told you that 1000 calories a day is too low, and you have said you don't think you can give that up.
    A number of people have recommended you seek help both from a physician and a nutritionist to help you with your perceptions toward food.

    These people are wise. Trust them.

    - start eating more. I am 6'0", so I have no idea what is good for someone who is 5'3, but I have a number of ladies on my FL around that height who are very successful in their weight loss and they are ranging from 1500 - 1700 calories a day (some eat way more than that)

    - if you need to count calories and control your intake, set it to 1500 cals and control to THAT level.

    - eat back at least half of your exercise calories. ALL of them, if you refuse to eat 1500 cals.

    - be patient

    You can do this.

    Times infinity. This chick knows her stuff. Seriously. The only thing I could possibly add is that the hardest part is often our mental health, our inner voice, that little b!tch in our heads that tells us we are unworthy.


    When you start hearing the negative voices, verbally talk back. Tell it to shut up. Tell it to go away. It is a basic cognitive-behavioral therapy concept. Over time, the b!tch will become smaller, and your superhero will start to take over. This takes practice and time. And it is not easy. But it is not impossible.
  • Mojoman02
    Mojoman02 Posts: 146 Member
    Did you gain it overnight? won't lose it overnight. I have to tell myself that ALL the time! Hang in there girl!! :)
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Relax, it wont happen over night, you did not put it on overnight. Keep doing what you are doing.

    Check that out.


    Be patient, be consistent, and be your own cheerleader. Saying you feel like a cow and wondering why you're trying are not positive thoughts. You can definitely, do this... if you have doubts, check out the Success Stories section on the message board, and you'll see that it is possible.

    Don't give up, and prove that negative voice in your head wrong. Good luck! :flowerforyou: