Getting started with weight training

Hey all,
I want to start weight training but I am pretty weak at the moment. I don't want to just start going to the gym, where everyone will lift five times as much as I possibly can. Is there anything I can do that will build strength but is for pretty much an absolute beginner?



  • foremate
    I am doing bodypump at the local Y and yes there were people lifting more than myself but I didnt let it bother me I started with just lifting the bar...and saw a huge difference within a month!
  • amybg1
    amybg1 Posts: 631 Member
    Look into Starting Strength or StrongLifts 5x5 would be my suggestion. As for going to the gym where people will lift way more than you do...There's no way to avoid it, but really you shouldn't be worrying about it. Do like they do and worry about what you're doing and how much you're lifting and just keep to yourself, all is well!
  • janeytom
    janeytom Posts: 72 Member
    I came here to ask the same question. Thanks for the info!
  • ngcs
    ngcs Posts: 6
    Thanks for the info! :) I think I will do starting strength
  • kwlmson
    When I started working out I was 60 lbs overweight and weak as a kitten. I worked with a personal trainer for a couple weeks 2 x week, just so I could learn basic form and simple weight training exercises. Don't worry about what anyone will think, because most people at the gym will be encouraging. The biggest step is just getting there and doing it. Good luck!
  • gymbunny1962
    gymbunny1962 Posts: 36 Member
    To be honest, don't bother what anyone thinks. Chances are, nobody will notice anyway! Get to the gym and start lifting - you'll make gains in the weights that you can lift pretty quickly.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Here's a little known secret. 90% of the strong people at the gym, started off as really weak people. However there are a lot of body weight exercises you can do to gain strength and you may find you never need to go to the gym. A few places to start are nerfitness, YAYOG & convict conditioning
  • farsteve
    farsteve Posts: 157 Member
    Go to the gym and lift. I use to think I was a pretty strong guy until I saw this really strong guy bench pressing MORE than I could squat. Screw it, go lift!
  • samspam1023
    samspam1023 Posts: 36 Member
    I signed up for a women-only weight training class at my college, and I fell in love with it! I learned how much weight I should be lifting for each muscle group, but also how to use machines correctly and proper form on free weights. I loved the women-only class too because we were all there with similar goals and everyone (including the instructor) was really supportive of us. These days I lift free weights at home because the gym's just too expensive, but I'm very glad that I had professional help to get started. I don't know if I would have stuck with it otherwise.