New and looking for some encouragement!

Hi everyone! I'm a 26 year old student and I've been on this new journey for a month now. I've been feeling really great so far. I started out at 218 lbs and began going to the gym 3-4 times a week and finally paying attention to my calories, which has led to me to a lot of clean eating - probably the best I've ever eaten in my life. I do mainly cardio with some weight machines thrown in, and lately I've started taking deep water aerobics and water interval/jogging classes, which are a great change when normal cardio gets to be a chore. I found myself a little discouraged today, though, as it was my first weigh in and I'm only down 6 lbs. It's definitely a start, but after four weeks I was hoping for a little more. Trying to just use it as motivation to work even harder!

I love to hear about other people's weight loss journeys and successes, so I thought these forums might be a fun boost in moral.


  • usafbeach
    usafbeach Posts: 147 Member
    Glad to see you're sticking with it even if your initial results aren't what you hoped for. There could be a number of reasons for why you're not seeing the weight loss you expect (eating too little, misjudging the number of calories you consume, overestimating the calories you burn...), but 6 lbs in 4 weeks is nothing to be disappointed about! Most recommendations for healthy weight loss goals suggest 1-2 lbs a week. Hang in there and keep on keeping on!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Agree with above.

    6 pounds is Great!!! Remember the main thing you FEEL BETTER! The scale will come around over time.

    If you haven't already, also measure and take pics. You'll thank yourself in the coming months.

    Congrats on the great job and Keep Up The Good Work!!!!!

    the weight wasn't gained over-night it doesn't come off over night. Slow and steady wins the race!!!!!!

    You Lost 6 pounds and feel great!!!!
  • Strawn21
    Strawn21 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey there!

    I'm a college student who's 21, at about 230 pounds. What you've been doing is awesome! Don't be phased by losing "only" 6 pounds - They're 6 pounds that you won't gain back, and every little bit counts :]

    What you're doing now is building a routine, one that will carry you to your goals in the long-term. Just keep sticking with it, and proud of the progress you've made thus far! I'm hoping to be where you're at. Don't feel discouraged, just keep doing your thing!
  • timps10
    timps10 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there,
    I would love to buddy up with you....I also started at around 217 way back when then lost a few pounds and am currently at 212. It's been a WHILE though, like 3 months, at 212. I haven't been very motivated...until recently. I've started running again, been doing the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred exercise video, and trying to eat better. I'm starting yoga tomorrow, and will do that 3x week, as well as running/Jillian video 2x week.
    I'm most serious about eating less, though. I need to cut back Bigtime, because I'm a serious eater. I'm cutting a lot of the 'bad stuff' out right from the get-go, because I've had these bad habits for a long time and the gradual cut out option has not been working well. Instead, I do better when I stop putting up with my bad habits and just eat healthy.
    I want to start logging my food each and every day. That might help you as well, if you want to do so together.

    I'm 33, female, live in NJ.

    Hope to hear from you! I'll add you as a friend. It would be great if we could have an ongoing motivational conversation and help one another towards our goal. I want to get down to 130-140ish.

    You're doing amazing; Just keep it up and you'll definitely get there. It's too bad you haven't lost as quickly as you'd like, but with everything you're doing, you're doing great.
    I would love to have someone to discuss food options, exercise, body issues, etc with and to cheer each other on as we try to log our food diligently and eat great. I'm also interested to know what kind of support you're looking for. Feel free to message me.

  • Tabbycat54
    Tabbycat54 Posts: 98 Member
    I also am a 26 year old, about to go back to school for my master's degree in Criminal Justice. Don't be discouraged by "just 6 pounds"! That's awesome :D Keep it up :)
  • lawzee
    lawzee Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all! Thanks so much for your kind words and encouragement, it actually felt great to hear last night when I was really down from frustration. Back on the horse today, added the 30 day shred to my schedule and feeling good again. Just trying to remind myself to have patience, but I'm an Aries and it's not my strong suit, haha.

    You all are awesome, good luck to everyone who's working hard! xo