Slim in 6 weeks. Any users?

I ordered Slim in 6 weeks by Beach Body today. Please add me if anyone is on this or add me b/c I would love to have more friends who can support me in this journey. Will be posting about my progress on this program as well. Thanks. :flowerforyou:


  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I have finished Slim In Six, It was an okay workout but got REALLY boring doing the same thing for so long. There's not much variation in it.
  • kjimale
    I have finished Slim In Six, It was an okay workout but got REALLY boring doing the same thing for so long. There's not much variation in it.

    Did you lose a lot on it? I read some good reviews on it and decided to go with it. I just think the other workouts out there like P90x and such are too intense. I've been so inactive for so long that high impact workouts really hurt the next day. :ohwell:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Slim in 6 is an awesome program ....I lost 78lbs back in 09/10 with it ....wishing you much success and you or anybody else is more than welcome to add me :smile:
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I didn't lose any weight with it, but the strength exercises are good.
    Your weight-loss is mostly to do with your calorie deficit, Slim In Six isn't a very intense workout, it's good for getting some basic strength moves down and working on your balance and core. Just make sure your food is on point and you'll lose weight.
  • kjimale
    Slim in 6 is an awesome program ....I lost 78lbs back in 09/10 with it ....wishing you much success and you or anybody else is more than welcome to add me :smile:

    Wow thats fantastic! I'm so pumped. I'm trying to lose 45-50 by end April 24th for my 25th bday! :happy:
  • buffyangel2000
    buffyangel2000 Posts: 54 Member
    Just started Slim in 6 tonight, man it kicked my butt, sweat was just pouring out. :happy:
  • kjimale
    Nice! Ugh mine will be here by Friday. Meh. :ohwell:
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Slim in 6 is an awesome program ....I lost 78lbs back in 09/10 with it ....wishing you much success and you or anybody else is more than welcome to add me :smile:
    Wow thats fantastic! I'm so pumped. I'm trying to lose 45-50 by end April 24th for my 25th bday! :happy:
    45-50 pounds in 2 months? That's not a realistic goal. I'm not trying to be discouraging...but a realistic goal is important. When people set a highly aggressive goal that has almost zero chance of success, they get frustrated and give up completely because they think they have failed, when really, the flaw is with the goal, not the person.
    Depending on your current weight, you can hope to lose 1-3 pounds a week on average (maaaaaybe a little more the first few weeks); the closer you get to a healthy weight, the slower the weight comes off. Can you lose more than that per week? maybe a little, but the side effects of very low calorie diets are unhealthy and long lasting. (do you really want your hair to start falling out? Or how about getting gall stones?)
    Please understand that shows like The Biggest Loser aren't reality. The footage is edited and presented in such a way as to create the most drama. Real weight loss isn't nearly as fast. For example...each "week" you see of the show is actually 10-14 days of real life. (not to mention that for the duration of their time on the ranch, they have no other commitments or responsibilities and can dedicate pretty much every waking hour to weight loss)
    If you want to do this in a way that is healthy, sustainable, and has the most chance of actual long term success...check out the information in this forum post

    You can lose 50 pounds...but have patience.
  • blnana814
    Just started Slim in 6 last week on Tuesday 2/18/14. I have used this program before (5 or so years ago) but never really was dedicated so I didn't see many results. I am sure I would have if I would have stuck to it. Well, I am back at it now and am quite thinner than I was 5 years ago to start with. I am trying to shed those last 10-15 pounds of fat, while also just getting back into shape. I have not worked out it a VERY long time, besides just walking. I remembered how sore it made me the last time I used it, so I semi new what I was in for, but I was also 5 years younger previously ;) I was EXTREMELY sore after day 1 Start It Up, but I knew that if I didn't keep going even when it hurt to sit down and just move in general, that I wouldn't continue with the program. I pushed through and was surprised how the soreness didn't really affect the workout once I got started moving (I don't mean it was easier the next day but the soreness was mostly a mental block, not physical.) It was a weird feeling because I didn't find that it hurt any more being sore than it did not being sore like on the first day. I was still hurting the next few days but it was gradually going away. I was able to finish SIU everyday without any modifications, but I did have to hit pause and rest for a couple minutes in between all those squats!! I finished my first week after one rest day, and I started Ramp It Up yesterday, I knew it was much harder than SIU, from using it before, so I was worried a little, but I noticed after a rest day, and no soreness that it was hard but actually felt really good. I did have to hit pause once (squats again) but I did the full video without modifications. So today is Week 2 day 2 of RIU... I have not noticed any pounds lost, and I am a person that never usually notices weight loss from just working out, it usually is all do to eating correctly, even when I intensely workout.. I also tend to be stronger naturally than most women, not in a " I can last longer way" but in a way where I bulk up and add muscle quicker way. I have already been eating correctly, watching calories, and being very strict on cutting out starch, breads, pasta, sugar for the last 2 months. Anyone out there starting this program or REstarting this program for real this time? :)
  • croseb30
    croseb30 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm on Day 5 of Level 3 and I've been really enjoying it! I like that I can push my self to do more reps/faster reps each day. I find that I am more focused when I play my own music and it makes the program more interesting! I'm excited to actually finish it! I never thought I would stick with it!!!
  • JessicaJoy723
    JessicaJoy723 Posts: 13 Member
    I used slim in 6 when it first came out (I think it was about 10 years ago) anyway it was really hard on my knees. Mine aren't the greatest from years of gymnastics when I was younger. I tried "the firm" which I loved. It was an hour long workout but it goes by quick and you can pace yourself with the intensity. You just have to get past the cheesy factor lol. Just wanted to share a personal favorite : ) good luck to you!

    Btw: I did the videos that included weight and steps
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    Getting ready to order Slim in 6 and looking to get other user's feedback. I am leaning towards this because it is low impact. I've heard mixed reviews. How is everyone liking it so far? Any results?
  • blnana814
    Today is week 3 day 3, I have not lost any weight. I am getting really frustrated because I am doing the complete workouts and keeping my calories at 1200-1300 a day. I feel like things are more toned but no scale loss. I have always had problems losing weight. I don't have many pounds to lose (10-15) but still, I feel like most people that have done what I've done would have lost at least 1-2 pounds. I have been low carbing since January 3rd, lost an initial 3 pounds in a few weeks (probable mostly water weight). Then, I starting adding good carbs back in, such as a banana after my workout, and more vegetables. Then I started slim in 6 after not working out for a very long time, and the scale is not budging. So now it has been a little over 2 months of eating correctly, and watching carbs, plus the intense slim in 6 workouts for a few weeks and nothing is happening! Any advice out there from anyone in the same boat as me?