Does anyone else chose gym over social stuff??



  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Pretty much the only things my colleagues want to do are eat and drink alcohol, so I try not to socialise outside of work.
    I'm more comfortable flying solo and not having to fit the things I want to do (work out, food prep, movies, video games) around other people.
  • MysteriousLdy
    MysteriousLdy Posts: 306 Member
    Always, sometimes over work too.

    Um..:bigsmile: I would take half day leave off my work to go gym for 4hrs, once a month, just to burn more than 1.5k calories.

    I prefer to be off-duty on-time, then go to gym for 60-80mins than working overtime,stressed out mentally :bigsmile:

    I am a gym addict as well as introvert :bigsmile:
  • jturnerx
    jturnerx Posts: 325 Member
    My friends are awesome and nurturing those relationships means a lot to me. My training also means a lot to me. I balance the two. I don't sacrifice one for the other.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I choose just about anything over social stuff. :laugh:
  • fnm101
    fnm101 Posts: 116 Member
    I do this all the time. If the person is a close friend who understands my commitment to health, I might mention the gym…

    Not everyone needs to know all the details about why you aren't joining them for XYZ. Sometimes I just say, "Sorry I can't join you. I have a personal commitment at that time." Anyone who asks for further details is being a bit nosy, I think…

    Everything needs balance. Sometimes (body) work, sometimes play :)
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Depends on said social event. regular gathering sometimes, birthdays weddings, concerts, party's etc I will usually readjust my schedule to fit in my routine.

    I find it is also beneficial to my friends if I am healthy and fit...less painful on the eyes:laugh: and better company eg more confidence, better disposition, more endurance (giggity) etc
  • emma_soji
    emma_soji Posts: 2 Member
    I work out 4 days a week and I manage to fit it in without missing out on anything.. but I would skip a gathering over missing a work out. My eating habits are also known by my family and friends and they rarely suggest going out to eat any more.. Its too important to me to meet my personal goals and I work too hard to let myself go down that slippery slope. Going to the gym and eating well is my gift to myself! No one seems to mind, in fact, they cheer me on. =)
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    This thread makes he haz a sad :flowerforyou:

    The reason I work out and eat well etc is to have more quality time with my family and friends. It is great when I can go out and get exercise at the same time like the group of guys I go for a ride with and have a coffee, but most of the time its going out with friends for dinner or a few drinks.

    I don't have to drink or eat fried food to have a good time (although sometimes I still do), I'm happy to be the designated driver a lot of the time as I get to stay on track and allow others to indulge if they want. Over the last few years most of them have gone from nagging and trying to get me to drink more etc, to accepting my choices and sometimes even catering a little differently if I come to their homes. In some cases I have (although I hate the word) 'inspired' others to make some changes in their own lives.

    I'm not judging though, I absolutely understand some people are naturally very introverted and would rather have a lot of down time than be with other people and can find those situations more draining than pleasurable. I'm just a believer that you can't be 'all in' with a fitness/nutrition routine at the expense of other enjoyable things of your life - it is not sustainable or even healthy in the long run.

    As with most things in life, balance is the key!
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    As with most things in life, balance is the key!
    :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    Parties like this always have tables laden with high fat, sugary, salty, crappy food and the hostesses at these parties keep encouraging you to "go back - there's plenty more! Why aren't you eating?" All my work these past weeks would end up sabotaged.

    If anyone has the p***-poor breeding to ask me WHY I can't go to their Norwex party or PartyLite candle party or some horrible birthday/holiday/whatever-else-they-dream-up party, I thank them politely, then tell them I've made other plans. If they ask what (some do, BTW) I act like I didn't hear them, excuse myself and walk away or tell them I've got plans to go to a bar and pick up some guy for a one-night stand, whatever I think will embarrass them the most. I don't understand why women feel like they have to make excuses for not joining in the crowd. I don't see many guys like that. If a guy doesn't want to go, he says, "No." End of story.

    To the guys and their ability to say no and mean it!!

  • robabob3
    robabob3 Posts: 79 Member
    Gym = an introvert's best friend, perfect excuse to avoid that social stuff

    and if you go at the right times you can even gym by yourself haha.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    That's the only thing I don't like about the gym is that there are other people.
  • MysteriousLdy
    MysteriousLdy Posts: 306 Member
    That's the only thing I don't like about the gym is that there are other people.

    My gym has ladies section, so I can squat, crunches, weight-lift etc..all I want :bigsmile:
  • gossipkween
    gossipkween Posts: 35 Member
    I hate skipping the gym for dinner plans on weekdays especially because it's a double whammy - a missed workout and a possible (actually probably!!!) high cal dinner.

    id be better off getting my workout in and having a healthy prepared meal. sooo..i usually skip weekday dinners and only have them fri or saturdays now as a "treat".
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Not all the time, but often times I find myself having to make a choice between getting my workout session in, or meeting up with friends/family for dinner or an event.

    However my workouts are for me, folks don't like it, they can suck it.

    For years I chose social over physical, time to flip that around. :)
  • MexicanOsmosis
    MexicanOsmosis Posts: 382 Member

    I'm usually in the gym around 5:30am before work, I have yet to be invited to any social event that starts at that time.
  • daw0518
    daw0518 Posts: 459 Member
    If I went to a gym, I would totally choose it over social stuff. I'm such an introvert. I'd be okay going out like once every 6 months at most, but I have friends who like to go out & party every weekend. Ugh. So basically for me it would be more about avoiding social situations I don't want to be in than about staying on track with my fitness goals - though it would definitely kill two birds with one stone, because every time I go out to a bar, a plate of fries with ranch dressing somehow ends up on my tab. :/
  • rollng_thundr
    rollng_thundr Posts: 634 Member
    For it to be healthy, there has to be balance.

    That being said, for me, if I miss a day/night at the gym, it bothers me for some reason... like I'm not staying committed. So I make hitting the gym 5-6 days a week a priority. That way, if I do skip a day, I feel like I still was productive enough to justify it.

    When I am at the gym, it's all business. Don't have to time mix/mingle and chit chat. Not an introvert, just time management aware.

  • ddgx300
    ddgx300 Posts: 19 Member
    It depends on the event. I am an acitve duty military firefighter so I work 24 hour shifts. Usually get my workouts in then. Sometimes I work out on my days off but it usually quick after the kids go to school, so I can spend as much time with my wife as possilbe. She is a nurse and works at night. It just really depends. I wouldn't diss my family and friends all the time for the workouts though, balance is important. Unless you are training for like the olympics or a serious body building competition. I would advise to alter your schedule sometime, but not all the time.