Hungrier when I eat breakfast?

Hello..was wondering if you all could give me some input. Ive noticed that if I eat breakfast, I'm ravenous the rest of the day whereas if I eat my first meal about noon, my appetite is severely decreased. I understand the reasons why breakfast is important but if it makes me hungrier, would skipping it be a detriment? I've been doing some research but just looking for personal experiences.


  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Contrary to what you have been told your entire life, breakfast is not the most important meal of the day. No meal is the most important meal of the day. Breakfast does not "jump start your metabolism", your metabolism does not stop. I am the same way, when I used to eat breakfast, I would be very hungry all day, and eating breakfast means your other 2 meals are going to be smaller granted your total daily calorie intake is the same. I'm usually not even hungry until around 11:00am anyway, so a couple years ago I stopped eating breakfast and now I split my daily calorie intake between two big meals and I'll never go back. It makes no difference in terms of body composition or overall health. Eat as many or as few meals as you'd like, it makes absolutely zero difference, all that matters is total daily calorie intake and macronutrient intake.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Yes happens to me too! Weird isn't it?
  • Following
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Contrary to what you have been told your entire life, breakfast is not the most important meal of the day. No meal is the most important meal of the day. Breakfast does not "jump start your metabolism", your metabolism does not stop. I am the same way, when I used to eat breakfast, I would be very hungry all day, and eating breakfast means your other 2 meals are going to be smaller granted your total daily calorie intake is the same. I'm usually not even hungry until around 11:00am anyway, so a couple years ago I stopped eating breakfast and now I split my daily calorie intake between two big meals and I'll never go back. It makes no difference in terms of body composition or overall health. Eat as many or as few meals as you'd like, it makes absolutely zero difference, all that matters is total daily calorie intake and macronutrient intake.

    I agree 100% which is why 99.9% of the time I don't bother anymore so I get to eat more when I really want it. Dinner is my favourite meal anyway.
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    Do whatever is best for you to eat healthy and at the calorie level which suits your goals.

    I eat breakfast, because if I do not then I buy a cookie, or a pastry or BOTH and a hot choclate, don't forget the hot chocolate.
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    same happens with me :-)
  • lisawinning4losing
    lisawinning4losing Posts: 726 Member
    I'm starting to feel the same way, but then again I wake up a lot later than some people do so lunch isn't too far away. But then again, I often don't have lunch until late either. I've just been having a piece of fruit for breakfast, and water, actually. But I eat plenty. I think eating too much breakfast just gets too many digestive juices flowing too early in the day. Lol. Oh yeah, and I'm one of those people who always has a bedtime snack. Some people say you shouldn't do that but that seems to be what's working right now.
  • rachrach7595
    rachrach7595 Posts: 151 Member
    I don't eat breakfast. If I did it would be a really late breakfast and I wouldn't eat lunch.
    I don't think it really matters. I think the notion that "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" has been drummed into us by cereal companies on ads wanting to make money. I have never been hungry first thing in the morning and when I forced myself (under the same false notion....) I am really hungry the rest of the day.
    Skipping breakfast has not impeded my weight loss at all so far. I feel more satisfied because I eat a good sized lunch and dinner. I sometimes have a snack mid afternoon but not always and only really if I feel I really need it.

    I guess though it is different for everyone. I personally feel this is the best choice for me and so far so good.
  • ddgx300
    ddgx300 Posts: 19 Member
    I eat breakfast because I feel more energized, refreshed and ready for the day. It depends on what you eat. If you eat good things you will be ok. But I want to make clear trying to fit in to a fitness mold of what everyone thinks you got to do will lead to failure. Do you! Make sure you are exercising. Nutrition is a very large part of it, but exercise is still a critical factor as well. Good luck!!
  • No. Breakfast IS the most important meal. It sets you up for the whole day. You need something well rounded enough. Protein, carb, and good amount of fiber.
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    Well, technically, breakfast is whatever the first meal of the day is, because that is when you break the fast.
  • lisawinning4losing
    lisawinning4losing Posts: 726 Member
    Well, technically, breakfast is whatever the first meal of the day is, because that is when you break the fast.

  • madDino27
    madDino27 Posts: 19 Member
    It all depends on what works for you. I wake up late and don't eat my first meal till 11am. I typically make up breakfast cuz I love breakfast food and "skip" lunch. I eat a larger snack at work and eat dinner when I get home at 6-7. I'm typically still under 1000 calories so I snack on whatever I like during the evening till I get to about 1300 cals and switch over to just drinking water. I'm just an evening person so I prefer doing everything at night. I work out at night. I shower at night. Find the right balance for you and you'll find joy in losing weight rather than dreading it.
  • BornxVillain
    BornxVillain Posts: 79 Member
    I rarely/never eat before 11am - Noon, It just doesn't do anything but make me 'whine' for the next meal. I prefer to eat a nice protein bar around my 'start' time and then 3pm I eat a nice wholesome lunch and then around 6pm, I eat my very fair dinner. It has worked wonders for me, and in the morning to curb any appetite, which is minimal to none - I just gulp on some water!
  • wannakimmy
    wannakimmy Posts: 488 Member
    Curious to see the responses here...
  • bonoeuf
    bonoeuf Posts: 58 Member
    I eat breakfast every day. It varies from eggs, porridge, eggs with bacon as a treat. I am never hungry before lunch. Most people that crave carbs after breakfast have eaten a cereal based breakfast (oats work better) and get an insulin spike and then a drop. Eat more protein and or oats for less of an insulin spike, feel fuller for longer. Processed cereals are the devils work; burn them.
  • littlelexical
    littlelexical Posts: 146 Member
    I always felt this way too - till i changed what i had for breakfast. I am super sensitive to carbs (PCOS & Thyroid issues) and found a breakfast higher in carbs set me up on the rollercoaster all day - so if i have a more solidly 'protein/fat' based meal - I dont get that reaction & dont get the subsequent rollercoast of feeling ravenous either.

    Totally may have nothing to dowith you or your situation - as you havent said if you have any sensitivites, medical issues, or intolerances, or even what you have for breakfast. But personally - I felt the same "that having breakfast made me hungrier all day" until i tried somethign different.
  • maybyn
    maybyn Posts: 233 Member
    I'm the opposite. I love my breakfasts and become really faint if I don't have them. Normally eat at 8am and I usually leftovers from the previous day eg. Pasta, steak, eggs etc or oats, fruits and so on.
  • kat239
    kat239 Posts: 92 Member
    Must admit when I eat breakfast I eat all day, not to bad when I eat eggs but cereal is a killer even porridge and that's supposed to keep you fuller for longer.
  • If I don't eat breakfast, I'm ready to gnaw an arm off by about 11am.
    I wake up so HUNGRY! Don't know how you don't eat!
    Afternoons I'm not so hungry, and I don't often feel like dinner..

    *Edited my spelling