Is anyone using New Direction products for weight loss?



  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Is this that program were you listen to bad boy band music until you throw up what you ate? Oh wait, that would be One Direction. Never mind...

    yes that's what the birthday party was like. FYI birthday cake tastes like birthday cake going in and coming out.
  • I just started the program and i am on day 6. 6lbs gone. BUT, i just found out that many of the products (meal replacements) have the ingredient Aspartame in them. A new study just came out about the dangers of this. Causing many kinds of cancer and could cause brain damage by drinking anything with the Aspartame in it. Very disturbing.
  • This is my 4th day on New Directions products. Anyone have any encouragement about when it gets easier, hints to make the products more tastier, etc.?
  • yellowdaisy3321
    yellowdaisy3321 Posts: 107 Member
    This is my 4th day on New Directions products. Anyone have any encouragement about when it gets easier, hints to make the products more tastier, etc.?

    Since every program using New Direction is a little different it can be hard to say when it will get easier. Are you on all shakes or food + shakes? I like the simplicity of the program and access to the behaviorists and exercise physiologist at my doctor so I haven't struggled too much. It works with my busy schedule. It can definitely be hard to be on all shakes but I try to focus on the positive (easy, convenient, fast) aspects and not the negatives. Since it's cooler now I am not mixing most of mine with ice. I really love the chocolate pudding mixed with 12oz of hot water and a little cinnamon, blend in blender. I also like the vanilla pudding mixed with 12oz of hot water and pumpkin pie spice. They remind me of coffee drinks. I think the chocolate and vanilla puddings mixed with more water are better than the chocolate and vanilla shakes, they are also thicker so they are more filling. Lemon pudding mixed with lemon flavored water is really good too, I blend that one with ice.

    Hang in there it does get easier and just starts to become your norm. Focus on what your dietitian and behaviorist are teaching you, start working on your exercise and building that habit, everything else will follow.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,915 Member
    I just started the program and i am on day 6. 6lbs gone. BUT, i just found out that many of the products (meal replacements) have the ingredient Aspartame in them. A new study just came out about the dangers of this. Causing many kinds of cancer and could cause brain damage by drinking anything with the Aspartame in it. Very disturbing.
    Aspartame doesn't cause cancer. Correlation isn't causation. But as I've mentioned before, the main reason not to bother with the program is because it's not sustainable for the long term.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    I just started a weight loss program called New Direction. It is mostly liquids with constant tracking by a physician, dietitian, behaviorist, exercise specialist and nurses. I am pleased with the program so far but I would like to know if anyone else is doing this and how successful they might be.

    Well, there seems to be a lot of benefit to this plan - for your physician, dietitian, behaviorist, exercise specialist, and nurse.

  • lback89
    lback89 Posts: 17 Member
    I just started about a week ago. It is hard, but I am doing well so far. What do you think about it at this point and are you cheating any or eating only their food?

    I've been on the program since Nov. Skipped all holiday meals, no cheating. I am more focused on losing the weight and learning to be better to my body than eating. We have a lifetime to eat food off the program, this is just a short term thing. I'm down 45lbs since starting, 66lbs since I started on my own 18mos ago.

    I wish I could figure out how to get notifications from these posts I always forget to check. Hope you're doing well on the program.

    Cool. I am having a tough time not eating real food.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    Lol! I read it as One Direction.
  • lback89
    lback89 Posts: 17 Member
    I've been on the program since late November and I'm only averaging 1 to 1.5 lbs of weightloss per week. Its very hard to drink only liquids (800 calorie diet) and I occassionally cheat and eat solid food but I choose healthy foods when cheating. I'm disappointed in the cost of this program and wonder if other diet meal replacements would do the same thing for me at a much lower cost. I have 70 lbs to lose so I know it will be worth it in the long term, I just don't know if I can continue with the high cost and the deprivation of normal food (salads, proteins would be wonderful to eat again)!

    i wish that people didn't feel the need to go to these extremes. Many people lose at that rate eating normal food, and a lot more calories. you don't have to feel deprived, you don't have to spend tons of money.

    I disagree. That is not true for everyone.

    I'm guessing that you're new around here.

    It IS true for everyone.
    NO ONE needs to go to extremes to lose weight.

    It's as simple as:
    Log carefully.
    Eat at a caloric deficit, but it doesn't have to be an extreme one.
    Be patient.

    Doing so through MFP costs nothing.

    I don't even understand why someone who would opt for this "system" would be on MFP.
    It's a calorie/macros/micros logging site.

    Tl;dr - no. No no no I am not spending any money on that program and I hope that someone will see this and decide to abandon that program and save money for smaller clothes by using MFP.

    You know what is helpful? Support. Not whatever you think your reply is. Ive been trying to track my weight for years and yes MFP helps, but only to a point.

    Not everyone is the same. If this works for me, then great. I'm sorry that you feel the need to drag other people down.
  • ZombieEarhart
    ZombieEarhart Posts: 320 Member
    I've had to change my relationship with food, too, so I know the place you're coming from. But I've changed it by confronting my food choices every day, logging what I eat, and being mindful. Learning how to eat to nourish my body and still enjoy things I like has been hard work, and there's more work ahead of me, but it's been very rewarding.

    Just using the free tools mfp provides, and the info you can glean from the boards, you can change your relationship to food and make your life better, without sacrificing muscle you need to a liquid diet, and thousands of dollars to people who aren't going to be with you forever.
  • juliasimons3
    juliasimons3 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there.. I'm just starting the New Direction tomorrow (Feb.19,2014) I have been doing the MFP but get some mad and down on myself cuz I can never get the counts right. I have been seeing a Dr for the last 5 months and keep going up and down on my weight. 182-171-166 back up to 172 in just three days!!! I so do hope this works for me.. Getting married in June and want a nice wedding dress, but not ready to try one on.. Wish me luck..
    PS Can I drink Ice tea or hot tea in-between my shakes?
  • lback89
    lback89 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi there.. I'm just starting the New Direction tomorrow (Feb.19,2014) I have been doing the MFP but get some mad and down on myself cuz I can never get the counts right. I have been seeing a Dr for the last 5 months and keep going up and down on my weight. 182-171-166 back up to 172 in just three days!!! I so do hope this works for me.. Getting married in June and want a nice wedding dress, but not ready to try one on.. Wish me luck..
    PS Can I drink Ice tea or hot tea in-between my shakes?

    Yes, you can drink the tea but make sure that there are no calories in it and do not use it as a substitute for the water you need to drink.

    Good luck! :)
  • ahritter79
    ahritter79 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in the process of getting signed up for a weight management program through the hospital that uses these products. Nothing else has worked in the long term for me since I've gained all this weight over the last 10 yrs. I like the amount of doctor supervision as well as the help from counselors. MFP is very helpful and has worked better than any other diet program, but I'm so stressed out at work at the moment it was either joining this program or doing a meal delivery. Need that good swift kick in the butt!!
  • yellowdaisy3321
    yellowdaisy3321 Posts: 107 Member
    I've had to change my relationship with food, too, so I know the place you're coming from. But I've changed it by confronting my food choices every day, logging what I eat, and being mindful. Learning how to eat to nourish my body and still enjoy things I like has been hard work, and there's more work ahead of me, but it's been very rewarding.

    Just using the free tools mfp provides, and the info you can glean from the boards, you can change your relationship to food and make your life better, without sacrificing muscle you need to a liquid diet, and thousands of dollars to people who aren't going to be with you forever.

    That's great that just tracking through MFP and working on your relationship with food has worked for YOU. That's not the case for everyone. I've struggled my entire life with eating disorders and have serious food issues that I cannot fix on my own, I need the behavioral support and therapy of a program like this to work through my issues with food. Not everyone is the same and what works for you may not work for everyone. I doubt many people turn to a program like this lightly, I know I didn't. My primary, all my specialists and I discussed all my options at length after years of trying to overcome my food issues on my own. We all felt this was the best option for me and that's what's important, the opinions of my highly trained and specialized medical professionals.

    My entire program is covered by insurance, I pay $10 a week, not thousands of dollars. Contrary to your post this doctor is actually going to be with me forever. He and his staff will remain a part of my long term care just as any other specialist does for as long as I choose to maintain the medical relationship. My program is a minimum commitment of 2 yrs of therapy which is free, not even a copay. I know not all programs using new direction are the same, but that's the requirement to see my doctor and receive therapy from them.

    So before you pass judgement I think it would be good to know what you're talking about. My doctor is nationally recognized in his field and I don't hesitate to say that he is hands down more qualified than you to set up a medical weight loss plan for me that is safe and healthy.

    Good Luck on your weight loss!
  • ahritter79
    ahritter79 Posts: 7 Member
    ^ TOTALLY AGREE!! And I'm very jealous yours is covered by insurance. Two of my doctors referred me to this program and a third doctor said my only hope was surgery. This was a year ago and I just now decided to try it out. I grew up skinny and athletic. Food wasn't a problem until I got a sedentary job after college. I have a food addiction problem and have totally lost all sense of what it takes to stick with a diet longer than 6wks, I fail time after time. Lose 10, gain 20... cycle continues year after year. I know where I fail, yet I can't seem to understand why I keep doing this to myself. Weight watchers, Nutrisystem, My Fit Foods, gym, 5Ks, Paleo, Keto, slimfast..pills.. you name it, I've tried it - more than once or twice. Now I'm pre-diabetic, have high blood pressure and my dad just passed away from a heart attack and his brother 2 weeks prior due to diabetes. I agreed to this program since I have to meet with a counselor, nutritionist and support group once a week, then meet with a doctor & get a blood test once a month to ensure my health is in check. It's a minimum commitment of 1 year and they encourage an additional 18mos of maintenance counseling. The New Direction products are only for a short period of time. I've been using MFP over the years with short term success. As soon as I start feeling good about my body, lose 10lb or have have a bad day I start binge eating on reward treats thinking I can just burn it off or track better the next week.
  • I am using them, but mostly when I don't have time to do a meal or I use for a meal at work. They taste good. They also have bars and soup and puddings.
  • Wait a minute here. If this is something that your health care provider is recommending then I would suggest that you delve in head first. In a legitimate medically supervised environment this program is designed to address specific morbidities that the individual presents in order to reduce chronic health risks associated with the patient’s current condition. So, people who are critical or question motivations please understand that there is, more often than not, a specific clinical outcome that he Dr. and patient are working toward achieving that is in the best interest of the patient with programs such as these. Traditional methods often lead to chronic conditions that require substantial medical care or may even cause death. I know that most of you are not doctors and are in no position to criticize or discourage a person form embracing a program that will likely, perhaps only temporarily, reduce morbidities.
  • Wait a minute here. If this is something that your health care provider is recommending then I would suggest that you delve in head first. In a legitimate medically supervised environment this program is designed to address specific morbidities that the individual presents in order to reduce chronic health risks associated with the patient’s current condition. So, people who are critical or question motivations please understand that there is, more often than not, a specific clinical outcome that he Dr. and patient are working toward achieving that is in the best interest of the patient with programs such as these. Traditional methods often lead to chronic conditions that require substantial medical care or may even cause death. I know that most of you are not doctors and are in no position to criticize or discourage a person form embracing a program that will likely, perhaps only temporarily, reduce morbidities.

    Forgive my error. Traditional methods often lead to chronic conditions that require substantial medical care or may even cause death should have been preceded by " The failure of..."
  • MyBodyFreedom
    MyBodyFreedom Posts: 1 Member
    I'm having my second appointment with the program physician today. I had to get several clearances from my doctors due to numerous health issues. I am just shy of 300 lbs and with all my health issues many of my doctors want me to have WLS but that is not what I want. I want to do this myself without surgery but know I can't on my own. I'm going this route because of the structure of the program and the fact that a physician is following my progress. Personally I like exercising it just hurts. I used to be able to walk 4 miles now I can barely walk 10 minutes without tremendous pain, it makes me so depressed. I started doing water aerobics and it helps some just not enough. I think the rapid weight loss of this program will help kick me into gear as far as being able to become more active with a little bit less weight and may greatly help with my spine problem.
  • ebedgood
    ebedgood Posts: 6
    Can anyone give me an idea how much this program cost.
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