I have lost and cant seem to tell personally... Help!!

Ok so today I reached a loss of 19 lbs in 7 1/2 weeks. Which is great, I know!! However in the mirror I cant tell a difference :( In my clothes I have lost a full pants size and like 5 inches off hips and 3 off waist. So I can tell that by numbers I am loosing. My question is why cant I tell in the mirror, I still feel like the 180lb girl who started almost 2 months ago. Has anyone else experienced this? Im also on the short side at 5'2. When I reach my goal weight will I still feel like this? :( Any advice or motivation would be appreciated!!


  • TayNLansNGraysDad
    TayNLansNGraysDad Posts: 138 Member
    Are you looking at a side view?
  • kaseym0217
    kaseym0217 Posts: 11 Member
    It is really hard to tell just by looking in the mirror. You see yourself everyday and are changing a little at a time so you won't notice. The best thing to do is to take the before and after pics like a lot of the people on here do. That will give you the opportunity to really see the difference. Also congrats on the weight loss :smile:
  • Start taking a picture of yourself every single week from the front, side, & back. You'll see the difference, I promise!! :flowerforyou:
  • Of_Monsters_and_Meat
    Of_Monsters_and_Meat Posts: 1,022 Member
    It's all in your head.

    really, learn to love your body and accept it and you will start to feel better. Then the changes won't matter so much and it will be better all around.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I agree with previous posts, take pictures. If you didn't take a specific before, look at old photos and take a new photo of yourself. I went through the same thing. Family Christmas photos was the first time I could really tell and I had lost over 30 pounds.
  • chelseafxx
    chelseafxx Posts: 251 Member
    I'm 5'2" also and it may take a while for it to finally hit you. It may forever be a mental work in progress as 70 pounds later I'm still struggling to adjust to "skinny life." I definitely still have my days I look in the mirror and don't give myself the credit I deserve. Just keep going and never look back :):)
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Take Pictures! NOW..... so the next time you can compare.

    Its in your head, but I know the feeling.

    Also measure. You may not believe it but those numbers don't lie

    CONGRATS on your success!
  • I feel the same right now after losing 121b. I am big and usually no one else notices I have lost either until I have lost about 2 stone. This has always been the case. In a few pounds time (so to speak) you will start noticing. I look better around my face right now. In my case (I started at 100 1b heavier than you and I am tallerat 5 foot 61/2 inches. I think it is something to do with how I see myself in the mirror. I do not see myself the way others see me. (I see myself as slimmer than I really am when I am not dieting). I have to turn sideways to see just how big I am. But my clothes are getting looser slightly and the scales tell me I have lost. I also tend to lose from the face downwards. You are doing so very well. Keep at it and you will soon start to really see the difference.
  • boombalatty123
    boombalatty123 Posts: 116 Member
    I guess the good news is that you are losing proportionally and not mostly from one area of the body.

    Definitely take pictures, measure, get out your skinniest jeans and wear them, or buy a new pair in your new smaller size. Do anything you need to do to start identifying with the new you. I know whenever I start to feel like I can't see a loss, even if I know it's taken place, that's when I fall off the wagon and stop dieting and exercising, because it doesn't seem to have a point. Don't do that.
  • Bshaw2442
    Bshaw2442 Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you everyone!! I will def take some pictures today and start comparing as I continue to loose. You all are awesome and I appreciate the positive feedback :) I know it takes time and its probably just my mindset (I am that way with everything! Even tanning). I do A LOT of cardio and from what I have read it seems it does burn off proportionally v.s. in one specific area. I have always hid my weight pretty well too so that also may have something to do with it. Thank you to everyone again :)
  • TayNLansNGraysDad
    TayNLansNGraysDad Posts: 138 Member
    It would be nice if we could target just one area when trying to burn fat! :laugh:
  • Bshaw2442
    Bshaw2442 Posts: 23 Member
    That is the truth!! But I will say I do need to loose it everywhere! lol
  • MariaChele85
    MariaChele85 Posts: 267 Member
    Yes, start taking pictures. I had lost 50lbs before I noticed anything. My clothes were fitting better but not as loose as I had hoped. But then it just seems like one day * BOOM* all of a sudden my pants were hanging off of me. It's hard for us to see changes, because we see ourselves everyday.
  • dawnmcneil10
    dawnmcneil10 Posts: 638 Member
    I want to add this about pictures and the mirror. Look at just your body, not your head that's how I started seeing my loss for what it really was but it took a long time. Now when I see my body I can see what everyone else sees but sometimes when the face is on the body in the mirror or picture I see not the fat me but the me from maybe 20lbs ago so I think our minds just need to catch up.

    Congratulations and you've done amazing so far. Enjoy the journey.