Just Started Focus T25

Brief introduction, I am soon to be 40 and am in decent shape...not great, but not bad. Father with 2 kids, and a football coach, baseball coach, so time is not something I have plenty of. I did P90, and tried P90x, but more than the workouts themselves, the time allowance was something I just couldn't manage consistently.

Recently started the advocare 24 day challenge, and 8 days in, I have lost 8 lbs, and the past few days the body shock is over, so was looking to incorporate something other than my C25K program...was talking to my health coach at work ,and he recommended T25, as it's 25 minute workouts. So I did a review of it, and figured, what the hell.

Today was day 1 of T25. Weighed in at 183 lbs, chest 42", Waist 37.5", R-Arm 14.5", L-Arm 14", R-Quad 23", L-Quad 22.5". Popped in Alpha Cardio and within 10 minutes, I realized I had the wrong shoes on as my left arch was absolutely killing me to the point where I couldn't do the moves properly. Paused, and put on my cross trainers...it helped but the arch was still screaming at me. One thing I lack, and always have is foot/arm coordination, so I lost my balance about 50 times in the workout, kept pushing through. what I do know from P90 and P90x is that kicking isn't my forte, so I'll have to put up with it being goofy looking.

I checked barely made it, and I figure that'll be the normal box check for the first 2 weeks or so. Is that normal? If I remember correctly, around week 3 the moves become a little easier, would most agree with that?

Anyhows, I am planning to update this daily as I complete the workouts.


  • priv8dan
    Hey pdiehm,

    Yes, your body will adjust. I had to follow the modifier for the first two weeks and barely completed it. It looks like you were much healthier than I was when I started (240 lbs, only played volleyball didn't do any other exercise before that). I am starting Gamma phase today of T25. Decent shoes makes a huge difference, it'll be more noticeable once you get to beta phase. You might find the hardest workout in the Alpha phase is Total Body Circuit, that was the toughest one for me. When Beta started it was a tough jump for me as well. In terms of my results, I lost 1.75" from my neck, 1.5" of fat off my arms, nearly 2" from each thigh, 9" off my waist. My man boobs are gone and about 20 lbs left of belly fat. Definitely recommend continuing this exercise as my personal results were pretty amazing. The only problem I have to deal with now is getting a whole new wardrobe as dropping from XL to Medium size clothes makes all my old clothes look massive. Good luck and let me know your results too.
  • rcdiva
    Quick question, how are you entering the Focus T25 into the exercise on here?
  • Feliciaaa18
    This is super to read! keep it up!
  • msaestein1
    msaestein1 Posts: 264 Member
    within 10 minutes, I realized I had the wrong shoes on as my left arch was absolutely killing me to the point where I couldn't do the moves properly. Paused, and put on my cross trainers...it helped but the arch was still screaming at me. One thing I lack, and always have is foot/arm coordination, so I lost my balance about 50 times in the workout, kept pushing through. what I do know from P90 and P90x is that kicking isn't my forte, so I'll have to put up with it being goofy looking.

    Yes, I have found that my feet and shins kill me during the workouts. I tried P90x before as well, so I am fit as far as cardio endurance, what kills me in his videos are the tricky moves and the pain from the jumping. I am on Beta now and there is less jumping in this phase. I bought some new cross trainers which has helped a bit. I think I am going to try the Dr Scholl's workout inserts. Good luck!
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    Yeah, you adjust, although most folks have to modify certain things at first -- depends on your weak points. I personally considered the two cardio workouts to be too easy in Alpha (Beta is another kettle of fish), but the Ab workouts consistently kicked my butt for a number of weeks. And the first time couple of times I did Beta Speed 2.0 I actually did trip and fall -- cross jacks are still the bane of my existance, but I'm getting better at them.

    Not sure if it would work for you, but I do the workouts without shoes -- it really helps my balance. Occasional rug burns from burpees, 'tho.

    Good luck with it -- I generally hate exercise videos, but T25 has really impressed me.
  • kge0891
    kge0891 Posts: 276 Member
    Yup it gets better! First workout or two, my calves were on fire! And cramping. The still hurt a bit from the jumping (4th week of alpha), but not the extreme pain I felt the first workout. Stick with it! I really can see T25 changing my body! I'm super excited to finish up alpha and move onto beta!
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    Quick question, how are you entering the Focus T25 into the exercise on here?

    I log the cardio stuff as "Aerobics, High Impact" and the others as "Calisthentics (pushups, sit-ups), vigorous". Might be a little on the high side, but I don't try to eat back my calories on these short workouts -- I figure the workouts are for conditioning, and the calories burned are my buffer...I don't weigh my food, so I figure there's a lot of inaccuracy in my calorie counts.
  • priv8dan
    Quick question, how are you entering the Focus T25 into the exercise on here?

    Used a heart rate monitor to checked calories burned.

    Cardiovascular and added my own exercise
  • MsLaTisha83
    MsLaTisha83 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm starting T25 today and this makes me nervous! I have heel pain without exercise. Eeek! I'll have to invest in some crosstrainers.
  • pdiehm
    pdiehm Posts: 14
    didn't think about doing them without shoes!

    big ups on that.
  • Rnwilliams1985
    i also am starting t-25 also today technically i started yesterday because i wanted to do the stretch before going into a vigorous week of working out but ill be doing cardio tonight after work -ive done insanity if it is anything like that your going to want shoes when you get on the floor and start doing moving pushups and jumping from the floor to a squat you dont want to slip!
  • JackieLivingHealthy
    hey everyone!! Im on week 2 alpha....if anyone wants to add me as a friend to support each other, feel free to!
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    Yes love this post! Thank you thank you!!!!! Keep posting!!!!

    I did p90x for 3 weeks, got board and dropped it for insanity. Rocked a killer 8 pk! Then I got pregnant right after that and now my son is 8 months. I was working out right after but then the holidays hit and everyone was sick too so, I stopped and just started back up again. 6 kids takes a bit to, lol. I knew I was going to get board soon so I fount t25 on craigslist for 60.00. Yah!! I so have 25 min! So this is perfect!

    I should be ready to start t25 after a week or 2 of more cardio/weights. I am thinking By March 10th. So keep writing! I have not even popped one dvd in yet so I am clueless right now, lol. Nice to know about the balance and shoes. Glad I am waiting until some of my stabilizer muscles are up to par so I can keep up.
  • xfactorz1
    I just started today myself. I had similar issues with calf and foot pain, but I think it gets better. Congrats on starting the program! I look forward to seeing how you do. I think it's great so far. I "barely made it" as well haha! Keep up the good work!
  • wpwarrior88
    wpwarrior88 Posts: 1,503 Member
    There are several of us posting in the Group "Daily Dose of Accountability". we are at different stages of T25/Insanity. We try and post daily on how we've done - we'd enjoy having you join us!

    Yes, the moves do get easier and the programs gets more challenging moving from Alpha to Beta to Gamma.
  • dawnqdukes
    How do you log in the T25 in your exercise log? Thanks!
  • jweatherbie
    jweatherbie Posts: 10 Member
    I just did the first T25 session last night and it was tough. I followed the regular moves for about 50% and modifier for about 50%. My groin and calves were so sore when I was done I could hardly get up the stairs. Felt great after a nice shower though and good today. I play hockey once a week and coach hockey (on the ice twice a week) so I thought my cardio was reasonable but I was very very wrong. I also realized I will need to practice to be able to do the moves correctly - I never thought I was that uncoordinated until last night.
  • kristenlile
    I'm starting March 3rd or 10th. I was looking for a Facebook group without all he sales pitches. Anybody have any ideas? Also if you'd like to add means a friend on here feel free to do so. I just want some help with motivation and accountability.
  • tristaj90
    tristaj90 Posts: 330 Member
    I am in the last week of Alpha. I love the program so far. Can't wait to start Beta. So far I'm down 3.5 pounds and a total of 1.25 inches. I'm 5'4", 133 pounds and 24 years old. If you want to add me go for it, but put a message in your request :D I would help motivate you as best as I can!
  • pdiehm
    pdiehm Posts: 14
    Didn't get to do Speed 1.0 today yet. Alarm didn't go off, and daughter walked in at 6:20 (too late to do an exercise)...gonna knock this baby out after dinner.

    25 minutes. I can manage this. It's what I keep telling myself. No matter the difficulty...it's 25 minutes.