Tell us your motivation. :)



  • TayNLansNGraysDad
    TayNLansNGraysDad Posts: 138 Member
    Better overall health and a nice physique motivate me!
  • liannexxx
    liannexxx Posts: 201 Member
    To climb everest =-)
  • MellieCc
    MellieCc Posts: 26 Member
    First off, I want to say that I have lost 30 pounds and quit smoking in the passed year.
    What motivates me now? To be a an awesome role model for my kids, to show them that when you work for something you can acheive anything you put your mind to.
    I would also like to think that I am motivating my own family members and most of off my mother.
    To look good, feel good... I feel so much better and have so much MORE energy since I've adopted this new lifestyle.
    I feel awesome and sexy when I wear nice clothes that actually fits, clothes that I've picked out and not clothes I've had to put because nothing else fit.
    I am evolving as a person, and that is exciting!
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    Not dying.
  • TwirleySlims
    I gave up smoking October 1st last year, and piled on weight, I refuse to buy bigger clothes! Need to shift this weight!
  • ladycadaverous
    ladycadaverous Posts: 35 Member
    To not feel like im embarrassing my boyfriend when im out in public and to not feel that people are staring and laughing at me. Oh and to look and feel sexy in the bedroom:)
  • _AwesomeSauce_
    A little too revealing but I want to be able to see ALL of my bride when we make love.

    My gut is too big and blocks my view!

    Basically this was my main motivation too. As I got closer and closer to my goal, sex became better and better. It's a no brainer.... I'm pretty much there now, and couldn't be happier.

    Of course all the other benefits are there for free... living healthy, wearing normal sized clothes...etc.
  • mamahannick
    mamahannick Posts: 322 Member
    My daughter. Thirteen months old today, and I want her growing up with a momma who does not display unhealthy eating habits. I want her to see food for what it is--food. It's not the enemy, nor is it the proper way to deal with hard emotions. It's food.
  • ArleneMobley
    ArleneMobley Posts: 44 Member
    Now: I want to be healthy! Do not want a gut.

    Now and Later: I do not want to rely on Prescriptions!
  • brewji
    brewji Posts: 752 Member
    Crohn's Disease.

    I'm going to win. And not like one of those hopeless wins.
    I took myself off my medication and took control of the wheel.
    Reduced 21 intestinal ulcers to 1 without medication.

    I'm also at a higher risk for certain cancers, which run in my family...and sometimes to keep myself from collapsing at the gym I mutter the words F_-_ Cancer to get out my last rep, lol.

    I want to stay on this planet long enough to inspire someone half as much as others have inspired me.
  • roozielynne
    roozielynne Posts: 52 Member
    For me it is an upcoming trip to Paris. I realized if I didn't get my health under control I was going to waste an amazing opportunity to see another country. I have some intense fears about being uncomfortable on such a long plane ride. Not to mention making whomever is stuck next to me just as uncomfortable.

    It also made me realize how many other things in my life I have been holding back on for fear of being uncomfortable or making others around me uncomfortable. (Because I don't fit well in normal spaces. Such as seats at a concert, plane seats or anything physical that exerts a lot of exercise.) I have let my fears rule my life for the last 5 years. But no more. I am taking my fear in hand and facing it head on.

    I might not get to my goal weight but I will be a heck of a lot happier in trying!
  • Routerninja
    Health. I am 40 now and have had weight issues most of my adult life. I want to get rid of my CPAP, be able to teach my son how to play football. and not be dead at 59 like my dad who never got to meet his grandchildren. I want a long happy life with the girl I am marrying in a few months. I want to LIVE.
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    Keeping up with my 6 kids and feeling wonderful! I love sports and like to be able to play them and coach my older ones at softball.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    A rocking body.
    A HEALTHY body

    Because I love the challenges that I constantly set for myself, and they require a high level of fitness.

    Because I love food and need a high burn to keep eating all the yummy stuffs

    For my kids... To set a good example.

    Oh, and to drive my beast wild!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Fitting into the world around me better. Which I've mostly achieved. But want to continue that of course...

    Feeling proud of myself.

    Health has not been my primary motivation, though perhaps it should have been when I was morbidly obese for so many years. Now I am motivated by health. However at the beginning, I was more motivated by vanity and hating the photos taken of me.
  • AmelieMustLoseWeight
    A better relationship with God, being around for my husband and children, to feel at peace with myself.

    Awesome. God Is good :)
  • AmelieMustLoseWeight
    I gave up smoking October 1st last year, and piled on weight, I refuse to buy bigger clothes! Need to shift this weight!

    congrats on quitting smoking. You are half way there :)
  • AmelieMustLoseWeight
    Fitting into the world around me better. Which I've mostly achieved. But want to continue that of course...

    Feeling proud of myself.

    Health has not been my primary motivation, though perhaps it should have been when I was morbidly obese for so many years. Now I am motivated by health. However at the beginning, I was more motivated by vanity and hating the photos taken of me.
    gonna I know that all to well. :( You will get there though. your gonna kick some *kitten*.
  • SavageRabidBeast_version2
    A rocking body.
    A HEALTHY body

    Because I love the challenges that I constantly set for myself, and they require a high level of fitness.

    Because I love food and need a high burn to keep eating all the yummy stuffs

    For my kids... To set a good example.

    Oh, and to drive my beast wild!

    Oh you certainly drive this Beast wild! :wink:

    My job is a physical job so I have found as I've gotten older it's taken a toll on my body. I need to continue to work hard and keep my body in shape so I can continue to handle doing my job.

    I am also tired of my lil belly which is slowly going away. Abs, here I come

    I also REEEEALLY love making my amazing Mirey drool :wink:
  • AmelieMustLoseWeight
    My daughter. Thirteen months old today, and I want her growing up with a momma who does not display unhealthy eating habits. I want her to see food for what it is--food. It's not the enemy, nor is it the proper way to deal with hard emotions. It's food.

    This is so important! Good for you, Seriously. I wish I had healthy habits from my parents. its quite the opposite.